Bunkers - Chapter 18, Song of Angels, Book III

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an

anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Bunkers - Chapter 18 - Song of Angels, Book III

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Book 1 - Table of Contents
Birth - Book II -Table of Contents

Book III Previous Chapters:
Table of Contents,

Captain Falworth and Senette walked away from the dancing once the music stopped and sat on a hill to the band’s left fairly close to one of the bonfires. The hill was only six feet high and they were perhaps halfway up facing the fire.

“Senette, you are a very skillful, energetic dancer. You almost tired me and others danced with you while I had a break or two. Yes, you are a fine dancer indeed, so young and pretty.” He tried to make eye contact but she looked at the fire and then turned her head to meet his eyes.

“Why thank you for your compliment, Mister, I mean Captain Falworth. You are the best dancer I have danced with.”

“Won’t you call me Robert?”

“Yes, I mean Robert, you dance elegantly. I have always wanted to say that to a man.”

“Just any man, Senette, or did you want to say that to me?”

“Why Robert, yes I wanted to say that to you. It is just that this is my first real dance with a man who is not one of the families and I have said it to my father, my brothers, and my cousins but I have not had the chance to…a stranger, someone I never met before tonight.”

“Oh yes, I see, you are very young.”

“I am nearly 15,” Senette asserted.

“That is still quite young, though I am only eight years older. But for a woman, that is old enough to entertain suitors, I think.”

“Of course, it is old enough, why I could be married already, my cousin Jeanine married when she was fourteen.”

“And I am sure you are fully grown, your body is fully grown but there is a world of difference in us Senette, I have crossed the continent with the Cavalry and graduated from College three years ago. So, I hope you respect me for my accomplishments?”

“Oh yes Robert, I know you know far more of the world than I and I have only lived here, with my parents. Where you have travelled the world and seen many things.”

“I haven’t travelled the world but I have travelled the continent.” Robert said softly.

“Tell me of some of the places you have been, is any of it exciting to see or be in, have you fought in battles?”

“The most I have fought in is skirmishes with Indians or bandits. The bandits are the worst and prey upon wagon trains and the largest was a group of about fifty men and their women.”

“Oh, and how many of those battles have you been in?”

“I don’t remember off hand the exact number but perhaps ten.”

“Oh, how very exciting.”

“Exciting yes, but peace is what soldiers hope for and a long life with a lovely wife.” Robert smiled at Senette and looked directly into her eyes. “What do you think about what I am saying Senette?”

“That is a good thing to hope for I think, yes it is,” Senette smiled back. “We are nearly alone here on this hill, most everyone else has wandered off to bed down for the night.”

“We are not completely alone, your mother is watching us from the table and your father, he is napping in the chair next to her, I think.”

“Oh, Ma can’t actually see us, Robert. We are just a blur to her.”

“She cannot see us?”

“She is only pretending to be watchful, Robert.”

“She looks like she just nodded a bit. No, she snapped herself awake and is peering right at us.”

Their faces were very close, Robert and Senette. He turned his head from watching Ma back to look into Senette’s eyes. “Kiss me if you have serious intentions, Robert.”

Immediately, Robert kissed her and they parted. “You see, my Ma is only pretending to be watching me.”

“May I give you a kiss Senette, more in line with my desires?”

“Please do, Robert.” Senette reached out with her arms and tilted up her face. Robert closed his arms around her and kissed her fully.

“Senette! Senette!” Ma called, “Come here closer to me at once.”

“I thought you said she couldn’t see?”

“She can see shapes at this distance but she either guessed or maybe someone told her.”

“Shall I help you to your feet?”

“Robert, I didn’t realize it but my bottom fell asleep. I don’t think I can get right up.”


“One minute Ma.”

Robert stood and asked Senette if she would like his help standing and she said yes. Robert took her offered hands and gently lifted her to her feet, “You are light as a feather Senette.”


“Mrs. Mereweather, Senette seems to have a cramp or something!” Robert yelled, “I beg your indulgences for a moment.” And to Senette, “How is that, can you stand?”

“I need your assistance to walk over to my mother, Robert.” And to Ma, “My legs are cramped Ma! Just a minute!”

Robert put his right arm around Senette under her shoulders and held her up while holding onto her left hand with his left and slowly, they walked over toward the play yard. “My legs tingle, Robert.”

“I hate that part myself.” He said as he continued to help her. Finally, just when they reached the play yard gate, Senette said,

“I think I can stand on my own now, thank you Robert.” He released her and she tested herself, “Sorry Ma but my legs fell asleep sitting on the hill over there and I did not notice it until you called and I tried to get up.”

“It is the cold Senette. Yes, well, that happens, thank you Captain Falworth for aiding my daughter.”

“Mrs. Mereweather, please call me Robert.”

