Bunkers - Chapter 1, Book Three, Song of Angels

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an

anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Bunkers - Chapter 1 - Song of Angels, Book III

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Book 1 - Table of Contents
Birth - Book II -Table of Contents

Since, Eon’s step into the space at the juncture of universes, very little had happened on the Week’s ranch. A week or two had passed and a fence was built to keep Eon from escaping.

Another fence was built with a gate which made a play area around the front of the house. So Eon was stopped by two fences with two gates and the scare was over.

Rephael, Eon grown, had not returned in that time but he was still more than alive, Rephael was. He had lost the whereabouts of Asmodeus. He had also been unable to find Elizabeth after the military had evacuated her, her father and mother from their house just on the edge of the failed battle to defeat and remove the jinni from Earth.

Mindy and Cyrus lay together in bed, Eon sound asleep. The door to the parlor was open and the light that escaped from under the burner lids of the pot bellied stove that heated the house danced across the walls of the bedroom while Cyrus and Mindy stood and kissed as they removed each other’s clothes.

Mindy now wore dresses of the period, the year 1856, and so it took a little longer for Cyrus as now there were only buttons and drawstrings,
“I sure do miss those zippers once you taught me how to use them.”

“They are a convenient invention, aren’t they?” Mindy answered while Cyrus unbuttoned her dress down the back.

Cyrus murmured something while kissing. There were twenty-four buttons. He kissed her neck and then kissed lower as he unbuttoned each one.

“I could switch to pants like you, they take less time.” Mindy mused as she reached behind her and grabbed hold of the shaft of his penis. “But, I can feel that you like undoing the buttons.” She squeezed him, and then let up on the pressure. She started a gentle rhythm.

“No, this is fine.” Cyrus whispered. “This is fine for me.” He undid the last button and Mindy had to let go so the long sleeved top of the dress could be pulled off her arms and shoulders. Cyrus held her steady while she pushed the dress down over her hips and let it drop on the tiled floor. She giggled how the floor was once packed dirt.

“What’s so funny?” Cyrus asked as he undid the buttons on her slip.

“That we have a tile floor now and before there was only packed dirt.”

“Oh you like that?”

“I like everything you do.” Mindy said as she dropped her slip to the floor.

Cyrus began to loosen her corset. Again the drawstrings were in the back. First he untied them, he had tied them this morning, and then he maneuvered his fingers to cause the corset to loosen. Not that Mindy had any need of the corset but she wore it because of his mother, who had made it.

“Would you like the corset left on me?”

“Whatever pleases you?” Cyrus answered and observed, “You have no need of it but it does look nice.”

Mindy had hold of his cock again behind her, just leave it loose then please and, “Why don’t you have a seat in the chair?” She dropped her petticoats on the floor.

Made of white lace, with her garter belt and stockings, Mindy was a sight to behold and Cyrus moved into the parlor. He sat in the chair and Mindy mounted herself facing him. She put her arms around his shoulders and kissed him heartily.

“You are a wonderful husband, Cyrus and I can tell you are so ready.” She straightened up and guided him into her. Cyrus was big, from all the hard work ranching required and she worked him inside of her. He moaned as she wiggled him into her while the red, yellow, orange, and sometimes blue lights from the fire in the stove snuck past the lids and danced upon the walls in wriggling snakes.

She began to rise up and down in a steady rhythm between kisses and embraces. “It is time to conceive another child, I would like a girl but it is up to you.”

“I would like another son first, if that is okay dear.”

“Very well, we will have another son first.” Mindy said and then rose up off Cyrus. He rose out of the chair and she took his place leaving her ass up as she leaned her chest on the back padding of the overstuffed chair.

Cyrus stood behind her and Mindy helped guide him in. Easier this time as she was so wet. The perfect height, Cyrus went to work and a long time later Mindy said as they fell exhausted into each other’s arms, “A son you shall have after that.”

“You are that sure?” Cyrus panted out between gasping of breath.

“It was time and I know, you being you and me being me, we have made another baby tonight.”

“To bed then,” Cyrus said then stood up out of the chair with Mindy in his arms. It was a feat only a really strong man could do. Then he carried her to the bed and laid her in it. He crawled in beside her.

