YouTube The Productivity Killer

in #story8 years ago

Don't get me wrong I love YouTube and the fact it can help you out with a lot of things.

Need to find out how to do somethinhg? I'm sure there will be a YouTube video for it.

Not only did I plan to get some cleaning done today but I also had a lot of other stuff to do, my website hosting has gone done and has been so all day so spent a lot of time with the chat support trying to sort it out. All they could say is they were aware of the problem and would fix it as soon as they could. 

That's when I decided to go on a cleaning spree and of course music helps you clean and that's where YouTube came into my day.....

It never left, it's now time to head off to bed very shortly and I am still sitting here with my usb headphones on looking for another playlist.

I did manage to get the cleaning done but and cook for my kids but have done very little else. I had so much more planned out for today but I guess they'll have to wait. It's not the sort of thing I usually do as I like to keep busy and if it was just a cd stero in the background I think I would have got a lot done but just sat here watching the videos most of the evening.

I suppose it beats watching the usual rubbish on tv though and at least my mind hasn't been filled with nothing but dreadful news and has instead been cleared out of trash and filled with uplifting songs to send me into a new day.

My advice to you wold be to stay off YouTub and any social media sites if you need to get things done (apart from of course)


YouTube is the new Google.

However the old statement "Buyer Beware" comes screaming into my head at the same time. It can be a time suck as well so I have found one way around it quite similar sounding to yours.

I listen to financial pundits on YouTube, but not on the computer... I copy the links, email them to myself and listen to them driving or doing mundane non thought tasks.

I also use it to watch what my competition is doing and to feed my facebook folks. It is the Yin and Yang of the Internet in my opinion, but has great value when used accordingly.

Interesting insight @jameshowarrd.

Indeed it has great vaule and I'm not one that usually wastes any time on it. My wife uses it a lot for how to videos when she need to learn a knew crochet stich but it's very rare that you'll find me on it unless I have some cleaning to do :-)
I like the idea of saving the link like that good tip for anyone.

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