Pa was awake, “It will be difficult for Ma to remember not to address you by your military title Captain Falworth, and she has been around the military for a very long, long time.”

“Yes, Captain Falworth a very long time with the Colonel here, though I will take it under consideration. Senette, it is time the Captain saw to his duties and you joined your Pa and me for bed.”

“What about Billy? I would rather be with him in the barn.”

“Now, Senette,” Pa said, “We have our rolls and will be staying in the house with Cyrus, Mindy, and Eon and you know that is what we always do,” Pa said. “That is what you have always wanted to do, be around your brother, at least when you wanted to marry him you did.”

“You were going to marry your brother Cyrus?” Captain Falworth exclaimed.

“He is adopted.” Pa, Ma, and Senette all said at once. And then Ma said, “He is married to Mindy anyways.”

“Oh, no relation,” Robert asked?

“Not blood, no,” Pa answered.

“Now if the Captain has time perhaps he can join us for breakfast?” Ma said.

“If possible, I would love to join you for breakfast,” Robert said.

“Why don’t you ask if I want you to join us for breakfast, Robert?” Senette asked.

Robert gawked and then said, “Senette, do you want me to join you for breakfast?”

“Why, Robert, of course I do, I just wanted you to ask me, so my Ma and Pa could hear it.”

“Answers a lot of questions that way,” Ma said. “Captain Falworth, if it is possible we will see you in the morning around seven?”

“I shall make every effort to attend,” Robert bowed, “Colonel, Madam, Senette, if I may be excused to return to my military duties?”

“Permission granted.” Pa replied with a bow. Now let’s get to bed, Ma wore me out dancing.” He laughed.

“No dear, you wore me out, could you help me up like the nice Captain Falworth.”

“Yes dear,” Pa said and helped Ma out of the chair.


“Yes Ma?”

“Once I heard Captain Falworth, say you had cramps, I realized I couldn’t get out of the chair either but I did not want to yell it across the whole area, that I needed your help to get up to come and get you.” And they all laughed aloud as they entered the house, Pa most of all.

“I am getting a little old Pa.” Ma stated flatly and grunted a few times.

“You dear, you are as young a spring itself.”

“That’s the whiskey talking,” Ma laughed, “But thank you dear.”

“You out danced me and I didn’t see nearly one young feller deny you a dance.” Pa retorted.

“Those young fellers are all my grand kids and nephews.” Ma laughed back. “Senette, check the stove before we bed down please and see that it is stoked.”

“Yes Ma.”

“Where is Louise, I thought she would sleep with us. I thought she was already inside asleep?”

“Wherever your sister is I am sure she is safe and warm.” Pa said, “Or she will be inside soon. It’s winter.” Pa was right about safe but very wrong about Louise making it to bed in the house, she kept coming right where she was at.

“Phineas, do you think we could continue after I pull on my slip and dress, I am freezing?”
“Louise you are cold?”

“Just my legs, I can’t feel them anymore, so they must be cold.”

“Are you sure that is cold? Maybe it is caused by our love and what we are doing?”

“Maybe, but I don’t want to catch the death of cold, I don’t want to die doing this, I just want to have your child.”

“What if I took off my pants and you put them on backwards?”

“Yes, that might work.”

“Here let me…”Phineas took off his pants and slid them on Louise backwards.

“How is that?”

“I think you are correct Phineas, my legs are numb from all of your pounding into my rear but I will leave your pants like this if you don’t mind.”

“Are you ready to try again,” Phineas asked?

“Oh yes, Phineas, the feeling in my legs is returning and now I am certain they are a little cold if not much, keep me warm but pull the pants down a little bit more please.”

“How is that?”

“It should be just fine for you to continue Phineas.”

“I can’t believe how difficult it is to re-enter you Louise as we must have been here at least an hour.”

“Oh, Phineas, do you not like me?” Louise sounded mortified.

“Not like you?” Phineas said as he pushed ever so hard. “I want you to agree to marry me Louise and never leave my side.”

“You do?”

“Yes, please marry me, or do you not like me?”

“You have never spooned before Phineas?”

“No, this is my first time spooning Louise.”
“If this is your first time, then if you are serious, I will marry you because I have never felt this good in my life. Imagine what it will feel like in a bed after ten, no twenty years when we are both very practiced?”

“I am imagining it and that is why even though it is uncouth, low, not stately, handsome, or genteel, I asked you to marry me on the day we met.”

“Oh, I will marry you then, now just keep pumping Phineas. Just keep me warm.”

“There’s nothing like a raw, wild gallop on a cold winter night!”

“And this horse won’t break dear, so ride away, ride away,” Louise giggled.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz Book One - Meeting is available in Paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffery-Kubitz/e/B01MXY9YHR


This is really romantic can't wait to Read more

Thank you, Miss(?), I am humbled and honored my works are to your liking

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