🆔 New story: The Tale of a house boy ♓️ Episode 1 - 87 🔞 Starting soon 🔜😊😊

in #story7 years ago

Episode 7.

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as i huged her,i saw corper Isaac coming out
of our school but princess didn’t see him that
moment because of where she turned her face
to. I ignored corper Isaac and pretended as if i
didn’t see him.
Soon,corper Isaac approached us and
princess saw him and ignore. We remained in
the position we are before.
Princess: corper good evening sir.
*he didn’t reply her,he was just standing and
staring at us. We paused our hug and princess
crossed her hand on my waist and i crossed
mine on her neck *.
Me: sir good evening.

  • he still didn’t reply me,all he was doing is
    staring at us. I greeted him the second time.
    He left without uttering any word to us.*.
    Me: why is he staring at us?
    Princess: maybe he is jealous because i can
    see it in his eyes.
    Me: did he ask you out?
    Princess: no he didn’t. Why are you asking?
    Me: the way,he was staring at us is something
  • we departed to our various house. The
    next day in the school,corper Isaac send for
    me. Why is he calling me? Is it because of
    what he saw yesterday or what? I summoned
    courage to go and answer him. On getting to
    his office,he was busy pressing his phone.*
    Me: good afternoon sir.
    Corper Isaac: how are you?
    Me: am fine sir.
    Isaac: have a seat. * i sat down but am not
    confortable because he hasn’t summon me in
    his office before *. I want you to escort me
    somewhere,we will be back soon.
    Me: no problem sir?
    Isaac: ohk.can we go now?
    Me: yes sir.
  • as we are going,he was asking me some
    questions,he was asking me,my relationship
    with princess and how i got to know
    her,weather she lives close to me. I just
    manage to answer some questions and ignore
    At a point he entered one mamaput restaurant
    nearby and i followed him.
    He sat down and i sat down too*.
    Isaac: what will you take?
    Me: no problem sir, am ok.
    Isaac: you have to take something now..is
    because of you i came here. So you have to
    take something.
    Me: ohk sir.
  • he ordered for two plates of rice and coke.
    I was offered one of plate and coke. We
    started eating*.
    Isaac: so tell me about princess.
    Me:sir nothing much to talk about her. I just
    knew her the way you do.
    Isaac: so you don’t know her background.
    Me: yes sir,she was newly admitted in this
    Isaac: so tell me,are you guys dating?
  • i started mulching the food to make sure i
    finish it before answering his question*
    Me:yes,we are dating.
    Isaac: when did you started dating her?
    Me: sir i don’t think that question is neccesary
    for now.
    Isaac: why?
    Me: is our privacy.
    Isaac: i want us to talk man to man. Don’t see
    me as your teacher but your friend now.
    Me: alrite.
    Isaac: have you had s-x with her?
  • i was shocked to hear such a thing from
    his mouth. I looked at him with a suprised eyes
    ,i finished the remaining food i left on the plate
    and drank my coke. He was just looking at me
    and my actions toward his question*

to be continue.

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