in #story6 years ago


If you had the chance to win this automobile totally paid for and
four hundred thousand dollars after taxes would you want it.
What would you do with the money?
Invest it ? Travel the world with your family or by yourself?
Stop working altogether? Down size and sale you’re home for a smaller
one and move into a condo? Get a bigger house and still keep your job?
Do you think that would define who you are?

These are probably the questions we ask ourselves everyday as we
dance to the rhythm called life. Our feet moving with different
beats as we hustle through it’s ups and downs and turn arounds and
our material wants that can get in the way of the truly great wonders
in store for us.
As l climb the latter of success the question arises in my mind.
Who is juan? How do l live a authentic life that destiny has in store
for me. It can’t be instant gratification that’s for sure.

Would having a million dollar car define who l am?
No it wouldn’t! Not for anyone else either. Wondering
what you would do with winning a Lamborghini or the vehicle of your
dreams plus four hundred thousand dollars tax free. Will not
help you know thyself.

To do the work required for your own success in life. It
will take grit, determination, focus on you only and
the never ending quest for knowledge of discovering you.
Stay away from other people’s dreams. At one time l
fell into that trap. I was trying to be in a singing with no
future for me or my destiny. There was a voice that kept
saying get out of here!

Destiny was calling me! We often hear the voice of it.
We may reject it because of fear, hurtful past, our physical
appearances, height, weight, skin color, gender the list
excuses can go on and on. I should know because in the
past l used some of them. I even let my heart condition cause
defeating thoughts in my head.

But the hunger for knowledge and having hope keep me going
and always will. What’s in store for me puts a fire in my heart
and it excites me to the point of wanting to be my very best.
Only you can do it. B7F59FFF-DDF9-42A5-A82B-7439068FA43D.jpeg


Invest like hell in steem :D but that's how the life goes we just think hahah but thanks for sharing this post and a very interesting pic

Thank you blazing. I always look forward to your thoughts and opinions. It would be a pleasure to
meet you at the next steem fest. I am going to try to make the one this year.

I have chosen

Travel the world with my family

May you be blessed and see wonders on your journey.

thank you for this information.

Thank you chingcha. You’re welcome.

Greatttttt story i appreciated this post @luckyfellow

Thank amirhayat.

I think its better to invest.

So do l. Especially ourselves.

Its so nice post i also like stories

Thank you janbaby.

Good post.how are you trend?

Thank you missvote321.

you are so nice

Thank you shaikatkm.

me and my family will be traveling around the world, hahaha ...
Sentences that you write mean very deep, Incredible ,,,,, ....
Gift is only for a friend from bosjaya

Thank you bosjaya.

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