Who I am????

in #story5 years ago

My story is not like ordinary one, story begin with upstairs of twists, I was an average students with some extra skills. When I was in 5th grade I have keen interest in scketching I like to take part in extra-curricular activities like speeches, stage hosting, choreograph my school’s events etc……….my teachers and fellows use to call me Artist, life is moving this manner as time passing my telents are grooming day-by-day, Meanwhile I got first position in my district speech and Painting competition and qualified for devision level but same time I felt a change in my voice my voice starts sound strange going to become shrill mostly sounds like female, Now I the stopped speaking in front of other I used to be shy to speak In front of peoples here the twist came with thunder of sorrow, my father left us alone In the world the talented boy which I discussed earlier converted into dull, shy and hiding kind of person all the intelligence and skills disappears Now this boy start assuming that he is useless and no one is interested in him and his skills, I used to spend most of my time in reading Books and making scientific instruments which I study in my curriculum to avoid people because of my fear to be ridiculed by my fellows because of my shrill voice. But this fear helped me alot to build my concepts regarding science I made AC motor, DC generator, wind power station, made speakers using scrap, invent my own concept to use speakers as microphones, redesigned the bio gas plant to get maximum output from storage unit without spending a panni and win 1st prize of 10000 in my cities Scientific Model Competition this help me to fulfil my greed toward science. Time flying like a bird and I reached in my matriculation, I passed my examination with very good grades, Now its to go for higher Education, here I decided to stand in front of my fear, this make very much confident again I started going on stage my fellow used to idealize me, here again a tough decision came to choose my professional degree “ my father always said choose the profession in which peoples follow you not go with the sheep lane” that’s why I choose the Veterinary Profession, in starting I was not very good in my degree after some time I mold myself Now I started taking interest in my degree. Here again twist come, I was very good in Physiology and Pharmacology, as my knowledge regarding medicine raised I decided to treat problem of my throat by my own, because after trying all the doctors even they don’t know correct name of the disese so I decided to take step against this problem I started studying the human physiology and pharmacology and after researching the pathogenesis on google A hint come into my mind , I presented myself for experiment and after 5 days I got very significant results my voice is converted from Shrill/Feminine to Grave/Deep manly voice , the disease which is remain untreated worldwide until Now I discovered the treatment of that disease, Few people who trying to take credit of my research trying to approach me, one day a call came from unknown number and said I am talking from ISRA Medical College we want you to be my our guest and want to get your protocol of treatment but I denied to go because some of my teacher ask not share any protocol with anyone until you publish your research work. Now i am seeking the person who guide me regarding research paper writing , So this is my whole life story if you wanna support me regarding my work contact me.

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