in #story7 years ago



A week had passed since after Mama Vicky's burial. The number of callers who come to express their condolences had now thinned down. Those who returned from the cities for the burial were now counting the days in order to go back to base. Oyibo was among such people. Her husband had left a day after the burial while she stayed behind, arranging to travel back to Ibadan later.

During the burial, no one had broached the issue of Nwamaka and what would become of her. But Oyibo had agreed with her husband to take her along with her while returning to Ibadan. But events took a dramatic turn when Euna declared that she was taking her daughter, Nwamaka with her. Almost everyone was surprised. Oyibo had noticed the growing interest of her mother in the young girl during the burial and wondered why. She concluded that her mother may have had a repentant heart and had decided to make amends. Oyibo watched with keen interest as her mother showered motherly affection on Nwamaka.

Nwamaka had grown to be a real beauty. She would be thirteen by the end of the year, though big for her age. She was very fair complexioned like her mother but more beautiful in her unique ways. All those who attended the burial of Mama Vicky noticed her. She was a beauty to behold and had a ready smile for everyone. She was down to earth and unassuming in her character. All the while, Euna followed her with her eyes wherever she went with keen interest.

"I intend leaving for Ibadan with Nwamaka" Oyibo told her mother.

"I don't think that would be necessary. Let her stay with me at Nneri and continue her schooling there," she replied.

"You have Obichi and Nkechi with you. Natachi is also there, so I will go with her"

"Obichi will soon be married and Nkechi is almost living in the parish house. Natachi has never been good company and you know it. She is better off with Ezekwe and his family. She talks or laughs only when she is with Ezekwe. It is almost as if I am alone. So let Nwamaka be with me to keep me company"

Oyibo eyed her thoughtfully.
"All I am saying is that Nwamaka has a better chance at Ibadan than in the village. She would attend a better school and..."

'She is my daughter, Oyibo, and I want her to spend some time with me. I have got to get to know her and she needs to know me too. What's wrong with that?" She asked, becoming offended.

"Okay. If you insist, but I really don't see the sense in it," Oyibo said, as she agreed reluctantly.

"You can take Natachinyem if you so desire." Euna suggested

"You and I know that Natachi loves being at home and that this is not a matter of looking for whom to take with me. This is different," Oyibo said.

"Did Nkechi tell you she wants to become a reverend sister?" Euna asked.

"Yes, and I am happy about it," Oyibo replied.

Euna looked at her in disgust.

"So you support her?" she asked.

"Why not, what is wrong with that?" she asked.

"Oyibo, I can't understand you. I don't know how you reason. I am surprised."

"I am the one who is at a loss to understand you. Obichi wants to get married, you are reluctant to agree. Now Nkechi wants to become a reverend sister you are also reluctant. What exactly do you require to make you happy?" Oyibo asked, annoyed.

Flaring up, her mother said:
"Yes, why won't I be happy? Obichi wants to get married in order to enlarge another man's family and Nkechi wants to be a reverend sister in order to serve God's family. None of you has any second thought for your family. I am really embarrassed at the type of children I have," she finished in anger and left before Oyibo could reply.

Long after she left, Oyibo was still at a loss as to how and what to do to please her mother. She wondered whether she was having emotional problems. However, two days after, she went back to Ibadan with her children leaving Nwamaka with her mother.

After the burial ceremonies, Euna returned to Nneri. Sympathisers continued to call on her to commiserate with her. Those who could not be at Nkwoma used the opportunity of Euna's return to sympathise with her. Adaeze, her friend was at Nkwoma but was also visiting regularly after the burial.

One evening, as they sat sharing little tit bits with each other, Natachinyem walked in. She was in her final class in the secondary school and these days, she often came home late due to the final exams going on.

Today she looked fagged out as she dropped her books noisily on the table in the sitting room.

"Natam," Adaeze called sweetly. Adaeze was fond of her and called her by this pet name.

"Aunty good evening," she said, as she managed to smile.
Mama good evening" she greeted her mother.

"How has it been? You look so tired and hungry"

"It's been hectic, I could eat a basin of fufu right now," she said as she hurried off to the kitchen.

Euna sat through all these without saying a word. She was indifferent.

"Big madam," Euna said referring to Natachinyem. "Look at the way she's that hurrying off to the kitchen. But ask her to light the fire for you and she will complain she's preparing for exams."

"Well, judging from the fact that she used to do all her chores before without complaining, you should pardon her now she is writing her exams," Adaeze said, slowly.

"Who says she used to be different before? There's never been any difference in her character," Euna said.

"Euna, don't say that. Remember it is Natachi that takes care of the house, cooks while you are at your stall. After that she fetches water, firewood and then comes to relieve you at the stall while you come home for other things. Are you now denying her?" Adaeze asked.

"My sister, Natachi is a difficult one. I am her mother, I will tell you about her. You can't manage her, "

"You and Natachi," Adaeze said, amused. "In your next world, both of you will not be mother and daughter but co-wives of one man and it will be fun to watch how you cope with each other.

"Co-wife with whom?" she asked. "Don't you see the way she carries herself?" she stood up to demonstrate. "When she walks she moves as if she is the daughter of the president of this country. She is so full of herself. She's just too proud for my liking. If you talk to her, count yourself lucky if she as much as looks in your direction. She totally ignores you and does not care a bit. She's only happy whenever she is with Ezekwe and Nkeiru" Euna said, sadly.

Adaeze laughed heartily through all these. Finally she said:
"There's never been a time I have spoken to her or scolded her for anything without her listening attentively to me. Maybe it is your approach that is causing the whole problem. And secondly, I don't think she is proud, she just carries herself well. She has a graceful way of carrying herself that makes her outstandingly beautiful," Adaeze said.

"Is she more beautiful than her sister, Oyibo? Oyibo doesn't behave the way she does."

"Oyibo is beautiful in her own way while Natachi is also beautiful in her own unique ways. She has grace, intelligence and well-polished and courteous manner. She is just well-bred. Had I a brother looking for a brother looking for a wife, I would not hesitate to recommend her."

"Gbam!" Euna responded. "The way you go about this, an onlooker may think I don't know the person you are talking about."

"You know I am saying the truth. You are proud of her too."

"What do you mean?" Euna asked.

"Remember the day you were telling me about the young girl that passed by you without greeting you?" Adaeze asked.

"You mean Chinenye's foolish daughter?" she asked.

"Yes, if that's what you call her. Remember you told me that you asked her why she should not greet you. You asked her too if she was anywhere like your daughter, Natachi who was her classmate. I remember you told me that you told the young girl that she could not even stand and talk where your daughter, Natachi stood in any aspect. Wasn't that what you told me?" she asked, laughing.

"I did" she agreed. After a while she continued.
"It's just that Natachi is too independent for me, and I don't like that."

"Then accept her for what she is," she told gently. "Your trying to bend her to fit into your perfect image is pushing her farther away from you. Try talking to her gently as a friend. Stop being hostile to her and I am sure you'll be surprised to discover who she really is. Your attitude towards her is merely creating a big rift between you two," Adaeze advised her.

Euna looked thoughtfully at Adaeze and sighed.



Thanks for reading! Check my blog often for subsequent chapters.




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