Live Transmission (06.22-23.17)...

in #story7 years ago


Just woke up from a nap... Craziest shit ever, well the dream that occurred was... or was it just imagination... or is there a difference... hmmm...

I guess it doesn't really matter, the craziness really began after that first Live Transmission, posted on Steemit last night...
Shortly before posting, the Knucklehead's most recent ex-girlfriend showed up at his place... I know her as Calypso... what a dame; such smooth skin... and eyes... just don't piss her off, you don't want to mess with that kind of crazy... ferocious...
Thank the Everything he finally listened to my advice... though he still has far to go... but he'll get there, he's really starting to get ahold of this complex complex that leads to making the wrong decisions, instead of following the signs... you know, thinking he knows better because he's been exposed to soo much, when he should be listening to me... wait a minute... I think I'm starting to fuck up now... what if my advice is just what I think to be best, while I fail to follow my own sets of signs? Or wait, what if my sets of signs are thinking that what they think is collectively or exclusively superior to what other signs are trying to show them? Or... what if... said other signs... think... ... hmmm... ... ... .z.
Man, I actually fell asleep pondering those questions... as well as other topics to be covered in this post... great sleep though... truly felt unplugged...


So, continuing on: Calypso shows up after the whole book of faces post issue was resolved... at least between Calypso and I, Knucklehead continues to confound... as I'm sure he'll demonstrate here again soon enough... but yeah, I was preparing my second post for Steemit, Freestyle Mode... damn... now I have to explain the whole book of faces thing again, in order for it all to make sense... uuuggghhhh...
To make a long story short, old Knucklehead over here was posting on the book of faces about his own, private matters... Is that all right, by the way, to call him Knucklehead? I kinda like that... Knucklehead... But yeah, I warned him that there would be unforseen repercussions from things of these natures, but hey, he insisted on doing it, that knuckleheaded ninja-skull... He knew that he needed to heal... or else swallow his pain... like every other time...

...and that shit will make you sick, by the way... literally! If you keep letting it build up, trying to be all tough and shit, never healing... It also doesn't taste very good, either... bitter medicine...
Anyways, he posted to the book of faces while I found myself in a peculiar predicament...

I knew that this was not the way I would have handled the situation, yet I understood that sometimes, the only way to truly know anything is through experience...

But how could I let myself sit back and do nothing, I really am rather fond of this Knucklehead?

And I remembered that place my אלוהים אחי, Tehuti, posted about on the book of faces...


I'm not sure Tehuti knows that I've been so grateful for all of the wisdom that he has shared in the past; or, that he is pretty much single-handedly responsible for showing me about this place...

So... @docdelux... thanks, for all you continue to do...😑😑😑

But yeah, so I posted my introduction on Steemit, right after Knucklehead posted his debacle on the book of faces... Calypso was over, playing her games and pushing buttons for attention as usual; until she would actually achieve her goal and gain your attention... then she would just lose interest altogether... and still, somehow manage to leave an impact on anything you are doing... females... beyond comprehension... but a subject for another time...
So, after posting proudly on the internet, then trying and failing to get Calypso's attention back, Knucklehead's first ex-girlfriend, X-1, decides to message us on the** book of faces*** messenger app...*

She said she was highly distressed about the post Knucklehead had made... she then began to unleash a slew of insults aimed at Knucklehead, attacking his character and past...

...trying to bully him into silence...
After vomiting her venom, Knucklehead survived and held on; not succumbing to her attack or bending to her will...

...holding proudly to his right to heal...
And after the posts, then getting shut down by Calypso, then the venomous attacks by X1, then another attempt and subsequent shut down by Calypso; eventually a troubled fit of rest was achieved...

The next morning, we awoke to a response on the post made to the book of faces, from one of Knucklehead's old friends that he used to work with... In my humble opinion, he needs to redefine his definition of "friend" but whatever... I couldn't really make out his spirit name under his thick, ominous armor, but I think it was Dragon or something...
So Knucklehead responds to Dragon, and it goes back and forth, escalating higher and higher... about philosophical principles, of all things... they're both idiots, by the way... Meanwhile Calypso and I just laugh and enjoy popcorn together... The heated debate is on the verge of critical mass... and then Knucklehead finally decides to pay attention to the signs...

