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RE: The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 12 (My Original Novel)

in #story8 years ago

This is ... wow. By god, man, you did it again! I liked how you picked up on a different perspective that was just before the end of the last. It has a nice continuity to it. The flow is just so spectacular, and we're finally upon the convergence chapter.

We finally pick up where Dee displayed her fallibility, and unlike Dee, your writing continued to be flawless and doesn't seem to skip a beat! You are a machine, brother.

The moment they converged, everyone hit the ground running. Every character just fit right in splendidly even though everyone is caught up in a whole chaotic situation. The tension was indeed palpable, from the start, right to the very end. It's fitting that the climax was framed with the chase sequence, my heart's racing with every sentence. I'm pretty sure that every reader held their gaze for almost as long as Drucker held his stance. The deafening silence surely resonated to everyone.

The next chapter couldn't come any sooner!


Yes, @jedau! My brother! :)

I tried to plan this one out carefully, tying everybody into the one whole chapter in sequence so I'm glad that I seem to have got that part right. Now the big meeting has taken place (kind of as Drucker didn't physically "see" who was in the car), things have now reached a boiling point and it should be fun for me to write up all the repercussions spinning off from that.

Writing up an action sequence was maybe the trickiest chapter for me so far. Trying to balance expressing the characters emotions and feelings as well as keeping the pace going had to be finely tuned, but I hope that came across OK. Your invaluable feedback is awesome and I thank you for immensely for helping me out!

Will try to get the next chapter out ASAP. Actually the stories for the next three are already finished, just gotta type them up properly.

Bless, my awesome bro! Thanks for everything! :)

Oh, yeah, I forgot to say that it'd be very interesting exploring the fallout. The action sequence was written so well, there isn't even a hint of any struggle on your part. I've recently watched the trailer for Blade Runner 2049 and couldn't help but realize that Drucker really sounds similar to Deckard haha It's such an awesome coincidence.

Great to hear about the stories already finished. I can't wait to read them when they get published! :D

I really gotta watch that film now, lol! If anything, just to make sure I'm not blindly following the same plot too! Hopefully will have the next part out real soon. Take care, my brother and thanks again for your just plain simple awesomeness. :)

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