You missed the moment because you were too busy trying to capture it.

in #story8 years ago

Yesterday I was at the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in Amsterdam. The show was marvelous. After 30 years and their ups and downs they are still going strong. As Donald Trump would say, ‘they are the best band'. If he were to make a band it would be this band and he knows allot of bands. And bands love him.

But if you, unlike Donald Trump, not know the band very well, you are probably familiar with the song Californication. It’s a real classic.

If you are still unsure, here’s the video clip and if it still doesn’t ring a bell just think of any classic you like it doesn't matter for the story:

Now imagine the following:

The concert has been fantastic so far. The last song ended and the intro to a new song is starting. The build-up is slow but intense and so good. You think to recognize some notes from that classic song but you are not entirely sure. You can feel a buzz going through the concert hall. Everybody is feeling it. They are still building up…it feels like an eternity.

Then the light goes out and you hear those first familiar notes on the guitar. Your heart jumps. The light comes back and the concert hall explodes!

And then it happens…

On the left, right and in front of you people are reaching for their phones. They start filming this classic trough the tiny lens of their camera. They are mesmerized by their tiny screen. Their minds are no longer where they should be. Their minds are no longer in the moment.


Please, I urge you, if you find yourself doing this. STOP!

Think about it. Why would you do this? You are in that place at that time. There is a good to fair chance you will never in your life hear that band play that song live ever again. You need to bathe in the sound of every second that song lasts and absorb all the beauty of it that you can. With your amazing eyes, you need to capture every little detail you can see and build a memory in your mind. You will never be able to do this if you are distracted with your phone.

Why are you recording anyway? For your family and friends? Instagram? Face chat? Do you think they are interested in a shaky video with horrible sound? Do you think they can enjoy the concert more than you could have had because they see your abomination? No, of course not!

An example from the concert I found on youtube. It hurts the soul.

You missed the moment because you were too busy trying to capture it.

Take a selfie or two at the concert. Show the world that you were there but then turn off your phone. Live in that moment and share that moment with your friends and family and strangers that are there with you.

You will be able to build memory’s that will stay with you for a lifetime.

signature Follow Me @exyle


Well-said. I catch myself doing it sometimes and remind myself to put the phone down

Thank you! It's good to remind yourself indeed!

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