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RE: Tell me where to go next! - A Story

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I love genre mixing so if this is a ghost story, it will be something else too. :) We will see, we will see...

may I suggest a twist into unreality? Even a subtle one, perhaps on next contact?

Define unreality. Define your unreality. Or the unreality of this story.

Hard questions, I know. :D

Thanks for the book suggestion. I have to find out if it's available in Finnish somewhere. I read the text about the story in wikipedia and I have to say it sounded really delicious. :)

Let's see what wikitextbot has to say. :)


Define "Unreality", eh? Hm. The notion is a vague blob of experiences even to me... A mirror in barely lit room, your home as seen in a dream, familiar yet twisted... I've had a dream once that the walls of my house had secret doors leading to impossible corridors. Hm, yes something like that.

As for the book, honestly, with your command of the English language you shouldn't have much of a problem reading the story in its original form. There's also an audiobook around somewhere. Though if you're more comfortable reading it translated, fair enough.

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familiar yet twisted

Sometimes, when waking up from a dream that my brain still wants to continue, as I start waking up, I at the same time realize that I am almost awake but still dreaming. The last moves, last words in that dream. And then I wake up and it's gone. If it was a nightmare, I sometimes struggle with the waking up part. I know I'm dreaming, but the nightmare doesn't want to let go of me. But if it's a dream I'd like to continue, I sometimes manage to be there, sleeping and still seeing dreams, just a little while longer. This transition, for me, feels incredibly unreal.

There's also an audiobook around somewhere.

Better get that to my hands then. :)

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