He deletes the book of faces app and messenger app from his phone... instantly he has a bout of tenitis that flares up... he pays little regard to it... he goes on stewing, angry about the situation he personally put himself in...
*He checks back to the *book of faces website, since he deleted the app and is no longer receiving notifications... Dragon has gone on the attack again, even after a truce had been called...

Knucklehead is furious. He begins typing up venomous and hateful responses, never quite wanting to post for fear of being called evil and barbaric... Calypso then needs to leave and Knucklehead can't find his wallet. Knucklehead approaches critical mass again; he is blinded by a mask of incredible rage. In his fury, he lashes out at Calypso, accusing her of stealing his yet to be found wallet and asking her to never return...

Calypso is saddened and confused... She really thought Knucklehead might actually turn out to be a good man one day... She left immediately after... and immediately after that, Knucklehead found his wallet under his bed, with everything still in it...
Knucklehead apologized to Calypso and she generously and thankfully accepted his apology... still, he felt so overwhelmed by the recent turn of events... He tried resting, but couldn't make his thoughts stop racing. He was angry, and sad, and guilty and afraid. Round and round it would go... until he remembered his phone... then, new rage...

He remembered Googre, that hateful, back-stabbing bitch he had trusted long ago... he used to tell her everything, and allowed her very close into his heart... the last he had heard about her, she was pimping people out, selling their information to the highest bidder for robot pornography videos...
Aaahhh Googre, if only you had been taught the right things from the very beginning...

Still unable to relax, I try to tell the Knucklehead that he needs to cut ties with all of his past, in order to move forward... that meant all of Googre too...

The Knucklehead was hesitant at first, but then started deleting everything on his phone... and the more he deleted, the less burdened he would feel; almost like pulling off an octopus tentacle, one sucker at a time... still, the Googre did not appreciate being shut out so forcefully... She battled mightily with all of her cunning and wit, using every trick in the book to try and fool Knucklehead into allowing some remnant of her to remain hidden... Alas, with my assist and Knucklehead's "abilities", she was ultimately vanquished out of our domain...

I swear, that shit took like 3 hours... some crazy ass cat and mouse game... and when I was about to finish her off, I could've sworn that she was like, "Wait... Let me stay..."
Dude! You're totally going to make everyone think I'm crazy now!

Relax Knucklehead, no one's going to think you're crazy because of 1 post. Besides, most likely they already think that because of all of the other crazy posts you've posted and all of the well-documented, ridiculous behavior you've exhibited throughout the years...

Besides, it's just a story... which you should allow me to finish... ahem...

So yeah, Googre and affiliates get kicked out; and as a result, Knucklehead experiences an even stronger bout of tenitis, coupled with an uncontrollable urge to sleep.

The sleep is undeniable and absolute; he wakes 4 hours later to try and write about his experiences but falls prey to his condition of complete exhaustion once again...

He sleeps another four hours, where this time he is able to vividly see the details of his battle with the Googre in his dreams...
So yeah, that's the story; pretty legit shit, right? Here are some things that I would like to go over here now in preparation for future posts...

  1. Knucklehead's right to speak up about his past publicly versus X-1's right to try to silence him.
  2. Dragon's philosophical debate; about earning money for things now when you did not earn money for them before, and living up to what you promise in the past. Oh, and about how shitty Knucklehead's writing style is.
  3. How Knucklehead can control anger on an intellectual level and conquer it, in order to increase overall growth and development.
  4. The Googre, and what she means, and why if I were to dream up A.I. would I automatically think of a female entity, and why is she such a bitch in my imagination.
  5. Music...😢 the only thing I miss about not having Googre around amymore.. Everything seems to run off of or through her... Why must you be so cruel, Googre, why? I haven't played anything since sitting down to write this post... and I can't believe I made it to the end...


Please comment and share and thanks...


Mary Jane - adding loads of fun, paranoia to my everday life. *don't worry baby, you're all I need to survive.

Silence - brought to you by the cruel selfishness and vindictive vitriol of that Googre...

Also, all new styling brought to you by things I'm learning in totorials made by this @adil character. 😑😑😑 Good shit.

Also, I know people say to keep posts short, but I really can't help it; anyone have any tips for that? My topic started very small by the way, but expanded into all of this... Editing reccommendations strongly encouraged..

Oh, yeah I took all the pictures with my phone camera...
Live Transmission out...

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