My Personal Thoughts on "Hardcore Henry"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Back in 1997, music group The Prodigy released another one of their hit singles “Smack My Bitch Up” to an eagerly awaiting general public. Though the track topped the charts in 15 different countries, much of the buzz happened to centre around the music video that accompanied it. A five-minute sensory bombardment of dizzying visuals and sound courtesy of a first-person perspective hedonistic night out on the town. The final scene of the video also stirred much controversy for the band, which ultimately, only seems to gift them a wider audience. With it’s over the top violence, nudity and drug-fuelled overtones, there was little wonder even MTV had trouble airing it on their channel (though not enough to stop the video from winning “Best Dance Video” and Breakthrough Video” at the 1998 MTV Awards show). So what if a film production house took that same innovative yet divided premise and worked it into a fully-fledged movie? Let’s delve a little deeper and find out.


The plot of Hardcore Henry is as inventive as the film’s unique angle. Henry is woken up in a laboratory aboard an airship by a mysterious woman. She introduces herself as Estelle (played by Haley Bennett) and explains that she had revived him from an accident which left him impaired with memory loss as well as unable to speak. She then proceeds to fit Henry with cybernetic prostheses limbs when the lab comes under attack. A group of soldiers, led by the psychokinetic villian Akan (played by Danila Kozlovsky), attempt to murder the couple in cold blood but they manage to outwit them via an escape pod. However, Estelle is captured when they land. On the brink the getting killed for a second time, Henry is saved again by yet another peculiar figure by the name of Jimmy (played by Sharlto Copley) who reveals further that Henry’s limbs are fast running out of power. Hence the scene is set for an against-the-clock all-out brutal action fest to discover what actually happened to him and ultimately save himself and his wife from the jaws of death.

To say this movie is “different” would be the understatement of the year. With the exception of a small section at the beginning and during the end, the entire movie is shot in the first-person. Anyone who has ever played an FPS (First Person Shooter) such as the Call of Duty series or Doom would feel right at home with this one. The at-best flimsy narrative setup provides for a movie experience literally like no other. The fast-paced cinematography produces an almost non-stop “killing spree” epidemic from start to finish, as there is also no let up on the violence or nudity. It’s as “in-your-face” as you can get which I understand may be a turn off for some. But if you know what to expect going in (which I definitely did) then there is a lot of fun to be had from this flick. The frantic nature of Hardcore Henry just gathers momentum until a truly memorable finale where the producers seem to pull out all the stops to showcase how many different ways there are to dismember a human body. Though it’s so excessive and cartoonish in style that one can’t help but soon become desensitised to the on-screen gore and watch in utter bewilderment and awe at how they put together each scene, all complimented by a thumping bass soundtrack in the background. It’s a feat of technical wizardry at its finest, if nothing else.

It must come as no surprise that in terms of character development, there is almost “zero” to be had. So those looking for a movie imparting some precious moral message or huge sweeping story-line need look elsewhere. This is a balls-to-the-wall brainless actioner through and through, which ironically is not necessarily a bad thing if you “allow” yourself to get past that niggling detail and immerse yourself in the madness. In addition, a huge mention must go to Sharlto Copley who plays host to multiple characters personas as the film progresses. His wit and humour are hysterical as he appears as over-glorified versions of his unhinged alter egos. Again, zany and extreme. But that was the intention of the movie right from the outset. Hardcore Henry makes no qualms about that. Otherwise performances from the rest of the cast are very generic and forgettable. But, once again, Oscar-winning drama is not what this movie is aiming for.

I was impressed by Hardcore Henry. It entertained by enveloping me in a world I had not bore witness to before. I’ve long been a gamer too, so was even more enthralled by the familiar video-game elements thrown in for good measure. So, if you manage to switch off your brain and let your “wild child” out for about an hour and a half, this could prove to be right up your street. But at the same time, I understand full well this is a “niche” movie. If this style of dizzying documentary-type visuals give you a headache or extreme, albeit dark humoured, violence and nudity don’t do it for you, please avoid. But I, for one, thought it was pretty... damn... cool.

