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RE: Original Short Fiction: How to Hunt Bigfoot for Fun and College Credit, Part Two, Bigfoot's Kids!

in #story8 years ago

How to Hunt Bigfoot for Fun and College Credit

Ok, Bigfoot -- I have heard a lot about him but never seen him ( or her ) yet.
That being said, I want to throw in my two cents 9( with inflation 3 cents ). Now I have not yet read the above article but I think that Bigfoot, Biggie as I like to call him ( not to be confused with Biggie Smalls ) is a fallen angel. Don't laugh as a plausible explanation for Bigfoot has yet to be validated. Now I will read the article ------

“Hi, I’m Gwen,” she said, so we have the introduction of a fair maiden who seems to be a potential center of gravity for this interesting crew. So the story transcends into the story of Miracle Bears, might just be fallen angels. Anyhow I like the backstory as described by the old lady. I don't think I would have liked being pulled from a toilet. Reminds me of when I was almost shanked in the men's rest room of a nightclub. Note to all guys, if you are taking a long urination an a couple of guys walk up behind you -- then do be ready to fight -- especially if they can use the other stalls, but I do digress. Her story is interesting as maybe there is a glandular problem in the first set of Miracle Bears. If so would that possibly account for their lack of ability to speak?

I like cliffhangers, you know the old serial movies they used to show such as Charlie Chan and The Rocketeer. My heart beat through my chest, this had all started as a prank and now we were about to be introduced to real live Sasquatch children -- I am somewhat on the edge of my seat and waiting for the next installment of How to Hunt Bigfoot for Fun and College Credit. Just my thoughts, Ron. And yes I do like your writing style.


Thank you for the complete and thorough complement. I am glad you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it. Fallen angels, huh, that's the first I've heard that related to Bigfoot. The nephellum as sasquatch, that's a twist, huh?

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