High Spirits Chapter 5, Song of Angels, Book IV

in #story8 years ago

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - 2017 All Rights Reserved.

High Spirits - Chapter 5 - Song of Angels, Book IV

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

"We should go get food and ammo first." Forrest said. They all agreed and returned to the portal.

Only Rephael went out. He commandeered packs, ammo, and all the food he could gather. While he waited, he looked over at the where the eighth body should have been. He counted. There were only nineteen bodies and parts.

"Sergeant," Rephael addressed the platoon sergeant.

"Yes sir." Top said.

"Wasn't there twenty bodies here."

"Yes there is." Top the platoon sergeant answered.

"Well, where is the eighth body?" Rephael asked.

"Nobody took it anywhere yet, that's sure," Top replied.

"But it's gone." Rephael said, "Get these packs loaded and find that body. I will go ask what orders I should give to real captains and then be back."

“Oh!” Top exclaimed, “You should give the order for us to be in full alert and to notify the field chain of command a threat is present, and contact headquarters.”

“Give those orders Top if that is what I should do.” Rephael said.

"What do you think it's walking around?" Top asked, and then quickly said, "In this battle, it could be." Top ran off to start a search for the missing body. The missing body was General Ricks' and he was torn in pieces inside.

"Sergeant," Rephael shouted to Top, "Find the body and notify whoever is in command that we are exploring in there, Captains Schrock, Lennox, and Forrest."

"I got it!" Top yelled back.

The packs were heavy. Rephael grabbed two and headed for the portal. The soldier who was packing grabbed two more and followed.

“Wait here…No, drop the packs and keep an eye on them but grab your weapon and tell everyone else to do the same.” Rephael ordered.

“Yes sir.” The soldier ran off while Rephael carried the packs inside. He dropped them,

“Food.” He said to Shrock, Lennox, and Forrest and left to grab the other two packs and returned. Each soldier already had an MRE in their hands and the packs were mounted on two of their backs, “Here Forrest.” Rephael handed him a pack and took out a meal and then put on his pack. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, how many of these meals did you get?” Shrock asked as he ate.

“We have twenty apiece.” Rephael replied, “That will last a day hopefully. I figure that we will need five in the next few minutes and I do not need nearly as much as you guys will, for me this is more normal.”

“You know each one of these meals is like 3,200 calories if you eat everything.” Forrest said.

“Yeah we will need about five in the next few minutes – or you guys will die.”

“Maybe we should just eat those five here and then scout.” Lennox said.

“Oh, I think we are pressed for time. The body of General Ricks is missing and it looks like he walked off.”

“Walked off, they tore him in half and then ripped his arms off. How could he walk off?” Forrest exclaimed.

“Something escaped we did not see.” Schrock answered as he finished his meal.

“And we want to make certain, that –“Rephael realized something, “I wonder if anyone out there is guarding the box, what should I order?”

“Tell them to find the box and give it to you.” Shrock said, “Now Weeks!”

“Right,” Rephael replied as he turned and ran out the gate.

“Find the box!” He yelled over and over as he ran out of the in between into the real world. “General Ricks is headed to the box! Don’t let him near it!”

“It is over that way at least a half a mile.” A soldier pointed.

“Let’s go to it!” Rephael ordered.

“Use commo sir!”

“I don’t know what that is, you use it!” Rephael said as he ran. His chest hurt.

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Previous books in the series:
Song of Angels - Books I, II, III - Table of Contents

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz Book One - Meeting is available in Paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffery-Kubitz/e/B01MXY9YHR


Thanks @arama for the serious up-vote

This is really good hopefully they make it to the box in time

Hopefully they do. Thanks for your compliment and interest

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