in #story7 years ago (edited)



Died in 2004 of a bygone right on 15 Ramadan.
Figure this one very hated among wahaby, if you write his name in google and you slide on the filter image then don't be surprised if a lot of photo he fed a cross mark in red on his face. It was off because of the tenacity he when preaching to invite people to be on the right understand the Manhaj and bersanad to the Prophet.
He was known by the title Almuhaddits (nickname for scholars of Hadith).
From his hands, great works, already more than 100 book printed and spread to parts of the world belong to Indonesia. He was also a close friend of Habib Assegaf Abdulgader, and among his protégés worldwide is very Alhabib Ali Aljufry and Alhabib Abdullah Fad'aq, even both seriously reveals that he was the one Alhabib Muhammad Almaliki that became his inspiration in preaching.
The most poignant is the story of when he died, when the corpse was about to taken down, and in the liang lahat one who prepares bodies to assume he was a student he Habib Ali Aljufry, after the rope was lowered and the corpses of the shroud in the open, suddenly Habib Ali Aljufry screamed and fainted. Ditariklah out and replaced by other people and the funeral were carried out with solemnity. However, when Habib Ali Jufry woke up and asked why he fainted, he replied : "last I heard whispers of" give me a place! I am Muhammad wanted to help bury the bodies of these people"(source: Al Injaz Fi Karaamati Fakhril Hijaz).

He is also one of the great scholars who became a role model figure as a teacher of the majority of scholars of Indonesia, then no wonder the day greeting death condolences flowed in from all over the Islamic world. And when the funeral procession, the number of people who watched the corpse he headed his last retreat reached hundreds of thousands in fact no less than one million, according to most sources, and it is said that if the count is logically not possible in the time as soon as it can gather the human with the number of the case, the obvious names he so echoed all over the world.

Among some of his works are:

  1. أسماء الرجال
  2. علم الأسانيد.
  3. القواعد الأساسية في علم مصطلح الحديث.
  4. القواعد الأساسية في علوم القرآن.
  5. القواعد الأساسية في أصول الفقه.
  6. زبدة الإتقان في علوم القرآن
  7. كتاب مفاهيم يجب أن تصحح.
  8. المختار من كلام الأخيار.
  9. كشف الغمة في اصطناع المعروف ورحمة الأمة.
  10. محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الإنسان الكامل.
  11. تاريخ الحوادث النبوية.
  12. حول الاحتفال بذكرى المولد النبوي
  13. التصوف.
  14. مفهوم التطور والتجديد.
  15. منهج السلف في فهم النصوص.
  16. خصائص الأمة المحمدية.


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