A heartbreaking experience - An encounter with an old friend

in #story7 years ago

PicsArt_03-16-05.45.52.jpgThings may be going so well I'm your life but believe me in the life of other people it isn't. Not everyone gets to eat 3square, not everyone has people to love and welcome them home.

So it's story time. Hope you ready?
It's been 2years since I graduated from Highschool and got admission into a University far away from home. Obviously I was far away from my friends too, we lost contacts for years because I wanted to have a fresh start, I wanted to go somewhere no one would recognize me. You know in the University after a semester you get a little break to spend with your family I always utilised that break positively.

So I got to my 2nd year after the first semester we were given a short break(2weeks) to go home, as usually we all left the school. So one day while I was running an errand for my Mum, I met a very very old friend he was my classmate back then in primary school...
He was looking tattered and unkept he looked as if he was into manual labour, he was so brave to call out my name despite his ignominious situation. I was shocked I walked up to him called out his name too (luckily I have a good memory) we shook hands, since he was on break we found a quiet place to have a conversation.

I asked him a question
John, what happened to you? How come?
He replied "My brother life has been so cruel to me"
I was like "how?"

Then he began narrating;
It all started when i lost my Dad, back then I was in Highschool my final class actually, after our loss my family suffered greatly both financially and emotionally. Our uncles were more concerned about the little asset my father has left for me and my siblings, they didn't offer any means of assistance. In order to keep my family going. My Mum had to start a petty business, while I had to do odd jobs just to survive and ensure my younger ones complete their education.
When he said this 'I took a sip of my drink, and I looked into his eyes and saw potentials, not everyone could be like this not everyone would think this way'

As he continued; Over the past years I'd been doing several jobs, I even deferred my admission in the higher institution just to support my family, my mum's business is not going anywhere my family looks up to me now (he is the first born).

So he concluded with tears in his eyes saying "So Darlington you see that's the story of my life" I tapped his shoulder while trying to console him. So I asked him another question which was
"what if life had been different, what would you have studied or done with your life?"
He said "he wanted to be a writer", because back then in school no one could beat him in an essay he was so good in describing and narrating things.

I told him "it wasn't too late, I have an offer for you" he was surprised then I started the steemit gospel luckily he had a device which could access the internet properly.

He was happy, I was also happy because I had been of help.

Don't worry he is a good writer actually.

So what can we learn from this story?
Life isn't fair to everyone, even if it is to you, we should learn to extend a helping hand to people in whatever way we can.

That's the end of my story.

Follow me:@lifeofdarlington


Lei tu historia, esto es hermosa.

Greetings @lifeofdarlington
I read your story, this is beautiful.

Thanks a lot for your support and good will.

Read your story. Kinda felt sad. Yes life isn't fair to all some are living it with utmost pleasure and luxuriously and some are living hand to mouth. But people like you still exist to help others. Ask him to write useful essay to start earning from this platform.

I will do just that, thank you.

What a touching story. I'm glad you were able to offer him Steemit.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot sir for going through this story, I appreciate your kindness.

Hello @lifeofdarlington, you have proved to be a good steemian..Your efforts will sure be rewarded .Well done man!

Thanks a lot man.

This post has been upvoted courtesy @kayceefresh for using @airhawk-exchange

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