They Live: An Analytical Observation of Deception - Chapter 2 (eBook)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

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The provided information describes the changing economy, the changing of moral values, the breakdown of society, communication between fellow brothers and sisters of the human race, the hidden agenda of the power elite, and the reprogramming of the masses through effective manipulation (brainwashing and conditioning) based both experience, alternative information (alternative media source), and observation.

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Carpenter’s Difficult Choices

One could only imagine why John Carpenter would risk his directing career to expose the hidden secrets of the Elitists.

Maybe it was on a personal level, or maybe it was just karma eating away at his soul only John Carpenter can tell you exactly why he purposely and cleverly crafted They Live the way he felt it should be which was to tell two separate stories. Another thing is how the movie was so accurate when you compare it to the now times of 2017, you have a few instances of this as John Nada discovers the Hoffman Shades and goes on an unexpected test run walking around in the big city deciphering hidden truths that lie in secret all around him.

He first discovers a terrifying secret hidden in plain sight as everyday citizens like himself are walking around in public wearing what appears to be a scary Halloween mask when in fact it is actually their real face.

One great example was the scene where he wonders by a newspaper stand where he sees a well-dressed businessman who is purchasing a newspaper from the seller. At this time, of course, Nada has already tried on the glasses and has already uncovered the businessman’s secret by seeing him for what he REALLY is. This “so-called” businessman is anything other than such, he is an intruder who has successfully infiltrated into a society and is a part of a different faction entirely.

The man looks back at Nada as he wonders why he continues to stare at him not realizing that Nada has a forbidding optical weapon allowing him to witness the unimaginable. At that point, Nada is actually John Carpenter, as he has paid his dues to become one of Hollywood’s top directors. So now that Carpenter has become well-known in the film industry, he probably thinks back to how he came to be where he was then in his career. You see Carpenter knew it wasn’t going to be easy for him to break into the truth industry, and one has to face trials and tribulations to become accepted into the celebrity ranks (and it doesn’t matter who you are, or who you know, if you want in, you’ll have to be prepared to make a deal to live with but chances are you’ll later regret it!)

Hollywood promises one fame, fortune, and notability on the celebrity status level, but have heard the old saying about the dark side of Hollywood where you have to give up who you basically were before to make it into the big leagues (the real you before you become a different person because of the choices you make, as well as taking on a different persona as a direct result). Not every celebrity will fall for this carefully constructed “Hollyworld” illusion, there are some out there who know what they're dealing with and then they are those who just go along with the program because they are too powerless mentally to do deal with their true inner self (this aligns primarily with one’s ego), as well as those who are pulling their puppet strings 24/7 to follow orders or else! And that’s what Nada was feeling once he discovered who the seemingly harmless businessman really was (a wolf in sheep’s clothing.)

So think of the businessman as a celebrity, and Nada as your typical plain everyday John Doe.

At first glance, Nada would DEFINITELY have much difficulty connecting with the businessman in regular conversation simply because of the attire he has chosen to wear. Then you have the difference in hairstyles where the businessman has a clean-cut style, as opposed to Nada’s wild punk “bad boy” hair style, which would peg him out to be the troublemaker type in the eyes of society. On top of that, Nada is also very muscular and intimidating in physical stature, was as the businessman is more average in build, and would be considered much less of a threat if it came down to an physical altercation. Honestly speaking, the businessman would naturally cater to another businessman or woman in friendly conversation which would come to no surprise, he would look down upon Nada picturing him as an unintelligent Neanderthal which is the polar opposite to his high rank of intelligence.

Now remember what I just mentioned about going along with the program that society has laid out for each and every one of us to follow. It is proven to be true time and time again how people choose a certain “group”, to migrate to. They feel awkward when they’re trying to integrate into another group that they know they don’t belong with, and this is where the individual feels completely out of place as if they’ve just entered into a room full of aliens. So again we can throw Nada into this situation as he progresses in the movie walking along the city streets (wearing the Hoffman Spectral shades), seeing billboards and store signs telling him to “marry & reproduce”, or “stay asleep”, “no independent thought”, and the most remembered suggestion to “obey”. As he views the entire barricade of signs from long-view perspective, every billboard, store sign, hand full of money, humanoid individuals walking around with terrifying skeletal shaped faces are surrounding him constantly.

