An Originally made Fictional Story - THE HAVOC

in #story6 years ago


By: Humanities and Social Sciences Students


Main Characters:
Prostitutes – Estella, Wincelle and Rizamae
Gossip girls – Jeanetta, Janine, Jabez and Cherry
Drug addicts – Clark, Kevin and John Mark

Supporting Characters:
Drug lord – Japhet
Mayor – Rei Earl
Priest – Kenneth
Police – Charvin, James and Aaron
Reporter – Kate

Sitio Santo Nino, Jagobiao, Mandaue City, Cebu

Estella: Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!
Wincelle: Yes Madame!
Estella: It’s already 9:00 p.m. We got to go to the bar. (As she looked at herself in the mirror and started to put up some make up) Faster!

The ladies went to the Hatchi Club, the place where they usually work every night. They started to cling some of the men in there.

John Mark: Oh yeah! We thought you wouldn’t come.
Kevin: We already ordered one case of beer.
Rizamae: We’re sorry for being late anyway it doesn’t matter anymore, we’re already here (in a soft and seductive voice while sitting on the lap of Clark)
Estella: Did you bring it?
John Mark: Yes of course we did. We wouldn’t miss to bring it.
Kevin: That’s right. It’s our vitamins. Haha.
Clark: It keeps us to be energetic.

They all laugh.

(On the table behind them)
Jeanetta: Oh my gosh! Is that our neighbors?
Janine: Yeah! OMG! I didn’t expect this!
Both: They are prostitute!
Wincelle: Hmmmm.
Estella: Never mind them.
Jabez: Look, they are using drugs.
Janine, Jeanetta and Jabez: OMG (they whispered)
Cherry: Hi guys! Sorry I’m late.
Jeanetta: Why you’re late?
Cherry: I joined my mother to go to the Santo Nino Church.
Jeanetta: Ah okay then.
Cherry: So let’s drink!

People were dancing and laughing in the club until the police came.

James: Raid!
Charvin: Don’t move or you’ll be shot!

Everybody got panic and screaming. They were all arrested and put in the jail. The mayor came to the prison and talked to them.

Rei Earl: You are the scurge in this society. You deserve that drug addicts!

They all cried.

Cherry: Mr. Mayor, I and my three friends (pointing to Janine, Jeanetta and Jabez) are not drug users. Please free us (kneeling on the floor and lifting her hands).

The mayor went out with his body guard beside him. The body guard smirk to them.

Kevin: Boss (he whispered).

Wincelle became unconscious and fell to the floor.

Estella: Help! Please help!
Janine: I can help. Stay away from her so she can breathe.

Janine holds her hands and massaged it. Few minute later then Wincelle was back to normal.

Rizamae: Thank you.

Two days have passed; a priest came and visits the prisoners. He seminar them and spread the words of wisdom in order for them to realize and accept their mistakes.

John Mark: Oh, my Lord what I have done. I am so sorry.

After the seminar, the prisoners didn’t notice their tears fell down from their eyes through their cheeks.

(In the women’s cell)
Jeanetta: Even though we are not using drugs we also have a fault.
Janine: Yes, you are right.
Wincelle: Janine, thank you or saving my life. Remember the dog of yours? I am the one who hit it. I am very sorry; I was high that day because I used illegal drugs.

Janine cried and said, “It’s okay, I’ve move on. I’ll forgive you and thank you for telling me.”

They hug each other.

(In the men’s cell)
Kevin: Look at them.
Clark: I think it is time to make change. We did a lot of troubles in our life. We hurt our parents and friends.
John Mark: God is so good. He never leaves us. We are still alive and kicking. After all we’ve been through.
Kevin: You’re both right. We should accept this punishment because we deserve this.

Two months had passed and they were all out in the prison because of the goodness they did while they were in the prison and became the best of friends.

Wincelle: So this is a good bye?
Janine: Why? We can still see each other. We are neighbors.
Jabez: Haha, yeah.
Wincelle: My boyfriend will pick me up in the airport.
Estella: Boyfriend?
Wincelle: Yeah, he is a Canadian. I’ll promise that he will be my last.
Cherry and Rizamae: Congratulations!
Jeanetta: What about you boys? What’s your plan?
Kevin: We will take revenge to our boss.
Janine: What?! Do you want yourselves to be put up in the jail again?!
Clark: But we think that this would be the best thing to do.
John Mark: No worry, we will not go back in the jail. We will just approach to the police and tell them about our boss.
Jabez: You mean the drug lord?
Kevin: Yes! Remember the body guard of the mayor who visited us after we were arrested? He is our boss! He is the drug lord in this Sitio!
John Mark: And we were thinking that the mayor is his puppet. He tell the police where were we so he can freely clean his name and reputation.
Cherry: You were putting yourselves into harm. You might be killed.
John Mark: Our life is useless and our parents already abundant us.
Clark: This is the only way to make things right. If ever we will not be killed, we will allow ourselves to be rehabilitated.

One month later.

(Phone ringing)
Estella: Hello?
Rizamae: Turn on your television then watch the flash report of abs-cbn channel three (crying).

(Flash report)
Kate: Two men were found dead on the sidewalk at 4:00 dawn. They were Japhet Descartin , a body guard of the mayor of Mandaue City Mr. Rei Earl Tinambacan and was also been the drug lord of the City and Mr. Kevin Amor, once detained in the prison because he was a drug user. On the other hand, the City Mayor of Mandaue was arrested yesterday because he was found using illegal drug in his office.
Mrs. Amor: My son! My son! (crying).
Mr. Amor: Who did this to our son?! (sobbing). We are asking for justice Mr. President!
Kate: Don’t change your channel and I’ll be right back.

Estella: Oh, poor Kevin.

One week later.

(In the church after the mass)
Rizamae: Cherry?
Cherry: Riza?
Rizamae: Estella is with me.
Cherry: Janine, Jeanetta and Jabez are also with me.
Estella: What a coincident!
Janine: Shhhh.. were in the church.
Estella: Oh, sorry hehe. I was just overwhelmed.
Janine: How are you?
Rizamae: We’re fine. I am currently working as a waitress in the coffee shop.
Estella: Me, I make a small business.
Janine: What business?
Estella: A sari-sari store. How about you?
Janine: I, Jeanetta and Jabez finishing our bachelor degree.
Cherry: Well, I work in my daddy’s company as a manager.
Rizamae: That’s good!
Jeanetta: What about you, Rizamae and Estella? When will you come back to school?
Rizamae: I don’t know, maybe soon. I have no money yet.
Estella: Yeah, me too. I am still saving money.
Cherry: No worry, I’ll help you both!
Rizamae and Estella: Really? Thank you so much.
Cherry: No problem. We’re friends.
Jabez: So would you mind pray for the soul of Kevin?
Both: Yes.

Five years passed by and they were all graduated in college with a bachelor’s degree. Rizamae graduated as cum laude in her course Bachelor of Science in Hotel Restaurant and Management. Janine and Jabez graduated as B.S. Psychology while Jeanetta and Estella graduated as B.S. Secondary Education Major in English. They meet again Clark and John Mark. They both change a lot and they always pray for the soul of Kevin during All Souls Day and to his death anniversary.

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