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RE: Muslim Man Saves 64 Christians from Beheadings by Islamic Militants in Philippines

in #story7 years ago

Are you Muslim yourself? Not that it matters to the story, just curious.

This is a complex and difficult time. If I were a regular, average, moderate Muslim just trying to live my life in a western nation, I would probably be very nervous right now. There is a lot of strong anti-Muslim sentiment in the west.

This is obviously due to the fact that the primary perpetrator of large scale militant barbarism in the world right now is, in fact, organized radical Islam. That is not to say Christianity has not had its radicalized periods when it behaved horribly, of course it has, but in our world right now today, there is no other religious entity out there doing what radicalized Islam is doing on as wide a scare or with as much wanton cruelty.

But of course there are what, a billion and a half Muslims in the world, and the number that support or perpetrate these acts are an extremely small percentage. The odds of any particular random Muslim you meet or who might be in your community being radicalized are extremely small, such a small chance that you face far greater danger just driving to work. I know this, you know this, but it's very hard to make people remember that. Especially when ISIS floods the internet with graphic videos of inhuman tortures and executions of their prisoners. Especially when every other month some radicalized cell of Muslims bombs a concert or shoots up a work place or attacks a soccer stadium.

It is a very hard time to be a Muslim in the western world right now. If you live in the middle east, you face the greatest danger from your own radical fellow muslims who may commit violence upon you for not being the right kind of Muslim. If you live outside of the Middle East, the constant barbarism and violence of that small percentage of extremist Muslims makes the rest of the world look at you with suspicion and fear.

I really don't know how to make this better. Obviously the terrorist attacks need to stop, ISIS needs to be defeated. ISIS needs to be defeated with the eager help of other Muslims, so that the West knows that the rest of the Islamic World finds this behavior unacceptable.

And lastly, the Islamic world needs to have a bit of a Renaissance in which they give up or move past most of the practices that the west finds barbaric. Such as the poor treatment of women and gays.

I think that is the recipe that will best heal the wounds between Christendom/The West and the Islamic Faith. But how to get there from here.....that is a long and difficult road.


All religions are basically the same. Just trying to show that it's humans that are doing the good or bad, no matter what religion. And that we should stop the propaganda that is going to separate humanity.

Hello sir, I am muslim myself and happen to be living in the west, what I can say is that it's not seeing more hatred directed toward my faith, or my brothers and sisters in islam that is the most difficult to watch, but it's witnessing how lies are creating hatred into people heart. I believe that human nature is kind and pure, but it can get corrupted, and lies and manipulation contribute to that. And I truely believe that if a person direct they hatred toward a muslim, or even decide to act upon it they are doing it out of fear, and because they believe they are fighting for a right cause, that person will be most likely a very good person that was manipulated by hateful lies, that is the most painful thing to watch... Fear is a human instinct that is deeply rooted in us, so deeply rooted that it's easy for it to control us and dictate our actions, well this is this same fear that is used to create all of this hatred..

futhermore, if tomorrow a group was created and started to commit atrocities in the name of another religion, or in the name of any country, what could that religion or country do to stop them, beside dennoncing them ? According to some research we're doing in a project I'm working they are 25% of muslim in the world, 0,005% of which are viewed as terrorist. Muslim suffered 90% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past 5 years. Not only that but terror group as daesh are going against everything that islam stand for, they are breaking God laws and going against what is asked from us in the quran, muslim means being submitted to the command of the one and only God, but they aren't submitted to God, nor do they fear Him... the media stay silence on those fact, like they stay silent when muslim try to denonce daesh for what they really are, you will never see on TV all of those muslim denoncing daesh, or even that mother who confronted an isis terrorist who killed her son, that elderly woman who confronted isis with verses of the quran... They are only reporting on what will create more division and confusion, and keep the truth silence...

What the world need now is peace, human nature is kind and pure and beautiful and truth is what can preserve what is the most beautiful in us, it would put people heart at ease and bring back the tolerance we all need to coexist

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