Short Scary Story #5

in #story8 years ago


James Jones was a troublesome mid-teen, defient and always up to no good. The small town knew he was one of those bad kids.

His parents didn't know what to do with him besides keep him home by grounding him. But since they were alcoholics, there early bed time meant his time to get out.

Around midnight, he snuck out his house to meet with his best friend Tony. Tonight they would vandalize the local church.

It was shortly after midnight, they had just broken in the doors and were running the hallways with the fire-extinguishers in a cloud of white powder. After the dust had settled, the boys noticed the church graveyard and decided it was a good idea to knock over gravestones with the large hammer they had brought.

When they had destroyed nearly a dozen tomb stones, James grabed the hammer. He had just seen a tomb with the same name as his "James Jones". It called to him. As he pulled the hammer back to swing he heard something, a wisper.

"I will get you."

Thinking nothing of it, he swung away until the tombstone was in complete ruins.

Laughing, the two decide its time to call it a night. As they are walking away, they hear a voice, much louder than a wisper

"I will get you for this!"

Terrified, they frantically go to run. As they are running past the large tomb something large hits them in the head, knocking both of them to the ground with serious injuries. 

James, barely able to see through the blood covering his face, hears thick boots approach. Helpless, he can hear something being dragged, and then a thud, and then the boots returning.

Something grabs his leg and starts to drag him too. He then feels his body drop a few feet and hitting the hard ground with a painful thud. Barely aware of the dirt being thrown on top of him, he hears the voice again,

"Just the perfect place, nobody will ever look for you here."


Normally I've been doing the Super Short Scary Stories, but this time it came out a little longer.

image  Nerdy With Children 

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