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RE: Amid Fire Water-Fueled Chaos The Tribe Escapes The Reservation

in #story5 years ago

You would thing that the bia is here to stop fraud but was the main agent for fraud in way too many cases...

And the card is really divisive. Encourages us to be racist as well and encountering racism for being able to hunt and fish with different rules..

Like we hunt when we want and in areas that white hunters can't and experience massive amounts of hate.

But when that's the only way your children eat during the winter?...

And close control? Yeah the federal bureau of investigation... We have big trust of the government.

Posted using Partiko Android


sir ganjafarmer...well, if anyone objects to indigenous people being able to hunt anytime they need to then that's just pathetic. The just means we still have stupid, ignorant, jackass whites who should know better.

Trust of the government. That's sarcasm I'm sure but you CAN trust them to screw everything up and keep unfit, unqualified pinheads in charge of departments who have no business being there. Like the BIA I'm sure is a perfect example.

Oh you always have issues with tribal rights and hunting and fishing rights.

So our fish and game is there as ARMED and as well Federal certification as officers for our protection.

And we get a tag to go kill a deer or elk, for funerals and ceremonial uses.

Always have white people get angry. Most times we kill an animal and have to call fish and game so we can process the meat without interference from others.

Common excuse Is it's not hunting season. But we have tags and the legal as well as tribal support.

Currently our treaty is in the Supreme Court

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy again sir ganjafarmer! That makes perfect sense. What is the court case before the Supreme Court?
What is it about?

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