Very Delicious Fish - The tortoise bastard 乌龟王八蛋 :) (原创)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Today I would like to introduce a fish, turtle, bastard,Turtle taste delicious, high nutritional value,So it is very popular in china,Ordinary fish priced at 20 yuan a pound, but the price of wild turtle more than 200 a pound,The wild turtle very rarely.
今天我要向大家介绍一种鱼,甲鱼:鳖、王八,因为它在中国很受欢迎,甲鱼的味道鲜美,营养价值极高,普通的四大家鱼售价在20元一斤,但野生甲鱼的价格超过200一斤, 所以野生甲鱼数量很少

This is my picking turtle in the Yangtze River, to the flood season, can often pick up turtle /这是我在长江边上捡到的甲鱼,到了汛期,经常能捡到甲鱼

Turtle aquatic omnivorous animals, it eat aquatic insects, water earthworms, tadpoles, shrimp and other food

"Turtle" in China, people habit to call it bastard, bastard this word in the Chinese people's mouth is a curse words, the equivalent of you americans call "Fuck You" mean :)
So come to china, you do not in the street, Do not say this "Turtle" word
甲鱼在我们这里,人们习惯称这为王八,王八这个词在中国人嘴里是一句骂人的话,相当于你们美国人骂fuck you的意思
所以来中国呀,你们千万不要在街头上,看见人就王八蛋,那是一定会被挨打. 呵呵

Many people have not seen the "Turtle Egg", This is their eggs, very round, like a ball

tortoise their very long life, they can live for hundreds of years, in China, there are many Buddhist believers, the annual release of festivals, bastard and turtle is the people's favorite animal,They can be freely placed into the Yangtze River
王八它们的寿命很长,千年的王八万年的乌龟,它们可以活几百年 ,在中国,有许多佛教信徒,每年都有放生的节日,王八和乌龟就是人们最喜欢的动物了

Many temples in China, people released a lot of bastard and turtle, they like the sun, often to see the turtle pyramid, the most famous is the Hangzhou West Lake Thunder Pagoda before the release of the pool, and became a tourist landscape

People farming turtle as a pet, in the winter they will drill into the sand hibernation.

Finally, talk about how to catch the bastard, they like the sun during the day and night out activities, like to eat liver, we can often catch fishing angel, many of them in the sun, can be caught. 最后说说怎么钓王八,它们喜欢白天晒太阳,晚上出来活动,喜欢吃猪肝,我们钓鱼经常能钓到王八, 许多时候它们在晒太阳,都可以抓到.

这是我们在柘林湖钓到的一只王八, 路亚正口的王八,这种机率相当于中彩票,我喜欢钓鱼,也钓到过甲鱼,虽然知道很美味,但我从来没有吃过,就是因为在寺庙看到人们放生,每次钓到这个王八,我都会放生, 喜欢吃的朋友,可以搜索红烧甲鱼的做法


interesting post, you have a new follower. Thanks for sharing

我会把你钓的王八做成红烧王八 :)

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