“You seem to be recovering very fast, Cy, it is okay if you want to do it again.”

“Oh good, it has been a week or so.” Cyrus climbed on top of Mindy who welcomed him in for the rest of the night.

“Oh Cyrus,” she moaned over and over and sometime during their lovemaking, her corset, garter belt, and stockings were removed but she couldn’t remember when as exhausted, they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms fully sated.

The last thing she thought was, ‘I gave up so much coming here, to the time 1856. Where there really isn’t much to do for entertainment besides love my husband and oh am I so glad I came.’ Mindy sighed contentedly; she could hear Eon’s little toddler breaths as a dream took hold of her while Cyrus held her close.

As for Cyrus, his thoughts were different in that he was nearly ashamed of himself because he remembered, before he met Mindy, he did not care whether he lived or died. And now, he had so much to live for and they did so very well. He and Mindy did very, very well. So, maybe, their thoughts were the same, impossible as it was, together, each found joy at being alive.

In the morning they woke, Mindy first. Eon was up and trapped in the bedroom. Cyrus must have jumped up and closed the door sometime in the night or maybe they closed the door when they went to bed. Maybe Cyrus had closed the door before he jumped on top of her as plied her to the heights of ecstasy.

She grabbed Eon while in the bed and brought him to her and hugged him close. “Dear, let Dada sleep.” She whispered.

Once she had him quieted, she took out her breast and fed him. Soon, she must fully wean her baby. He was being a little bad with his teeth this morning. So, she pulled him away and set him on the floor, then stood up.

She grabbed a nightgown in the dark and pulled it over her. Moving to the door, it was like practice at being blind in the room with the door closed. She opened the door and caught Eon as he tried to squeeze through and picked him up into her arms.

With Eon in her arms, Mindy removed a burner lid from the stove and stuck in a taper. The lit taper she put to the candles on the table, then lit the candles on the walls in their sconces. Yes, they had those now. The sconces were mounted on white, plastered walls and there were two candles each in the four sets of brass. It was really very bright in the kitchen and parlor.

“It is time for Momma to make the breakfast.” Mindy said as she kissed Eon and deposited him in a playpen Cyrus had made. She went over and closed the bedroom door. “We will let Dada sleep for awhile longer until breakfast is ready.” She handed a toy to Eon and he set about making baby noises and playing with the carved horse.

Mindy set to mixing biscuits and now she was practiced. In just a few minutes, she had the biscuits mixed and in a pan on the stove. The ash pan she had emptied and rekindled the fire to hot.

She cut up four potatoes and started the hash browns frying. She made a small pan of porridge for Eon. When everything was proper, she started the eggs. They now had plenty of chickens and eggs were a staple.

There was a knock at the door, “I’ll get the door.” Cyrus said as he came out of the bedroom, fully dressed. He stopped in front of the door, “Who’s there?” Cyrus asked loudly.

“Holk,” was the answer from outside.

Cyrus unbolted the door and Holk stepped in and handed a pan to Mindy. She added some chili from last night to the cookings on the stove to warm up.

“Have a seat, you two.” Cyrus said as he sat down at the table. “Breakfast is almost done.”

“Just help Mindy.” Myra, Holk’s wife said.

“Set the table is all I need, Myra.” Mindy said.

“Can we fit the coffee pot to warm up?” Myra asked.

“Oh I forgot. Yes. Right there,” Mindy pointed with her spatula.

Both Myra, a lovely, slender brunette, and Holk were taller than Mindy by a few inches and the same height.

“It looks like we have good weather today.” Cyrus said to Holk as they sat at the table awaiting their breakfast.

“Yes, the false spring has started. Ground is firm though.”

Myra, her long wavy hair in a ponytail, moved around the table to set it like she danced. She was so graceful.

“Not frozen?” Cyrus asked.

“Doesn’t seem to be,” Holk replied.

“We’ll check it after breakfast. Today might be a good day to set at plowing. We should get the house garden first, I think.”

“Oh good,” Mindy said, “The coffee will heat up in time.”

“The table is ready when you are.” Myra said.

“I think everything is ready. Let’s start dishing it out.” Mindy said.

