A sky The first chapter of the fall of genius

in #story6 years ago

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The first chapter of the fall of genius

"Fighting force, three!"

Looking at the stone tablet above test shiny five characters even some dazzling, young face, lips with a self deprecating, hold hands, because of the strong, resulting in slightly sharp nails deep into the palm of his hand, bouts of terrible pain...

"Xiao Yan, fighting force, three! The lower level!" The test stone beside the monument, a middle-aged man, look at the monument to show the information, will be announced indifferent tone out...

A middle-aged man just talk, it is no accident in a turbulent square with a mocking commotion.

"The three paragraph? Hey, I was not expected, this "genius" this year is in the same place!"

"Hey, this waste is really to the family face to the lost."

"If the patriarch is his father, this waste would be expelled from the family, let it have the opportunity to emerge of itself and perish of itself, which is free in the family."

"Oh, this year the city famous Wootan prodigy, and now how so look into ah?"

"Who knows, maybe what was wrong, provoked the wrath of gods..."

Around to ridicule and disdain regret sighs, fall on that as pegs to stay where young ears, like a thorn Genli mercilessly tied in the heart, let the young slightly shortness of breath.

Boy slowly raised his head, revealing a somewhat handsome young face, dark eyes around wooden scornful peers who swept at juvenile mouth, seems to have become more bitter.

"These people are so mean forces? Perhaps it is because three years ago they had been exposed in front of your most humble smile, so now you want to get back... "A bitter smile, Xiaoyan lonely and quiet returned to the team in the last row, lonely figure, and around the world, some of the lattice.

"Next, Xiao mei!"

To test a person cry, a girl quickly ran out of the crowd, the girl just appeared near the buzz is much smaller, both slightly hot fire eyes, firmly locked with the girl's cheeks...

But the girls age fourteen or so, and although not stunning, but a childish face, but contains a hint of charming, pure and charming, contradictory set, let her success has become the focus of attention...

The girl walked forward, hands easily touch the dark stone monument, and then slowly close your eyes...

After the girls' eyes for a moment, on the dark stone monument again lit light...

"Fight gas: seven!"

"Xiao Mei, Dou Qi: seven! Level: senior!"

"Yeah!" Listen to the test member shouted, girl raised cheek smile...

"Gee, seven bucket of gas, really great, according to this schedule, I'm afraid we might require only three years of time, she will be called a real fight..."

"It is the seed rank family in character..."

Listen to the crowd came a burst of envy sound, girl on the cheek smile is a bit more, this is vanity, many girls can not resist the temptation...

On weekdays, and several sisters laughed over each other, Xiao Mei sight through the crowd suddenly, stopped in the crowd that a lonely figure...

Consider a frown moment, Xiao Mei was dismissed the idea of the past, now two people, are not in a same class, with Xiaoyan, in recent years of age, at most only as a family of lower personnel, and outstanding talent will become her family culture strong point the future is limitless, it can be said.

"Oh..." I sigh a sigh of relief, Xiao Mei brain suddenly emerged three years ago that the four year old boy in high and vigorous spirits, Qi, ten years old have nine bucket of gas, eleven breakthrough ten bucket of gas, the success of condensed bucket cyclone, became the youngest family hundred years fighting who!

When young, confident and potential immeasurable, I do not know how much to let girls chunxindangyang, of course, this also includes the former Xiao mei.

However, the genius of the road, seemingly always twists and turns, three years ago, the popularity reached the peak of prodigy, suddenly received is the most cruel blow not only hard to practice the rest of life for decades, have condensed the bucket cyclone, overnight, and in the fight come to nothing, gas, but also with the passage of time the less, more and become strange.

A direct result of the loss of gas in the bucket, it is due to the strength of continuous retreat.

The genius of the altar, the night fell to the ordinary people as the point, this blow, let the young genius, then driven to distraction, is gradually being replaced by scorn and ridicule.

Stand higher, fell more ruthless, this fall, perhaps no chance to climb up.

"Next, Xiao Xun!"

The noisy crowd, the tester's voice rang again.

With this some elegant name sounded, the crowd suddenly quiet down, all eyes, suddenly transfer.

In the limelight gathering place, wearing a purple dress girl, is elegant stand, calm young face, not because of all the attention and change.

Girl cold and indifferent temperament, like lotus Chuzhan, young age, has already begun to take refined temperament, it is difficult to imagine, if the day after grow up, how will the beautiful girl...

The purple dress girl, of beauty and temperament, than the previous Xiao Mei, undoubtedly more wins a bit, no wonder there are all such action.

You nudge, before, named Xiao children smoked girl to hand out of stone monument, with black purple gold sleeve slide, reveal a delicate white Hao Wan, then touch a stone...

A quiet, stone, dazzling light once again.

"Fight gas: nine! Level: senior!"

Looking at the stone font field in silence.

"... even to the nine paragraph, it is a terrorist! In the family of the young generation of the first person, I miss it and non." Still later, around the boy, is the can't help swallowed, eyes full of fear...

The bucket of the gas, each bucket of the only way which must be passed, beginning a bucket of gas to the ten, when the body of the gas reaches the ten section of the bucket, the bucket can condense the cyclone, to become a respected fighter!

In the crowd, Xiao Mei is wrinkly eyebrow to stare at the stone before the light purple skirt girl on the cheek with a flash of envy...

Looking at the stone on the side of the test member information, middle-aged face indifference was also rare with a smile at the girl, slightly Gong track: "after the children smoked half a year, miss, you should gather the grudge can spin, if you succeed, then to fourteen years of age to become a real the bucket, you are Xiao hundred years in second people!"

Yes, second people, the first person who is out of genius aura xiaoyan.

"Thank you." The girl nodded, dull face not because of his praise and joy, quiet back turned, and then in the crowd hot attention, slowly the line in front of the crowd behind the decadence of youth...

"Xiaoyan brother." After a young girl at the side, steps toward Xiaoyan respectful bow, beautiful face, incredibly peeped out around them girls envy elegant smile.

"Now I have let you call?" looking at the front of this planet has grown into the most dazzling pearl in the family, Xiaoyan bitter, she was in her and is very few, but also on their own remains a respected person.

"Xiaoyan elder brother, have you ever smoked and the son said, to put it down, in order to pick up, put freely, is a free man!" Xiao Xun son smiled softly, slightly tender voice, it is heartwarming.

"Oh, free people? I can only say that you see what I am now, as a free man? And... This world would not belong to me." Xiaoyan wry smile, down the road.

In the face of Xiaoyan decadent, Xiao children smoked slender eyebrows slightly wrinkled, serious way: "Xiaoyan brother, although you do not know what it is, however, would you believe children smoked, to stand up and take back your glory and dignity..." here, micro meal a girl, white face, first with crimson light: "when Xiaoyan brother, very attractive indeed..."

"Oh..." in the face of a girl disguised Frank words, awkward boy laughed, but did not say what, people don't wind Liu in vain teenagers, but now he really don't deserve it, and feel lonely, turning over the body, facing the square outside go slowly...

Stood looking at the boy like the lonely figure, Xiao children smoked paused for a moment, then behind a jealous wolves howling, hurried to catch up, and youth together...

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