Not an Ordinary day | I endangered my life for Oakley.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: if this post turns out badly please bear with me. I am writing this post literally as a blind person.

Let me give you a background. If you would see all of my picture that I post here in steemit, I am always wearing glasses. That is because I have very high astigmatism and without my glasses I am helpless. Like now! LOL

Nevertheless I'm still trying to get this post out because I desperately need to compensate for my stupidity this morning. As I write this post we are still on our way to Dubai for my son's home school portfolio review.

We have not yet gotten far when I felt the urge to spit out the sticky little something in my throat. So I ask my wife who is driving to open the window. I don't know why she listened to me and opened it!. And I tell you now, I regret that decision.

My eye glasses flew out the window!

My heart was beating fast all I was thinking was "I need to get my glasses back?!". Even though we are in the middle of the free way, I ask my wife to stop the car. I don't know why she listened but again she did, she stop the car thankfuly not in the midle of the free way. With hazard lights on, she parked at the hard shoulder. Without again thinking, I hopped off the car and run back 500 meters in hope of getting my beloved OAKLEY.

I run as fast as I could, maybe as fast as the speed limit in the free way which is 120Kph. LOL... All the time I'm thinking, "even if I see the glasses how will I be able to get it in the midle of fast running cars?"

Oh! I realized I am blind. How can I see?! Thankfully the sun is shining bright, and I could see a little better.

And there it was! my beloved glasses in the middle of the road! Miraculously survived the speeding cars!

Now my problem.

How can I snatch it of from the road without getting hit by the cars. I was still thinking what to do then suddenly craaaashsssshhh........ Thankfuĺly it was not me, but then sadly it was my glasses.. huhuhu... Broken beyond repair... But still because I love it I still risk my life to get it.

And there it is my baby OAKLEY...

Now another problem.

My legs are numb, I dont think I can run another half kilometer going back to our car. Thankfully there were lots of kind hearted people who's stop and try to help. I got a ride back to my waiting family curtesy of two young Emiratis (^_^).

I got back safely to my family. Thanks God.

So here I am, posting with one eye... Hoping my steemit payouts can help me buy a new pair...

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I thought your wife punched you in the face hheheh

Salbahe! Hahahaja

Use the strap to tie it to your face and put an eye patch on the other eye matey.. You'll be captain jack sparrow arrrr.. :D

Ahahahahaha.... I have new one on monday... (^_^) steemit power!!!

Lagot ka sa ate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I bet pinagalitan ka non. LOL. Lesson learned: wag tatakbo along the highway. Scary. Chos.

Ay naku ate! Anong panagalitan? Pinagtawana ako at ni Roulando mo... Ahahahaha.... I am IDIOT daw hahahaha....

Roulan: Oh no, mommy the cars are too fast!

Mommy: Yeah, I know.

Roulan: Is Daddy gonna make it? Oh no! Oh no! Daddy's not gonna make it.


Daddy finally came.

Roulan: Daddy, why did you open the window?! You see, your glasses flew away! Next time, you have to put a string on your glasses like on mine. So it will not fall off!

nasermunan ang tatay. Haha

Such a bad day! i wonder what are they(your family) thinking while they were waiting for you inside the car. haha

Ay nako sis, i was anxious the whole time.

  1. Ambibilis talaga ng mga sasakyan (120kph speed limit) and we were at the left hard shoulder. Pag may lumalagpas na sasakyan sa amin umaalog talaga un car namin. Cant help but think about the worst case scenario.

  2. I was expecting the police to come any moment. Naka park kami sa freeway for around 30 mins. All the while rehearsing what to tell the police if ever. 😅

Hehehe... What should I say? (^_^) LOL

You get a new one

I have... sponsored by steemit.... LOL

oh thank God it was just your glasses not your body

Yeahhh.... Thank be to God it was eyeglasses only.. (^_^)

I wear glasses too sir and its really hard without it. Buy new one...payout can suffice buying one

Just now! We came to optical for my new eyeglass...

Lol i'm blind without my glasses as well.

It's really hard!!! Now teporary, I am using my goggles.... hahahaha... so ugly LOL

LOL I hope you can replace them fast. I don't think it's cheap there. Here in the PH, I'll just go to Carriedo. Last month, I had mine replaced there. my grade is 600 and the ultrathin lenses only cost PHP1,300, I only had to wait for a 15 minutes.

My both eyes more than 500! Oh man! Let me post on Monday! LOL...

Lol mas malabo lang pala ako ng konti :)

Oh sir. You can buy a new one from Steemit money. Hehe

I did! LOL
On monday I can get my new eyeglass....

ingat po palagi boss ken. 🤓

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