Subdued. (original story) guy's perspective

in #story6 years ago (edited)


he lost his mind, as he walks out of the cemetery grounds. blank face of expression. he turns to his left and proceeds to walk.....he moves in a steady unchanging pace. evading people, it feels as, if he will touch one of them, he will shatter into million pieces. he walks intersection by intersection. he's turned mindless, there's no one to steer him. he just walks,
although the day is great,IMG_20180510_122107.jpg
he is not concerned about it.... he is just walking, without intention of stopping. his gaze is fixed mostly on the ground. then he stops in the middle of the sidewalk, people passing by him looking at his blank expression. he is in another world completely. he doesn't see people walking by, he doesn't feel the sun hitting his eyes, he doesn't feel anything, waves of people pass him by, he is like a statue, who knows where his mind had gone off to..... who knows how long he has stood there. he feels as his legs have turned into stone, stone cold slabs, he's just breathing. IMG_20180421_184359.jpg
not thinking totally zoned out everything. a voice in his mind quietly says "move" he ignores it, voice it becomes louder. "MOVE" he snaps back in reality. all shook up, as a cyclist rings his bell almost colliding with him. he looks straight and around him.... the cyclist is long gone.... people are walking slow, he turns around, realizing he got nowhere to go.IMG_20180524_220502.jpg
he turns so sick of people walking so slow. so he proceeds to run down the street along with the sidewalk. his suit is not meant for running, but he just guns it. he feels relief moving again, his legs don't want to stop.... his mind is absent as he runs.he don't want to feel cold again, he runs........ and runs.............. who knows how many people he has passed. he's crossing a bridge,IMG00253-20140524-1542.jpg

if he will stop now, "what will happen" he thinks, as the thought crosses his mind, he begins to turn down his pace..... a voice in his mind. yells"RUN" he don't think twice about it, he doesn't think at all, he's just gunning down the road. until he runs into a park,IMG00289-20140529-1339.jpg
gradually he slows down, his heart is pounding. he winds down..... a bench lures him..... he takes a seat.... he oversees the park from here, how people move in unreasonable speeds,IMG_9833.JPG
he can't pinpoint them they are too fast so he just keeps them out of focus.... he's far away completely now. 20150817_174144.jpg
sitting here no one knows how long or why. all he can see is...... birds flying and one bird lands on his left on the bench.IMG_20180510_134117.jpg
he turns his head to see the bird. as he is doing that, his attention goes to his hands all this time he was sitting and rotating his ring around his finger. he stops..... having caught himself. he taps his feet...IMG_9829.JPG
hinting that there's nothing here for him....IMG_9791.JPG
so he leaves the park, goes to the nearest bus stop... doesn't matter now where it goes so he doesn't mind the route. as long he is on the move. buildings going by... is he moving or the buildings are moving and he's is just standing still? scenery changes slowly... looks like he's just looking at the glass window. while the bus creeps along the road. " it's your stop"it's your stop!, " get out" he sees the bus door opens, and he just blankly steps out. my street.... he turns around and there is his home.....IMG_20180515_093017.jpg
he slowly sort of hovering to his home, ever so slowly. even slower he picks out the door keys....IMG_20180515_093034.jpg
from his pocket.... the key has a hard time finding the pin hole.... as he is nervous his hand is shaking so he tries to do it with his both hands.... he manages to enter. he can hear only silence there. he just stands there..... the sun moves away.. and it gets darker....IMG_20180524_222123.jpg
but he just stands there in his lobby... he does not notice anything. around him... all he can do is. painstakingly step by step, move his way to the kitchen.... he doesn't know why.. he is just drawn to it....... as She always waited him with warm dinner. suddenly the rice cooker beeps. flooding so much inside his mind. overwhelming right now.... its all overwhelming.... the voice says "eat".... "eat"..... he barely makes his way to the rice cooker. takes a spoon, takes the rice cooker, crawls in the nearest corner, and starts to eat ... the last rice she had made for him. seemingly out of nowhere sound fades-in to room, slow music starts to play. this was her favorite piece. and now he is crying...... eating, weeping, he ate all of the rice mixed with his own tears. the music player goes on.... he is subdued..... its her voice... its her voice that tells him to "Live".... "Live".....
content, flourishes as it is being created. and it needs to have a medium.
kindness is the first rule.
make my day.

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