You Can Do Whatever The Hell You Want!

in #story6 years ago (edited)


That's right people. We all can do whatever the hell we want
Here's how i know that.....

Once upon a time in a far away land, there lived a boy named Steven and his mother, Rebecca. Rebecca was a poor widow. She and Steven had to work hard on their small farm daily to get at least two meals a day. They planted a lot of vegetables, yam, cocoa, and beans on their farm.
Every market day, Rebecca and her son would take some of the harvested yam and vegetables to trade for other food stuffs they needed. This was how they survived.

With the little money they made from sales, Rebecca was able to pay for Stevens tuition fee. Rebecca was a really friendly woman and people in the kingdom loved her. However, the same could not be said for her son Steven. He was a very lazy boy who always made his mother do all the work. Despite all this, Rebecca loved her son.

On a sunny afternoon, Rebecca and her son were out on the farm working. They had only been working for a few minutes when Steven dropped his hoe.
"I'm tired mom" he complained

Rebecca, not wanting to get her son sick, she suggested he sits under a tree with a some shade. Their farm was located in a small forest so they had a lot of trees.

Steven looked around trying to pick where he would sit. He spotted a large rock under a tree with a very large shade and was walking towards it when his mother called him back.


"No Steven. You can't sit there. That rock is sacred and no one is allowed to go near it" she explained. Steven grumbled and didn't like this idea. He didn't want to go sit on the dirt under some other tree and have ants crawling all over him.

'What was so special about some rock?' he thought.
He watched his mother go back to work, making sure she wasn't looking, he went over to the rock and sat on it.

An hour went by and it was time for them to go home. Rebecca turned to call Steven only to find him sitting comfortably on the rock fast asleep with his head against the tree. She panicked and shouted at him.
"Steven! Get off that rock now!"

Steven woke up and attempted to do as his mom instructed but he couldn't. He tried getting up again but failed.
He was stuck to the rock.
"Mom I can't. I can't move" he said crying.

Rebecca began to panic. She tried pulling him off the rock but to no avail.

After several tries, Rebecca got people from the village and they built a house over Steven and the rock.
Everyday Rebecca would bring food and water to him in the forest. Now in the forest there were wild animals all around and in the kingdom, animals could talk. Because of this, Rebecca taught Steven a song she would always sing whenever she was at the door so he would she was the one and open it.
She instructed him never to open the door if he didn't hear her sing. Steven adhered to this and his mother had been bringing him food twice a day.

One day, a hungry lion was passing by Steven's small cottage when it heard Steven's mother singing.

'Steven Steven open the door
Steven Steven open the door
I am your mother open the door for me'

The lion watched the door open after the singing and Steven's mother went in. It became curious to know what was inside. After Rebecca left, the lion went over and repeated the exact same song he heard.

Steven heard this but refuses to open up. It wasn't his mother's voice.

The lion sang several times but still nothing happened. It got frustrated and called a meeting amongst the animals in forest.
"Anyone who can sing this song and get the door to open will be greatly rewarded"

Several animals tried but none could get Steven to open the door. None could get his mother's voice.
And then the cat came along. She sang the words exactly how Steven's mother would.

'This is my mother's voice but she doesn't come by this time' Steven thought. Could there be something wrong?
Taking a rash decision, Steven opened the door and immediately the lion pounced on him tearing him limb to limb.

That was the end of Steven

If you read the story carefully, you would understand that Steven did whatever the hell he wanted. We can all do this but it would be safe to know that every decision we take has it consequences. For some it could be good, and for people like Steven, it may not end well.

I believe anything is attainable. What matters is our approach towards it Steven lived his life by whatever the hell he wants he took a wrong approach and paid a price for it.

You can be different. Start now.
Just like Socrates said "an unexamined life is not worth living"

@joshelior @whatamidoing

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Nice story... Loved it

We can all do this but it would be safe to know that every decision we take has it consequences

Good or bad our decisions always have its bad side one way or the other.

nice read. you are the "perceiver"of thoughts. you can choose how you react to them. you can choose to identify with them too ;)

A very good story, thanks; I read it all...

thanks for taking the time to read😀

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