My Verdict: (8/10)


*Source: (1,2,3,4)

Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


sounds like this one might be one for the hubster to watch on his own Mainly because I am squeamish, but also I can't even watch hubby playing ps4 games on the tv because it gives me motion sickness! haha Great write up :)

Lol, then I'd recommend you avoid this one. It seems to feature all the elements you "don't" wish to see! So worries, their are plenty more movies in the sea... :)

OMG, he made me watch the monster project last night! I literally haven't been able to sleep! I am such a wimp! hehe That was also filmed in first person, so half of the movie I couldn't look at because of motion sickness, the other half I was hiding behind the sofa xD

Lol! Then I can almost guarantee Hardcore Henry is most definitely "not" for you! :)

I am aware of the Prodigy video you reference, and having grown up on first person games from back in the day, this movie actually intrigues me. I get what you mean about lack of character development. Sounds like many films out of Hollywood really. But this sounds awesome and intense, and very cool.

This movie is to be viewed from a certain perspective. That helps a lot. After all, Hardcore Henry can't be taken too seriously due to it's very tongue-in-cheek nature and insane visual theme. But, I found I got every bit of fun I could out of it. Hopefully you do too, bro... :)

Sometimes these sort of films are all I am in the mood for. And in those moments it hits the spot. Shoot 'Em Up with Clive Owen was like that. Over the top, deliberately preposterous, balls-to-the-wall shoot 'em up fun. It was definitely in on the joke.

Woah, I must have totally missed this one - never even heard of it. Sounds like 'Crank' with Jason Statham though. I enjoyed that gratuitous violence, so this might be one I try to find and watch when the wife and kids are busy.

Oh yes, "Crank" was a crazy movie but thoroughly enjoyable all at the same time! Try to give the unique production a look-see (though preferably not when the family are about, lol). You were spot on with that call. :)

I don't know why, but I didn't feel like it was an actual movie. There a lot of scenes in it that I would like to see in 3rd person. About the shaky cam, it didn't really bother me but I'm sure there was a lot of people annoyed by this.

The story was great, the action was awesome, the sound track was really good. Overall, I liked it. It was fun to watch it, it's different and not your average action movie. I'm going to start rating movies you review also, so we can compare our thoughts :D
7/10 :)

I knwo what you mean, @croata. But as I mentioned in my post, strapping yourself in for a thrill ride expecting not much emphasis on characterisation or narrative and you can "still" have a good time with it. The action and unique spin are it's central focus. But I also agree that will be very subjective with a movie such as this.

Glad to see your final score wasn't too far off from mine. :)

As a fellow FPS player, I think our opinion on this movie might be more than slightly influenced by the familiarity of the setting :) "Sex, Violence and First Person" seems like the movie transposition of Duke Nukem, and we grew up with that stuff!

Very perceptive observation. I found that I "could" settle right in given the familiar territory this movie threw me in. However I feel this is the most divisive movie I've covered so far and did note that given the narrow band of subject matter, it may not be for all. And judging by the follow-up comments, I feel that was just the case here...

Still, a crazy ride nonetheless... :)

Man, this was one of the movies I had on my must-see list- which I misplaced haha, thanks for reminding me. Indie films are hit or miss, but when they hit, they are fantastic.

Smack my bitch up...LOL, I love how you've come out of yourself more and more my friend, I feel like there was a time I would not have seen those words from you here. And actually, it was the same for me in the beginning, for quite some time. When I did start throwing out things like that it was liberating :)

Oh yes, lovely @dreemit! Liberation to the max! I actually remember when that music track out and I would blare it at full volume. Ah, the bitter sweet memories... :)

But yes, give this movie a go and you'll know within the first five minutes if it's for you or not. I did find enjoyment out of it, though admittedly on a very base level, so it would be interesting to see what you think... :)

Picturing you jamming to that song just put a huge grin on my face, thank you for that love.

I definitely will check it out :)

Lol, I can't imagine I was like that once upon a time either. But in all honesty, that band literally wrote the soundtrack to my adolescence. Ah, the memories... :)

This sounds magic man!! I will definitely be adding that to the list of must watches. I like the idea of the wild FPS'ness!

Hey there, mate! I think a movie like this is "made" for the likes of you and I, lol! Enjoy... :)

I totally think so, cant wait to see it! Nice catch, I was lured in by the initial mention of the Prodigy!

From what I can see, it's got 6.7 on imdb, but what I can see from your

impressions is that it might not be a bad choice to see that movie.

I kinda like the theme of the film, but that 1st person view and shaky camera is not really my thing.

I get that they were trying to get that feeling, but I'm not a fan of it.

I totally get it, man. This choice of film isn't for everyone. Thus I think it makes for an interesting post as well given the differing viewpoints people will have.

Thanks for the comments. :)

Very interesting post us one of your followers @ ezzy always support anything you post thanks

A real story..Im impressed ! Thanks for sharing and Im follow you :) @ezzy

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