Mystery Solve an untold story

in #story6 years ago (edited)

This is a story of my co-worker way back then, 10 years had already passed when this happen. According to her, she noticed that her dorm mate had a 5 year old daughter that keeps on talking as if she is talking to someone else even though she's just alone. At first, her mother thought that she was just playing so she just ignored it. One time while she was washing their clothes, she heard her daughter laughing as if somebody or someone is with her. It bothers her already because at that time she knows that there's really something wrong. She even tell it to her friends about her daughter's condition. Her husband work abroad and she doesn't want to be distructed as well. One time while her daughter was talking again alone, she called her and asked these baby are you talking to someone? Her daughter replied, "yes I'm talking to my playmates". The mom feel so shocked and afraid at that time since she doesn't see anyone else in the room. But she took courage in asking her daughter if what her playmates look alike? she answered it's like we're on the same age she has long hair, pale and she's in pain she's crying, looking for her mom. Her dress is long & white and she has a mark on her face and theirs blood everywhere especially in her neck there's a roof in it. The other one was a boy older than 2 years at me, his face was burnt and there's a knife in his chest his bleeding everywhere. Her mother was astonished by her child's revelation, her daughter added they're asking for help mom it's like they are trapped from underground and they're stuck and they can't get away. She held her daughter's hand and headed outside the house and look for their landlady so that she will hear what she wants to know about the story of the dormitory. As the landlady heard it she cried horribly and says thank you I finally found them I had been looking for them long ago.
This is the story of the house. According to the landlady which is the grandmother of the child. It was her daughter who live their with her family, they had 2 children a girl and a boy. Her husband is jobless and a drug dependent, her daughter which is the wide is the one who are earning a living for them. They often fight for his husband accused him of having an affair to her co worker. The fight has been already a usual thing which seems got bigger and bigger and his husband got worst. One day when she goes home their house is so dark and silent, she's calling her children but heard no answer so she tried to switch the lights on their she saw his husband lifeless hanging and there's another rope tied but cut, there are bloods on the floor. She's shouting for help and became unconscious, from there she didn't say anything about her children for her husband is already dead and he can't ask dead body.
She was asking for help on where abouts of her children, posting pictures on walls and street lamps. Till time goes by and by and she was a bit depressed for there's no lead and no one can answer, later on she died. The case was closed for no more leads on the child, until that recent event where their tenants child had a friend. According to the child, her mother and father often quarrel because her mom was accused of having another affair with her co worker but her mother did not pay attention of constant jealousy of his dad so what his dad did he killed his children. He got mad, he got a knife and made bruises on her daughter's face and hang her until she lost her breath. Then the little boy was burnt and burried them at the back of their house. Then afterwards the father hanged himself also.
They dug up where her daughter pointed out where they are buddies and true enough they found the bodies of the two children . The grandmother who is the landlady give them a proper grave and prayed for their lost soul. They left at the dorm and find a new place to live in. From their that room they occupied was closed for years and soon the grandmother sold that dormitory and goes to another place for a new start. That's how the mystery was solve, where it started like a horror story but soon enough found out that there's someone waiting for help to found out.
That's my entry for #yougavemegoosebumps @cklai contest #1. I hope I don't bore you on my story.

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