Procrastination - Who isn't enslaved by it?

in #story8 years ago

Image credit: pixabay

We are all tagged to the ropes of busy-ness, but what if busy was the new lazy?
We moved house 4 weeks ago and the mountain of things to do still seems endless. But every time I try to escape in the age old excuse of busy, I feel a gentle nudge to remind me that it is a choice
or what I think needs doing doesn't matter.

How kids tell a story

Image credit: Pixabay

On the day we moved I tried to sort the kids' rooms first and the kitchen. But interestingly; their priority was to prepare/decorate their bedroom environments. In order to have an idea of where everything was or even for the purpose of enjoying their new pad. As soon as they were happy with their efforts, off they went to enjoy their new environment.

Meanwhile I was clattering away in the kitchen for hours. They even bought a celebratory lunch of pizza, sat on the living room floor and enjoyed themselves. I wasn't invited because I am vegetarian but that isn't the point.
I procrastinated that celebratory moment in the bid to `sort' the kitchen. I could have sat down with a cup of tea and had a chat about how we all felt about the move. That moment is gone with the winds of procrastination!

Children have a natural ability to gravitate towards their needs. Whereas adults try to follow mental maps.

But what happens when the mental maps fail?

image credit: pixabay

Mental maps have been passed on to us through conditioning. Our procrastinating habits are engraved in these maps like all other habits that plague us. We put things off for later when now is the only moment we have.
In my conditioning, My definition of a relaxing environment is one which is clear and clean. kids don't see mess unless it is inhibiting them to a certain level.

I am talking about moderate mess here, generated on a second to second basis as kids are being kids. There can be extremes on both sides of mess turning to hording in a family space. Or, obsessive compulsive disorder cleaning which ultimately will suffocate every living soul in your space.

But sometimes the mental maps break due to over use or simply being outdated. With my oldest being 13,I have every bit of challenge to explain why this or that mess has to be sorted immediately. And it isn't necessary, if you love the people around your environment; you will start to build a map that works for all.
Or even better, discard mental maps and learn to live in the moment.

So when the maps fail, build a moment to moment map that will never be outdated.

I encourage you to evaluate your working model and see where you procrastinate. Some things can always wait, granted. But others will never catch our eyes if we wait another moment.

I love you,

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