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RE: Inside The Mind of War - Part 2 (My Original Short Stories)

in #story7 years ago

This was so good, I had to read this a bunch of times before I decided to leave a comment. This is shaping up to be one of your best short stories yet, brother! You're really making up for lost time and showcasing your talents for everyone to see. The characters are so well defined and their dynamics are so engrossing. I really wanted to take everything in.

PTSD is no joke, and it's a shame that it's criminally underestimated. It not only affects the people suffering from it, but also the people around him. I really like how you depicted it. It's subtle yet it completely takes over the scene.

I've written a morning scene before, but it doesn't even cut close to the masterpiece of a scene you've painted for us. You have such a masterful stroke, that everyone in their right mind should try to emulate. In behalf of those who are able to read your work, thank you. For the people who hasn't had the chance to read, their missing a sizable chunk of their lives.


Too kind, my bro! I always keep an open mind and try to learn more from the extraordinary amount of expertise contained within the vast Steemit posts out there.

Unbelievably, I've had this story stored away for well over a year now so I'm delighted to finally publish it here. I agree totally that the damage done to soldiers coming home from the horrors of war, ebb away a certain part of their humanity. The sights they have seen are like nothing we civilians can ever hope to contemplate. Only hear of through their spoken word.

I hope to capture some of that in this short novella whilst trying to ground it in the realms of reality to the best of my ability. But man, again, your heartfelt words continue to encourage and inspire. I (like you yourself) put hours of effort into creating these nuggets of entertainment so hearing your humbling feedback always keeps me focused and grounded.

What a gem you are! Thanks, man. Really appreciated.

Man, that is your power. You turn what you hear and you develop stories like you're the one who experienced it, leading readers to experience it with every word. I have no doubt that you'll capture every drop of emotion.

You make it easy to write heartfelt comments, brother. I only react to what I read. You (unlike me) are reaping the rewards for all of your hard work, and I am extremely happy for you! :D

I can only try, my bro, so really.... thank you.

Your sentiments can be liberally applied to your fantastic work from myself also, man. Your day to shine in terms of monetary rewards is well and truly coming. Just keep doing what you do best as I honestly believe everybody gets their due's in the end.

Stay strong and push through the boundaries of your imagination.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, brother! I really needed that :D I'm just so glad to have found kindred spirits on this platform. Warms my heart!

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