in #story7 years ago (edited)

Lame scam artist. It must work with some people because this is the second time someone tried this dumb thing.
I placed an ad on a flea market site on Facebook.
I got a message to email the man's wife with the item and the offer.
The reason he does the email thing is because people on Facebook report him and the account is closed by Facebook. So in order to keep the fish on the hook he switches to email. I got this back from "his wife:"

(The item is a some used 3 ring notebooks and a few binders.)


I got this email back:

school supplies for sale on Face book
Katherine Allison [email protected]
Today, 2:11 PM
Thanks for responding, I'm ok with the item. I will be buying this
from you,kindly withdraw the advert from The list and considered it sold.
and i dont mind adding extra $50 with the original price to delete the ads
from the List,Please let me know if a certified check or Cashier check is okay.?and i will
make arrangements for the pick up as soon as you have your check clears,due
to my work frame and my Kids,I will not be able to come with the cash and pick
it up myself after the check clears,my shipper will come for the pick up
so I'll need you to provide me with the following information to facilitate
the mailing of the check Reference to your List post am completely satisfied
with it and the payment will be deliver within 24hours.. God Bless

Name to be on the payment...........
Address to mail the check to.............
Final Asking price...................
Cell phone # to contact you ................

If it is too good to be true. It's not true. This is same exact scam that was tried on me a few months ago when I was selling my father's hospital bed on Facebook. When I called the person on it they let loose with a rant of 4-letter words and nasty expletives.

Even if the offer were true I wouldn't want to deal with someone like that.
I'm asking $10 for the lot. This person is offering $50 extra= $60 for a few used 3-ring binders... and a handful of report covers?

No doubt there is some problem with the check. Or someone shows up to pick the item up and there is a mix-up. Or the plan changes at the last minute and I have to give his driver cash for some reason or other. Like would I mind giving his driver $120 cash and the driver will write me a check for $200. It's definitely a con of some sort.

He even throws in a "God Bless You." Some of the worst rip offs have that included. I knew someone who always prayed to Jesus before she shop-lifted. And she was very good at shop-lifting. The old days before Hare Krishna.

There are some real creeps out there.

My initial knee jerk response:
"Sorry. I don't want to do this. Go rip someone else off."

But I have sent another email to this person:
"Praying to God and offering blessings is always good. But you need to stop cheating people. You can ask Him for anything, Why not ask Him for devotional life, eternal life full of bliss?" Hare Krishna..
And send the link..


Ah, the old cons are the best ones...
thiscon, thatcon, tothercon,... Is con?

Good one. The brahmana is the natural leader of society. The characteristic of the brahmana is honesty.

Considering both our global culture and the microcosm of Iskcon...

So MANY fall-downs, and I see (and I don't judge, but I'm not blind or deaf) so many of the devotees going off in obviously foolish and self-defeating (and so NOT KC) directions a neophyte like me stands no chance...

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