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RE: My Personal Thoughts on "The Cloverfield Paradox"

in #story6 years ago

Ouch! I had intended to watch it this weekend, but now I'm seriously considering it. I've read somewhere that this wasn't supposed to be a Cloverfield sequel, and that it's originally entitled "The God Particle". The addition of the Cloverfield stuff was just to help with the marketing, and since JJ Abrams was producing it, they thought about just adding it to the mythos. If it wasn't a Cloverfield sequel, would your opinion change about it?

I was a big fan of The IT Crowd, so I'm saddened that Chris O'Dowd disappointed in this.


You are right, it was supposed to be called "The God Particle" but had the Cloverfield brand pinned on at the very final hour. How J. J. Abrams didn't have more of a pull on this films firection, I don't know. But no, even without the Cloverfield brand name association, it still ends up a poor movie.

Also, so glad you like The IT Crowd too! Yes, a real shame Chris O'Dowd disappointed so bad in this latest outing.

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