TRY AGAIN - A funny story on persistence.

in #story7 years ago

So here's a funny story about me.

I've always wanted to have a hot body. A broad shoulder, rock hard abs, big arms, you know, the full package. The kind that makes heads turn on the streets. I wanted it so badly that on some nights, I'd dream of myself looking like Clark Kent. Funny right?, Yeah, I'm crazy like that.

For someone who wanted a hot body, all I did was think about it. It was like I was expecting a spider to bite me, and just like Peter Parker, my body would transform, but without the Web shooting thingy, even though it wouldn't be so bad to shoot webs once in a while and dodge the crazy traffic on Nigerian roads.

Over time I realized that I wasn't going to wake up one morning and notice changes in my body. A few spiders bit me here and there, but I just wasn't Peter. So, I hit the gym with zeal like you've never seen. After my first week, I had a talk with myself, I asked myself, "Do you really need to look like Clark Kent?" I mean, there are skinny guys everywhere who look great, and get girls and shit like that. Who can relate?

It wasn't enough to just want the body, I couldn't endure the pain it took to form it, and more importantly the persistence. My gym instructor kept preaching, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN", "ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY", and he was right, it just took me a while to see it. Persistence was what really counted, so I joined that train.

Most times in life, we try something, and when it doesn't give us the desired results, in the desired time frame, we give up, and give in to our doubts. The truth is, you're not going to get anywhere with that attitude and as well as not achieve anything. Try again, and again, and again, no matter how long it takes, it'll eventually work out.

Consider Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb, he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at Inventing the light bulb, before he succeeded. Ben Carson, one of the renowned neurosurgeons, was written off, a dummy, who couldn't get through high school, but he persisted. There's a really long list of people whose persistence paid off, and are inspirational.

Most of the #Steemitcommunity Whales and Dolphins, will tell you that when they started out, their posts got little or no likes, upvotes or Comments, and their reputations were stagnant, but with persistence, they are where they are today.
Here's one of my favorite quotes
" A River cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. "

So, before you give up on that project, that job, that relationship, Just TRY AGAIN. Most of the time, it is the last key on the ring that opens the door.


Thats true

Hey how are You

I'm good, beautiful. How are you doing?

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