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RE: The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 11 (My Original Novel)

in #story8 years ago

Oh, I thought this was the chapter where they collide with Drucker! haha I was hanging on every word up until the very end, the suspense was almost palpable. I'd like to take the opportunity to praise the characterization of each individuals.

Dee has turned out to be such a terrifying character, in the best possible sense. All of her actions in this chapter were so chilling, it was hard to take my eyes off her as well. Her dark potential plays on the fears of AIs taking over. The progression of her arc was done so organically, it feels like we're growing with her.

I really like how Marv grounds everything even after all this time. He's so wonderfully fleshed out, that I don't even mind if he takes a sudden turn in the next chapters. Maybe it's just me, but I like it when the glue falls apart without warning and throws everyone for a loop.

And, Sy. His naivety continues to be the strength of his character. I really don't want to be in his shoes!

Man, that dream sequence of his was so wonderfully written, that I'm seriously rethinking of re-writing the dream sequences of the story I have yet to publish. I mean, word for word, it really clicked on all cylinders.

I'm on the edge of my seat, and I can't wait when the silent police alarm turns into blaring sirens! I didn't expect that this chapter would have so many moral implications, but I was pleasantly surprised. The next chapter couldn't come any sooner! Great job, brother :D

Oh, and @thecryptofiend is right, The Symbiotic Protocol certainly draws comparisons with Blade Runner (one of my favorite films of all time). So, it's very amazing that you've crafted this universe without even watching it!


Oh wow! You are the ultimate comment-meister! The privilege I feel for your invaluable feedback is simply beyond words, my bro! After writing out what was supposed to have been one chapter, I had no choice but to pull a "Deathly Hallows" and split it up into two, lol. It just turned out to be overly long compared to my previous instalments and actually was two distinct parts. But you can bet your bottom dollar, the next part will conclude this current sequence of events one way or another.

The way you've described the characters. Oh man, you just nailed the exactly personalities I was trying to instil within them perfectly. I thank you so much for that as it's the feedback that I rely on so strongly to keep me on track and focused upon all aspects of the narrative.

Marv: seemingly helpful stranger out of nowhere (friendly or not?), Dee: Unrelenting drive to achieve a goal she believes will free her people from their sub-standard way of living, Sy: Thrown into a whole world of pain and confusion yet fearful of breaking away from Dee and all the associated strong emotional connections. And of course, one petrified little kid, lol.

At the risk of coming across as a little crazy, I regard these characters almost as real people now. I'm heavily invested in the story and that's the only way I can fully relate to how they would react and feel in any given circumstances. I'm sure you know what I mean being a writer yourself. So, really hope it continues as well as I think it is so far.

Lol, still haven't got around to watching Blade Runner yet. Was all set up to check it out yesterday but familial duties interrupted proceedings! Thank you ever, ever so much for your pearls of wisdom and advice that I take away with me based on your comments and I hope to get the next part out real soon!

Bless you, my brother! :)

Oh, wow! :o Was that lifted from your own character descriptions! Woah, I really ... I didn't know I hit it so accurately haha I am just so immersed every time I read this, which is rare for me. I usually find it hard to be focused on reading something, but your stories just make it so easy. When I said that you have a way with words, I mean it with every positive emotion imaginable.

"Comment-meister" hah! I like that :D It warms my heart that my comments are living up to its intended purpose. More often than not, it just falls on deaf ears, and receive a simple "Thanks", just a vote, or nothing at all. For a time, I really took a break from leaving comments, as I felt that I was just wasting my time. I'm glad to know that I came back just at the right moment.

Brother, with all the adulation that you've been receiving, trust that it's an indication that you're hitting all the right marks. Even back when it's on Chapter 9 or 10 I've already concluded this as a classic. I do hope that when someone archives all of the hall of fame stories on Steemit, "The Symbiotic Protocol" gets all the first-ballot votes it deserves.

Because of your awesome stories, you get a free pass from watching Blade Runner ASAP haha

You snipped the story at just the right moment. It was an awesome cliffhanger, and I can't wait to read the next chapter :D

My bro, as I mentioned a while ago, I can only hope to deliver on consistency! I can't believe anyone could offer up a simple "thanks" in response to your incredible feedback. I mean, you take your valuable time and effort to brighten someone's day like that! I mean, that in itself goes beyond words if you ask me, my friend! :)

But seriously, the appreciation I feel is unparalleled and I can only pray that the rest lives up to your kinds words and expectations.

Bless you from the bottom of my heart, brother! :)

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