So we can now revert back to Carpenter’s situation where he’s indirectly telling you that’s he’s being watched closely by the secret society groups of Hollywood, so he had to cleverly leak out information to the audience giving them a head’s up of things to come 20 to 30 years down the pipeline while at the same time staying under the Elitists’ radar. Unfortunately for him, they did recognize the slick tactics he used to tell a story on top of another story which would dearly cost They Live’s marketing potential being back-pedaled away from its release to both VHS and beta (they were REALLY old-school videotape consoles if you’re too young to know about these two particular format options back in the day.)

Things weren’t better for Carpenter as well, he was put on the infamous “blacklist”, after going against the rules of the hush-hush secret societies who demanded celebrities and directors alike to comply with their orders, or suffer the consequences which means that they would take away your rights to produce American films, not to mention destroy your entire career. Other films that John Carpenter directed also suffered to some degree, “Halloween” was one of the lucky ones that the Elitists seemed to like most (LOL, well no surprise there, I mean Myers DOES A LOT OF KILLING in the Halloween series). Halloween was the most remembered slasher/horror survival movies and the Elitists figured that films such as this would be more acceptable for the general public to watch, after all they do believe in massive gore and killing (remember they’re the biggest pushers for WAR at every turn because it brings in the big bucks annually – hence the dreaded war economy).


This why movies such as “Halloween” and another survival of the fittest flick “Escape From New York”, will never get placed on the back-burner, because the Elitists want the average juvenile mind to pick up on it and react it out real-time to breed the perfect killing machine on the battlefield, not to mention the potential chances of unleashing serial killers upon the general public because they’re also a HUGE fan of population control.

They are also misinterpretations about Carpenter’s direct motives behind the film’s creation.

He was fed up hearing the reason he created They Live was to point out how the Jewish Elite had a firm grip on Hollywood’s “YAY” or “NAY” decisions on making produced films in which he claimed had NOT AN OUNCE of influence over the film’s content, Carpenter had complete control of how the film was going to presented to the public in its finished version. He explained that They Live was NOT about the Jewish faction taking over the world. It was about the issues some countries faced that were dealing with the secretive oppressive policies of “Capitalism” which governs both our economic and political systems, then there’s young high-salary earners known as “Yuppies” such as celebrities (in news, entertainment, political parties, etc), who are easily mind-controlled and will push damaging propaganda out to the mass public, they will do anything to keep up the lavish lifestyle they have depended upon for so long (even if this means they’re outright lying to us while standing directly in front of a television camera, then yes they will DO IT IN A HEARTBEAT IN ORDER TO STAY ONBOARD RULED BY THEIR ELISTS MASTERS.)

Carpenter had great ideas for this film, and with great ideas comes greater interior motives for creating the film to be placed on the silver screen. This also served as an opportunity to give the viewer pieces to a much larger puzzle in the form of clues (which were secrets John felt he needed to share giving you a glimpse into the world of total conceit, greed, power, and deception, coming from the most unlikely suspects who are constantly hiding in plain sight.)

”The Power Elite!”

And their servant Yuppies!

So it’s fair to say that John Carpenter obviously had a mortal soul (despite the fact that he was controlled by his “Oppressors”), and he knew that the Elitists were just parasites looking to dominate the human race as if they were are nothing more than just play things they can toss away like scrap when they were good and ready to do so. Carpenter purposely put his career on the line for the fans of They Live, in order to wake up America, and take back their controlled country!


It would be well to realize that the talk of ‘humane methods of warfare’, of the ‘rules of civilized warfare’, and all such homage to the finer sentiments of the race are hypocritical and unreal, and only intended for the consumption of stay-at-homes. There are no humane methods of warfare, there is no such thing as civilized warfare; all warfare is inhuman, all warfare is barbaric; the first blast of the bugles of war ever sounds for the time being the funeral knell of human progress… What lover of humanity can view with anything but horror the prospect of this ruthless destruction of human life. Yet this is war: war for which all the jingoes are howling, war to which all the hopes of the world are being sacrificed, war to which a mad ruling class would plunge a mad world.

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