Bunkers - Chapter 19, Song of Angels, Book III

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an

anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Bunkers - Chapter 19 - Song of Angels, Book III

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Book 1 - Table of Contents
Birth - Book II -Table of Contents

Book III Previous Chapters:
Table of Contents,

In the morning, Mindy awoke. She was in bed and naked. Eon made noises. She reached for Cyrus but he was not in bed. “Cyrus?”

“Good morning Mindy, I am getting dressed.”

“Oh, did you put me in bed?”

“Yes I did, that doesn’t bother you does it?”

“No, I just remembered falling asleep in the chair and…”

“Yes, you did and you did not wake when I put you in the bed and undressed you. I didn’t think you wanted to sleep in your clothes.”

“What time is it?”

“It is about dawn.”

“Oh good, I thought you might have risen up for some other reason, like there was trouble.”

“No trouble Mindy, I need to get some chores done. Just because we have all these people here, everything still needs to be done.”

“Ah yes, I just thought maybe you might want to do something else for a few minutes before you did your chores.”

“Like what?”

“Hmm…I don’t know, but I am lying here naked awake and I am sure a few extra minutes before you do the chores wouldn’t set anything amiss.”

“Yes, a few minutes delay would be fine with me.”

And so, Mindy came out of the bedroom with Eon in her arms a half hour later to make breakfast while Cyrus lay in bed a bit to recover.

Everyone was still asleep as Mindy put Eon in his play pen and careful stepped around Ma, Pa, and Senette to check and ready the stove. Ma and Pa woke when Mindy used the shaker to cause the ashes to settle into the ash pan. She put more wood in and flames jumped to life on the hot coals sitting on the grate at the bottom of the barrel of the stove.

They now had an ash bucket so one did not need to empty the ashes outside. It required the lid be held against the top of the ash pan as the ashes were dumped or a cloud of ash would rise up and settle on everything in the house. The task done, she replaced the ash pan as Pa stood first. “Good Morning Pa.” Mindy said as she lit a taper.

“Oh,” Pa groaned. “I danced a little too much.” He rubbed his back as Mindy lit the candles. Suddenly, it was light in the room and Ma stood up,

“Time to get to breakfast,” Ma said and moved over to the kitchen cabinets.

Mindy entered the bedroom and lit the candles in there, shook the taper out, and bent over and kissed Cyrus, “Good morning, my love.” Cyrus replied and jumped out of bed.

“The light does make it easier to dress. Thank you and good morning Mindy.” He kissed her before she left the room and she closed the door behind her.

Mindy walked to the kitchen counter and Ma mixed biscuits in the biggest bowl they had. “Good morning Ma. Thanks for the biscuits, I get to the porridge.”

“Better make a big batch,” Ma suggested.

Mindy took their biggest pot, “This big enough?” Ma nodded. Then Mindy filled the pot with water and set it on the stove. Cyrus came out.

“Could you get some meat Cyrus for breakfast?” Mindy asked.

“It will have to be what is left of the steer on the spit, nothing else is butchered.”

“That will do,” Ma answered. Mindy went to start the coffee perking and then set to peeling potatoes and dicing them up. She dumped each potato into a skillet once they were cut up. She handed Eon a piece of potato to eat.

Eon took the potato and threw it down. “Ma Ma poo.” Eon said as he jumped up and down holding the rail of the pen. Mindy set the potatoes aside and grabbed Eon up out of the crib and ran him to the potty.

“Oh look, Eon is a good boy and tells Mama just in time,” Mindy said as she set the toddler on the pot. She held him for safety so he did not fall off or through the hole. It just a few short minutes, Eon was done and very happy. “Eon is a good boy, oh look, a very good boy.” Then Mindy cleaned her son up and dressed him.

When she came out, Senette helped Ma fix breakfast. “Good morning Senette.”

“Good morning Mindy and Eon,” Senette happily replied.

“Did my little grandbaby use the potty?” Ma said excitedly to Eon.

Eon laughed very happily as Mindy put him back in the pen and handed him the potato piece, “G-Ma potty!” Eon said and then pointed to the bedroom.

“Oh that is so good,” Ma laughed, “Ma grandbaby Eon is a very good boy.” Eon jumped up and down in the pen with joy while he tried to eat his potato piece. He made all sorts of noise.

“Cyrus brought in the meat and we have it cooking,” Ma said to Mindy, ”And it sounds like the porridge water is boiling.”

“I’ll get that,” Mindy said. “I have never made this much Ma, how many scoops for this?”

“I would say eight of those scoops.” Ma answered while she tended the biscuits. Mindy dumped in eight scoops and stirred the pot for a bit so there would be no lumps.

