Christmas in April

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Ben Kagi had not eaten for the last seven hours and looking at how big his stomach was, you could not have guessed that was the situation. Ben had been trying to lose weight, if not for anything he needs to be able to talk to Cynthia, his classmate who happened to be his crush. Cynthia is beautiful, but using beautiful tends to leave out a great deal of how attractive she was. She was athletic as she was brainy. Double threat. Only a few ladies in their class could possess such an attribute. She was naturally beautiful and she seemed to have noticed this as she uses the least of makeup.


But today, the meal he skipped was not voluntary, he was broke and he kept looking at the message the uncle sent to him via WhatsApp when he asked him for money.

Hello Ben, I am sorry for putting you under this undue pressure. It was never my intention to do so. It is just that our stupid government does not realise the consequences of their ineptitude. We have not been paid up until this moment and there is no sign we would be paid this week. I am not given to complaining, but as I write this, I don't have a farthing with me. We have been surviving on old stocked food which is fast running out. We are virtually lifting our self by our bootstraps. I can't find anybody to borrow from and those who are owing me are in a worse situation. I would try to call if I can find the credit.
Murray P.

He had reread this text seven times, each time wishing the message was another thing. Uncle Murray Peters works for the government. He had been helpful but ever since he married a new wife he seemed to has drastically reduced the stipends he sends to him in school. This time around, he is outrightly not sending any. Maybe the cost of running a family had been so much a burden. But that did not stop him from building a massive two-storey building back in the village. The house is almost near completion. He wondered how he was able to do that and not have credit to call.

A thought came to mind, he should call Uncle Rockus, it has been a while he spoke to him. Uncle Rockus was Ben's dad's long distant cousin. He was an unrepentant womanizer. He is in his late fifties and still unmarried. Ben's mother, while alive always remind him to marry as time is not on his side. But every year Uncle Ruckus will come with a girl that just narrowly escaped 18 years and introduce him to the mother as his next wife-to-be. This news always gladdens Ben's mother as she always thought he would be out of bachelorhood very soon. People always raise eyebrows at the age difference between him and the would-be bride. But Uncle Rockus always tells anyone bold enough to ask that it is always good to get a girl in "working order." Ben always wondered if the older ladies are out of order but he never says anything.

He picked on first ring and Ben was happy.

"Hi, it's me Ben Kagi, son of Kagi Fado, your cousin schooling in University of Manshare."

"Yes?" The voice on the other end was both suspicious and cautious, and the reply was put more in a question way than an acknowledgment.

Ben decided to not beat around the bush and go straight to his point of making the call as he has less than 5 minutes of airtime remaining.

"Sorry Sir, I do not usually do this, but you know my parents are no more and Uncle Murray that had been helping me had not been paid by the government. So I am wondering if there is any way you could help me send some..."

"Wrong number." The voice on the other end interrupted him midspeech and immediately there was a click. Uncle Rockus or whosoever that was, just hung up on Ben!

Ben was certain the number he got was correct. Uncle Rockus gave him the number 4 years ago during the burial of his mother. How could he now claim it is not his number? Even the short reply he did was in his voice. But since he was not going to acknowledge he was the right person, there is no reason pushing it. Another dead-end. Think. A voice told Ben. But being rational on an empty stomach was not something anyone could do. He was now desperate to get some money to have some lunch. Breakfast is considered skipped by now.

"Hi, Ben, what's popping man?" Mike asked. Mike seemed to come from a wealthy family, he has the best electronic gadgets in school. He was always looking good in the best trendy dress. He was known as Mike Merchandise as he always has some new gadgets that are for sale.

"I hope you are now ready to buy the electronic massager I showed you last week. They are not going to be in my possession for long. I have sold five since last I told you about it." Mike inquired, looking earnestly at Ben.

"I would've loved to buy it, but I think Cynthia would do a better job." He winked.

This reply elicited a laugh from Mike.

"I know you are a funny one. You should consider comedy, you make the best joke. Cynthia? In your dreams!" He continued laughing.

Mike seeing he was in a good mood decided to take the chance.

"Hi Mike, you won't happen to have a spare two hundred with you? I have one thousand here and you know how Mama Ejima at the Common Room Shop behaves. She never seems to have any change with her."

"Yeah. I do" Mike said as he pulled out his wallet, bulging with so much money in it.

"Anything for a potential customer. Add it together with the cost of the massager and your money comes to 10200." Mike told Ben as he handed over a crisp 200 note.

Ben was almost at the point of tears with gratitude as he thanked him.

As he walked away towards the canteen, he felt a little guilty to have lied to Mike. But Mike may not have given him the money otherwise, though rich, he was a very shrewd businessman who does not play with money. Maybe making him laugh and also the prospect that he would buy his massager loosened his guard. But his lie was a clever one, he asked him for the money nonchalantly as if he has any in his pocket.

Some minutes later, he was almost back to his normal self.


But now he owes Mike and was still broke. How long could he afford to stay in school without money? He really loved education but the future is not as bright as it was. He sat thinking. A beep indicated an SMS. He did not bother to check who it was from. Silly spam messages that he had been getting plus debit alert from his bank. Not something that someone desperate for money looks forward to. But his curiosity got the better of him and he opened it.

And sure enough, he saw,

Get a ringtone for....

He deleted the message without bothering to read further.

He was about to put the phone in his pocket when another beep indicated another message. Now he is so angry he is ready to punch a wall! He hurriedly pressed the phone and scrolled down to the offending message, fingers poised to delete when he saw it was from his bank. Another debit. Damn, he thought. He opened it and his heart stopped.

Credit alert of 1,000,000 was deposited into your account 3030****** by Bar. Gate

He froze. He scrolled down and saw his balance

Amt Balance : 1,000,800

He remembered he had 800 as the only money remaining in his account, which the bank told him he cannot withdraw unless he is closing his account. He tried to close his account to get the 800 and they required him to bring a utility bill to show proof it was his account. An account they know sufficiently well is his as he transacts there almost every day!

This is real. What should he do? A thought came to him. He stood up and walked away.

The End


Wow... well I think his problems are solved then. Hmm Bar. Gate🤔 well its better not to think of that now 😏

I enjoyed this alot... happens a lot in life . Nice one green man @greenrun.

Solved? Hahaha. I am not so sure.

Hahaa... I hope the next call doesn't come from the bank.😣

That would make the story even more interesting :)

But for the moment lets hope for the best😎...haha

For Ben'ssake we have to do that :)

Lol . I hope so too.

Right... I have a supporter @cwen. @greenrun you are the author and finisher of that story. Make the magic

@gloglo you can continue, I think I'm done. Make it good, continue. 😎

You are a good story teller.

i bet you are part of the few who remember their childhood days, clearly and perfectly. Every single detail

Thanks for the compliment. I remember some. I forgot some. Hope you are good. Thanks for dropping by.

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