PARTY POLITICS IN THE UK - Two wings on the same bird?

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I often read comments to the effect that the two party government system in the UK is fundamentally flawed and exists only to make us think that voting has power.
They say that there are two wings on the same bird (an irritating americanism frankly) and the underlying global agenda continues on unimpeded.

During the Blair years that was completely true because he introduced the Gucci shoed, Armani suited "New Labour" which was nothing short of a tory infiltration.
He converted to Roman Catholicism and I immediately got the message loud and clear.
That man was Thatcher's boy and had been compromised by sexual misdemeanours in his earlier life.
He is now widely regarded as a massive war criminal and a deceiver who, with the aid of Alistair Campbell, wrecked the real socialist values of the Labour Party completely.
This broke the faith of many people.
It seemed that millions of us had nobody to vote for any more.

Now we have Jeremy, arch enemy of the Bliar.
His rise to Labour Party Leader has been tortuous and the media have tried hard to fry his reputation daily.
That alone should make you sit up and take notice of the man.

Unfortunately some 38% of British voters abstained from voting at our last General Election.
It is a tragic fact that if they were to have the confidence to vote for Jeremy Corbyn he would have an enormous landslide win.

Blair is still winning if they don't.

Further criticism of the Labour Party comes in the dire warning that it has its roots in the Fabian Society and much fear and doubt exists around that organisation and its underlying intentions.
It seems that a person cannot become leader of the Labour Party without being a member of the Fabians.
However, have you seen the way Jeremy Corbyn talks to them at their conferences?
He is quite strong and clearly intending to make some great changes to restore Socialism to its rightful philosophy of working for the British people and not any occult agenda.

You cannot defeat a bad idea outside of it.... you have to be in those secret societies in order to fully appreciate what they are about and to know how to redirect their energy.

Jeremy Corbyn has been notably anti EU all his political career but since he became the leader of the Labour Party he is careful to follow the party line.... until he is in a position to make changes.

This video proves how much Jeremy Corbyn objected to the EU in the past

John McDonnell has determined that he will reinstate the clause to abolish the City of London as soon as possible.
It was the Fabian darling, Tony Blair, who removed it after all and the way he still hangs around like a bad smell is highly suspicious.
He is the cuckoo in the Labour nest and he has a lot of influence on younger less experienced members and MPs like Chuka Umunna and his fellow Blairites.
Jeremy and John have a difficult job while these Red-tories lurk in his parliamentary team.
They are always needling, moaning to the media and gossiping, verbally stabbing Jeremy Corbyn in the back.

Add to all this Jeremy's long term commitment to the Stop the War Coalition, of which he was Chairman for four years until resigning upon his appointment to Labour Leader. This irks the tories and makes them very uncomfortable because their commitments to the City of London bankster predator class prevent them from ever standing in the way of a golden opportunity for arms sales and a juicy war or six.

Finally there is Jeremy's commitment to resolving Palestinian suffering.
This rattles the UK Zionist Federation cage both here and abroad and we would need to be politically oblivious to be unaware of their huge influence despite the fact that they represent a tiny minority of the population.

Everyone who serves the Black Nobility, in every NATO government, gets very itchy when any criticism of Israel is made.
Israel can do no wrong according to the many lobbyists from the various Friends of Israel organisations.
They have blinkers on over the various cruelties and injustices and even support Israel when it blatantly attacks unarmed civilians in the world's biggest concentration camp ever.... GAZA.

So no, we are not dealing with "two wings of the same bird" at all.
We are dealing with the misconceptions drip fed to us by our fake and controlled billionaire media.
We are dealing with two parties, both of which have false images caused by media hype.
Really the analysis I am reaching is clear and simple:


And THAT is why an hysterical Treason Mayhem screamed at Jeremy in an uproarious Parliamentary debate in July of 2017:
"We will never let it happen!"

And that is why it MUST happen that we come out in our millions to support Jeremy Corbyn and kick the City-loving Tories out of office forever.
Britain should not be ruled by a foreign power and that, dear reader, is PRECISELY what the City of London actually is.

Author's facebook page:


But for once a irritating americanism that is right.
And there is no better place to show that its correct, than the USA. Democrats and Republicans - as different as plague and cholera.
And its the same in most countries, only not always as obvious. The UK, Germany, France ect. ect., always the same pattern.
Divide and rule, thats a method as old as politics itself.

I think my point is that we do have a huge difference between our parties in the UK. They are not at all two wings on the same bird. As I stated:
This difference is colossal and yet is papered over in our media.
The tories pretend to work for the people and constantly asset strip the nation to the bone.
The Labour Party sets out to restore, usually against a backdrop of extreme poverty and debt, which they have inherited from the tories every time, historically.
This hampers them from implementing the really important issue of abolishing the City of London tax haven which is a den of thieves, protected by the tories who constantly make the mistake of thinking that they will curry favour with the big money.
We need a dynamic socialist government that will implement the dismantling of the City protections as a FIRST priority because every day that the old Roman Enclave remains in splendid isolation it will persist in robbing us blind and we, as a nation will be unable to forge ahead with the urgently needed reforms that see wealth shared more evenly and not syphoned ever upwards and offshore by the parasitic Black Nobility and their obedient servants.

Well, God bless you and your enthusiasm. For all I remember, the difference was not that big, with perhaps a few exceptions like the Thatcher era.
But thats the UK, perhaps I'm not close enough to judge. I'm german, and at least for Germany I can say: there is no real difference. Of course they all waffle a lot about social justice and all that. But once they are actually in power, all they do is to cater for the high finance and their lobbyists.
The SPD (the german labour party) itself demolished the workers rights in the so called "Agenda 2010" wich resulted in lots of minimum wage jobs, worker rental agencies, cut UB and so on. And profits of the big companies sky rocketed since.
Thats why I dont dont buy politician's crap anymore, no matter what party they are from. And more and more people start to think that way.

Politics - the zionist puppet show...

I genuinely beleive that the previous Labour government under Blair was indeed subject to the machinations of the Zionist Federation and all its corporate minions.
However, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are evidently strongly opposed to that style of socialism (if we can ever describe the Blair years as remotely socialist) and appear, to me at least, to be standing by the principles that defy the City of London and its Black Nobiity overlords.
They know what they are dealing with and how to disempower it.
We must give them the opportunity to do it, for the sake of all our futures.

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