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RE: New Story – With new ideas and directions to hand. I’m writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit – You can’t get more exclusive than that! Episode 9

in #story7 years ago

Looks like I have a lot of reading to get caught up on haha. Where do you get inspiration from for your stories?
I've always wanted to write but just never had the courage to really put the pen to paper. Maybe steemit can change that for me


Inspiration? It just... arrives I think.

Please have a go at writing, don't worry about what anyone else says, it's none of their business <3

I just mean, what inspires you to write? There must be something. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am going to try and start writing more, I guess the hardest part is just starting

Ah... I just have these noises in my head... I think they're called characters once they get their noise written down. You see, they talk to me, tell me their stories and once their noise gets too much to bear, the only way to quieten them is to listen to what they're telling me and sit down and write it all out.

The noisiest gets theirs written first, so you can imagine the clamour if they all want their story written at the same time?

Ahha I see. Looking forward to seeing what else the noises I need your head tell you.

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