Myra grabbed a mitt and a big spoon. First she took off the biscuits and gave two to each plate. She cut one in half for eon’s plate. Then she set the pan on the counter. She checked the chili. It was warm. And dished out that but returned it to the stove. Mindy had the eggs, three each for the men, two for the ladies, and one for Eon. Then she passed out hash browns. While Myra poured coffee around the table. The men also each had a steak.

When everything was ready, they all sat at the table, women across from the men, with Eon on Mindy’s lap and they bowed their heads and said grace,
“Oh Lord, we thank you for this wonderful bounty and ask that you bless this food for our health. We thank you for the continued peace you have bestowed upon us and the prosperity we have received at your hands. Hallowed by thy name,” Cyrus prayed. And they all responded with, “Amen.”

“Let’s eat.” Mindy said, “There’s a lot to do today.”

Everyone dug into their food. There was a lot of small talk between eating but Mindy fed Eon while she ate, so she was not in the conversation as much as everyone else. All his food, she mashed with her fork before she spoon fed him.

She had heard that small children should never eat honey but Eon never seemed affected by the buttered, brown sugar and honey porridge so, after he had tried a little bit so, that is what he ate and he liked it most of all.

“I can’t wait until we have our first baby.” Myra said. She was eighteen years old.

“Are you pregnant?” Mindy asked as she cooed and fed Eon.

“Maybe, I am not sure.”

“How long has it been –“Mindy asked.

“We’re done with breakfast.” Cyrus interrupted. “How about you two discuss the woman things after we are gone?”

Mindy laughed, “Why Cyrus, you don’t say. We will do that.” Louis Holk was red in the face.

“May I be excused?” He asked while standing.

“Meet you outside,” Cyrus said standing. Holk took his coat off the peg and put on his coat as he left. As soon as Holk stepped away, Cyrus strapped on his pistol belt, and then donned his heavy coat. He was about to step out the door and he stopped and turned to Mindy and Myra, “Have a nice day ladies. We will have the house garden tilled up in about two hours.”

“Have a good day dear,” Mindy said with a smile. Their dogs began to bark.
Cyrus put his hat on his head, “I wonder what that could be?” He took up his breach loader rifle. The one they bought at the pawn shop.

“Holk!” He called out as he shut the door behind him, “See anything making those dogs bark?”

“Not yet.” Mindy and Myra heard Holk reply through the closed door.

Then they heard Cyrus raise his voice very loud, “You there! Freeze or you will be shot!”

“I got him sighted.” The women heard Holk yell out from somewhere farther off than Cyrus.

“Mindy bolt the door!” Cyrus yelled.

Gun shots began to report.

“I’ll get it.” Myra jumped up and slammed the bolt across the closed door. “Into The Bedroom!” She screamed and grabbed hold of Mindy to pull her and Eon out of their chair. Bullets smacked the east wall of the house.

“Cyrus!” Mindy screamed, trying to wrench herself free from Myra. Myra was bigger and she was not holding a baby and she was able to pull Mindy toward the bedroom.

“Take Eon!” Mindy ordered Myra. Myra obeyed as Cyrus fired his revolver three times. Eon began to cry.

In her nightgown, Mindy ran over the coat wall, where the guns were kept and strapped on her revolver. She made sure it was fully loaded. She donned her long coat and hat. Then she checked her rifle. It was loaded. She sat in the chair and put on her boots.

“Myra, bolt the door behind me.” Mindy ordered as she stood, breech loader in hands. Cyrus fired his rifle. She knew the sound. More bullets hit the wall and door as she removed the bolt.

“Mindy! Don’t you come out here!” She heard Cyrus yell. Mindy cracked the door enough to stick out the rifle. Pow! She knocked a rider off his horse not more than thirty feet past the play yard fence. She cleared and loaded the breech. She saw Lewis Holk off to the left between the play yard fence and the out fence down on the ground. She did not know if he was hurt.

“Thanks Dear! But Get Back Inside!” Cyrus yelled as three riders jumped the out fence. There were more behind them at a charge. Mindy aimed and one more was down. Cyrus took the second with his rifle. The third rider shot Mindy, through the crack of the door, right between the eyes. Mrs. Mindy Weeks died standing.


This is great story you know I love a great love story

Your encouragement is motivating

A love story that is interesting to read, @jeff-kubitz thanks.

Thank you very much for the compliment

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