
in #story8 years ago

What is joy?

Plato says that joy is a component of love. But that doesn't say what joy really is. It's like this President of the United States of America, Andrew Jackson said fun was, having all sorts of things to do and not doing any of them. Joy follows along those lines.

Joy is when you have lost the feeling in your fingers and can't move them or your arms and you start to feel them again and can move your arms, and then your fingers.

Joy is when you couldn't focus your eyes and see anything and for some unknown reason, your eyes have healed and now you can see again.

Joy is when you realize that even though you face the absolute worse things, you come out of them dead or alive.

How does one achieve joy then? Injure themselves on purpose so that one is completely debilitated and then heal? Maybe, but I would not suggest it, since there is an excellent chance life will do those injuries to a person.

Joy was when I started writing to Russian dating scammers and did not know what that was and developed some feelings for enemies across the ocean that we were always in a state of coldness with.

That I think is a real joy. When one finds out that enemies are just people like oneself, after all, if Plato was right and joy is a component of love, anyone who has ever struggled in a relationship knows that the opposite of joy and love wait just around the corner and are so easy to grab a hold of, easier that the joy and love that brought two together in the first place.

Joy is a realization that as soon as one falls into love, the world hating love, every effort is made by a cornucopia, a plenitude of forces to destroy the love, keep the lovers separated that sometimes in spite of all, a little quality time is spent together.

Joy is a lot of things, including Jesus Over Youth. If you don't know what that is, it is joy.

Joy is meeting the difficulties in life be it demons, nukes, I mean being radiated, surviving it and being largely whole. Maybe it is just realizing one is still alive.

There are several things I wanted to do in my life. Since I had so much construction time and at one time wanted to be an architect, I wanted to build my own house. I did that here, where I live now. People laugh at the Red Neck Hovel when they see it, but I say, laugh all you want its paid for.

I wanted to join the army. I wanted to join it when I was younger but did not get around to it until I was 32. It was something I never should have done, not at that age but I did it. I am glad I did it.

One of the things I always wanted to do was publish a novel which I did here. I will publish more elsewhere.

Doing the things I always wanted to do gives me a lot of joy.

Playing football gave me a lot of joy. It was also the reason why I could not feel my arms or move my fingers, so along with the joy came, more joy after I was done if you know what I mean.

Yes, marriage was something I wanted to do and that is a whole lot of joy. Oh it is like football, just more joy, if you know what I mean.

Now, someday, I am going to get enough solar panels and enough batteries and windmills that I will actually be able to finish what I write at one shot instead of stopping now and that will be joyous indeed.


Yes that willbbe very joyous when we do get more power

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