That One Time I Smoked In School (or How I Nearly Ruined My Life/Senior Year By Smoking In School)

in #story8 years ago

Hello, Steemers!

It's story time for anyone here who likes reading horribly recounted memories, and have nothing more to do than to just read my story. I feel like writing some stories and about stuff that has happened to me, even though it isn't much cause I usually stay in my bubble.

It all took place at around 4-5 months ago, and I was in school with a friend of mine. We didn't really talk much throughout school, and we only had one class together. So one day he came up to me in the library (since I never ate during school lunch and was allowed to stay in the library in the mean time.) When he came up to me, he asked me if I was interested in smoking sum of dat dank kush with him. Me being the good kid I am said "Nah, dude." cause in my opinion, doing that is already really risky, and doing it in school would just screw you over, since you can either:
A) Be sent to some other correctional school
B) Be fined 100s of dollars
which is horrible since I didn't want anything on my record, cause I still feel/felt like I'm doing pretty good in school and want to continue doing so.
He kept asking for a few minutes, and I guess I was peer pressured to do it, although when I just agreed to it I didn't feel pressured, I just wanted him to stop and thought to myself "I'm pretty stressed due to tests, might as well try to relax a bit." Once I said yes he led me to a corner near some girl's restrooms that were locked (I'm not sure why, but restrooms around school got locked at times, and it pissed everyone off). We got in position and started smoking, and it only took around 10 minutes until I started feeling it's effects and felt my body relax and my mind lose focus on everything. After around 20 minutes minutes we heard a girl trying to open the door to the restroom and started nagging until she left to call a teacher and see if they can open it. That's were everything went to sh*t. When the teacher arrived she asked the girl if she smelled something off, and when the girl said she did, we heard the teacher say "Is that weed?". After we heard that we went from quietly laughing at them trying to open the door, to full on panic mode. We threw whatever we had on the floor and stomped on it. When we heard them leave we figured it was our chance to escape, so we started speed running away. We escaped. But being dumb, after around 10 minutes we decided to try to nonchalantly walk back to the area where we were smoking in order to see what was going on now and if anyone said our name. Luckily that wasn't happening. Sadly, the school security guy that was there called us over to see if we knew anything. At that moment my heart felt like it sunk, and as if I was doomed. I looked at my friend and he seemed calm about it all, as though he didn't care, and I tried staying calm like him. I have to add that my eyes were pretty red and it looked like I was tired, so when I walked to him I yawned and scribbled my eyelids to seem as though that was the only reason why I looked the way I did. Either the security was dumb, or he just didn't feel like this was worth doing something for, but he just ignored the way I acted/looked. After a few seconds he got called over and just told us to leave the area cause they're trying to search for something. That's pretty much all that happened. Maybe I was exaggerating the costs at the time, but it was a terrifying experience at the time. A day later a friend of mine told me she saw me with the other guy, but I managed to play it off as if I didn't know what went on.
My next school experience story will be on the time I did cocaine during class!
Just kidding.

Does anyone here (student or worker) have anything similar that has happened to them?


That's a pretty typical tale of woa for kids your age. However, I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. But please get off this train of drugs and smoking otherwise it may turn into the express highway to hell.

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