They Live: An Analytical Observation of Deception - Chapter 5 (eBook)

in #story7 years ago

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The provided information describes the changing economy, the changing of moral values, the breakdown of society, communication between fellow brothers and sisters of the human race, the hidden agenda of the power elite, and the reprogramming of the masses through effective manipulation (brainwashing and conditioning) based both experience, alternative information (alternative media source), and observation.

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A Distracted Mind is an Idle Mind

We all know how things such as a radio blasting in the distance, or a television set with surround sound are turned up while a chase scene plays on in the background can break your attention down in a hurry. Back then parents would tell their children to turn off their radios and TV sets and come sit at the dinner table. And we they did come to the table, their parents told them to bow their heads in prayer to the lord for the food they were about to receive.

LOL, so where did these traditions vanish off to?

You literally have to pry either a handheld game console, cell phones, iPODs out of the hands of the children, and it’s even harder to get an entire family together at the dinner table in 2017. This just lets you know that times have REALLY changed, and most of that is thanks to the hundreds of social media users who are on their computers literally all day. These are known as distractions they keep us off track from objectives we want to accomplish that are most important to us.

The youth in America are bombarded the most with distractions, and it’s at the point where newer generation of parents feel restricted when disciplining their children due to the fact that DCFS (Department of Child Family Services) has been set in place by the Government to control the actions of their parents, while allowing their kids to have more authority in the household and are able to “act out” without repercussions of discipline. The millennial youth are now becoming adults, and because they were void of proper discipline and rules to obey, they are very selfish, lazy, non-sympathetic toward their fellow American, and the attention span is very minimal and stoic at best -- hence the term “zombie-like trans state”.

You can compare this to particular scenes in They Live, one of which I just pointed out earlier when Nada is walking by a young man who's seemingly hypnotized from what he’s viewing on a stack of TV sets in the front of a television shop. Although the young man is wrapped up in what is viewed as a chain of rambling commercials that’s promoting certain products and activities to engage in, this keeps the young man glued to the TV screens, but for Nada he knows it’s simplicity at it’s best to condition the mind and saturate it with irrelevant content.

Later that night, Nada has found a spot to sleep in what appears to be in the back of an apartment complex. He doesn’t go to sleep right away because he is so bored out of his mind, until he notices a TV set playing through a window of an apartment across from him. With nothing better to do, he decides to check out what the TV viewer is watching. He sees a famous lady on a talk show who explains how she’s a very important celebrity icon who talks about why her fans love her, and how it helps to keep her famous and noticeable. He listens in to her bragging about herself with chatty dialogue.

“Sometimes when I watch TV I stop being myself, and I’m a star of a series or I have my own talk show, or I’m on the news getting out of my Limo going someplace important.”

“All I ever have to do is be famous, people watch me, and they love me, and I never, never grow old, and I never die.”

- Quotes from The Famous Lady

Nada soon realizes just how superficial this lady is, just by listening to her babble about being in the spotlight of as a superstar celebrity. He turns away from the screen because he knows as well as the lady on the talk show that she’s an obvious “bullshit artist”, who is fake as they come. Nada notices that she’s a “noise maker”, which is someone who tries to distract you from more important matters in your life. A distracted mind is left wide open for mental conditioning of the worse kind and people may think that’s harsh to say, but how else can you say it?

This is a fact!

Weak-minded people who listen to such babble actually start to believe what a famous person or someone with a lot of influence are telling them. It can affect the listener dramatically as they continue to accept highly suggestive thoughts from that particular person (especially if they’re an authority figure, or people belonging to an in-crowd group, or a bully, etc.)

This is why your parents would tell you to watch who you hang around and listen to, because they already been where you were growing up and noticed the wrong crowd of people to associate with, especially the ones who dish out false information to you to make themselves seems important when they’re REALLY PHONY, AND A JOKE!

Nada’s parents have taught him well in that department LOL, because he was just too strong-minded to let anyone influence him in any way, shape, or form, and that included the phony Elite oppressors who ran mind-conditioned programming at the Cable 54 broadcast network to tarnish the minds of the naïve, the innocent, and the pompous listeners who are easily distracted and too weak to reject the corruptive programming fed to them daily.

This is the same situation in our world today where people are getting too distracted to the point where their brains are actually digressing instead of progressing.

They Live also points out an all right attack on American citizens of this country, and you better believe what you see in this movie because this particular story is spilling out into real world situations (AND NO I’M NOT MENTIONING STRANGE SKULL-FACED ALIENS, LOL.)

I’ll dive into who the real alien perpetrators momentarily who are trying to take over this nation as we speak.

This has proven to be one of the key elements behind the issues of ADHD or (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), this is when a person who has trouble keeping their attention focused on what they’re doing at the given moment.

A good example of a worst case scenario would be a person who is working a job and they can’t seem to stop pulling out their smartphone wondering if their best friend has called them, or a girlfriend or boyfriend who could be texting illicit material to them while they are trying to complete an important task.

Safety also is jeopardized when a person becomes distracted especially if you’re doing something constructive that could injure or kill you or someone else nearby due to a lack of awareness.

This is one major reason why car accidents are happening because people are texting on their phones instead of focusing on the matter at hand while trying to be safe, but influence in the world today is very domineering and is one of the worst types of serious safety hazard that claims thousand of lives annually.

Even deadly stories about certain hand-held games such as “Pokemon GO”, has been responsible for deaths due to the fact that people (mainly kids) are literally chasing electronic Pokemon Ai’s all over the place, and everything depends entirely on this stupid game that tells you to turn here, then there, look under a rock, but it won’t tell you to WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!

For those who missed that obviously haven’t heard of the animated “George of the Jungle” cartoon back from the late 60’s (67’ to be exact), and sadly went away after 17 episodes due to severe financial loss from over production and time of the animated series was allotted by its creators Jay Ward and Bill Scott.

LOL! That’s VERY DISTRACTING, to say the least, not to mention the crazy notion giving a voice prompt app in a game complete jurisdiction over your own life is just utterly insane!

People ignoring others, family members, friends, showing very little respect and support for them, even a blatant disregard for life at the basic level means nothing to many people in these dark days (that goes double for MOST Millennials), are due to remedial distractions which seem to be held upon the highest plateau made available to the public 24/7 (hand-held devices are on the top of the list that people let rule their everyday lives, and this reinforces the facts made when referring to them as being brainwashed into a “zombie-like state” completely numb to actual reality).


A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

- Albert Einstein

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