“The General says he wants to check out the crash site, gather up anything that is left.” Cyrus said as he came in the door.

“I will have to tell him about what to be careful of,” Mindy said.

“I’ll do it and convince him to wait until I can go with him.” Pa said and started toward the door.

“Thanks Pa,” Mindy said to Pa as he left the door. The General needed to know about warheads that might be lying around, or that some of the ammunition was depleted uranium and that other things could be radioactive or horribly dangerous from the crashes of two armed fighter jets. Pa knew what not to touch and what not to get near. So did Billy and Cole, Cyrus’s other brother. “Cyrus don’t leave, breakfast is almost ready.”

“I’ll be back in a minute Mindy. I’ll just step over there with Pa and be right back. We both will.”

“Well, make it fast.” Mindy said as the women agreed one by one each dish was done except for the coffee. Cyrus nodded and went after Pa. Myra entered the house and right behind her was Louise.

“Good Morning Mindy, I need to freshen up a bit,” Louise said. Mindy nodded toward the bedroom. “Could I use your brush?” Mindy nodded.

“Thank you,” Louise replied and walked to the bedroom.

“Louise, where were you last night?” Ma asked.

“Let me freshen up first Evelyn and I will tell you.” Louise answered.

“She looked bedraggled.” Ma stated flatly as she shook her head, “What would Mum say?”

“Well, you did introduce her to General Scott, perhaps they talked all night.” Mindy observed.

“If that is how one looks after a talk, my Lord, I should have never introduced her.” Ma said in disgust, “I blame myself for this.”

“Let’s just set the table and not worry about it Ma.” Mindy said.

Cyrus, Pa, and General Scott walked into the house. “I want to address everyone. I have an announcement to make.” General Scott said once he entered the door. “Where is Louise, I thought she came in here?”

“She’s here all right, indisposed.” Ma exclaimed in disgust.

Reading Ma, General Scott took the initiative, “I want to thank you Ma, Evelyn for introducing me to your sister Louise.”

“-I’ll bet you do!” Ma cut him off.

“Now, now Ma,” Pa said, “General Scott has an announcement to make and I think we should hear him out before any unjust righteous indignations are unleashed.”


“Ma,” Pa said.

“Very well,” Ma slammed some food down on the table. It was a basket full of biscuits and they jumped.

“Now Ma, this will be a very wonderful announcement,” Pa winked at her, “Let’s not ruin it.” He winked again.

“Ohhh?” Ma questioned.

“Ohhh,” Pa answered.

“Why that’s wonderful!” Ma exclaimed.

“What’s happening?” Senette asked. Louise came out of the bedroom looking as good as a woman could.

“Good morning, Louise.” General Scott said to Louise.

“Good Morning Phineas,” Louise answered and then she curtsied to him.

“Oh my, I am feeling faint with joy,” Ma said and started to swoon, Pa and Mindy grabbed her and helped her to a chair.

“Is everyone ready for the announcement?” General Scott asked looking at all.

“Praise the Lord,” Ma said as Mindy fanned her.

“Louise, may I make the announcement?” General Scott asked Louise.

“You may Phineas.” Louise answered and she curtsied again with a bow of her head to Phineas.

“May I take your hand?” Louise remained bowed and curtsied and dropped her dress with her right hand and then held that hand out to Phineas, General Scott.

He walked over to her as she held the curtsy just this side of the bedroom door and bowed then took Louise’s right hand with his left. “Louise, would you look me in the eyes?”

Louise raised her head, still holding the curtsy and she met his eyes.

“Louise will you marry me as soon as possible, give your heart to me forever, and become my lawful wedded wife?”

“I will.” Louise with tears in her eyes as she stood, “As soon as it is possible, I will marry you Phineas. I will give my heart to you forever and become your lawful wedded wife.”

Ma screamed, “Alleluia!” Everyone there repeated what she said.

“I intend to marry as soon as it is possible, and be your loving husband giving my heart to you forever, Louise.” Phineas said.

“Pa can perform the wedding today!” Ma said as she jumped out of the chair and ran over to Louise giving her a huge hug and kisses. Soon the other women had Louise held with Ma in a group hug and the mood of the room glowed with joy and thanks.

“I want to congratulate General Scott and Louise on their wedding and yes I will perform it if they want me to but let’s eat first!” Pa said as everyone laughed, “I am starving.”

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz Book One - Meeting is available in Paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffery-Kubitz/e/B01MXY9YHR


This is really good can't wait to read more

Thanks, one shall do ones best to tell away

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