Further Adventures In No Man’s Sky

in #story6 years ago


Following Operator Entity Idzh’s suggestion, I had journeyed into space in search of a source of cave marrow. The planet that now loomed before me seemed a good one to search. Even from this far up, I could see that marshlands dominated its landscape. Great clouds of water vapour drifted lazily across the globe, suspended above ground that was predominantly green, and deep blue lakes here and there.


Descending toward the surface, with daylight just beginning to peek above the horizon, the landscape came into view. Hundreds of giant mushroom-like things grew everywhere, their gigantic cups soon lost in the ever-present mist. Water had carved out canyons, creating a scarred landscape that would be difficult to land on.


I eventually found a spot with enough room to bring the craft down and stepped out onto the squelchy surface. Over at the horizon, the yellow-white orb of the sun was beginning to show itself, its light glinting off of the giant mushroom caps that stood all around me. I set off in search of a cave where cave marrow might be found.


As the sun rose higher and the heat with it, the mist began to clear somewhat. A growling sound caught my attention, and I discovered it belonged to a brown quadruped, sporting a horn on its nose and warts on its forelegs. It was clearly a carnivore, for as I watched it dashed forward and quickly dispatched a little creature that was nibbling away at the lichen that completely carpeted the ground. The hunter deftly caught its prey in its jaws, tossed up its head and gobbled its meal in a couple of bites.


After further journeying across the moisture-soaked landscape, I eventually found myself at the edge of a small canyon. All kinds of fungal-like life forms grew in and around it, some equivalent to giant mushrooms, others resembling the tentacles of an octopus. But of far more importance to me and my mission was the cave that had been carved into the wall at the far end of the canyon. Was marrow to be found within? Only by exploring that cave would I know the answer.


I carefully climbed down to the canyon’s floor, only too aware of how potentially slippery the surface I trod on was. I managed to make it down without incident and headed for the cave. As I approached my goal, a screech from above caused me to look skyward. For a moment I beheld a gigantic flying creature, its massive wings casting a shadow over me. I swear I could almost feel the downdraught as it flapped. Once again it emitted that loud screech and with a slight adjustment of its body it changed course and was soon gone from my sight.


I entered the cave. Stalactites and stalagmites grew everywhere, testament to the ages in which water had dripped into this cave and carved out the rock with infinite patience. I journeyed into this underworld, my flashlight bringing illumination to a world that had never known light. Every footstep echoed around me, accompanied by the calls of unseen cave-dwellers. Finally, I found what I had come for: Cave marrow. So strange that this plant should produce material essential for constructing what I needed. I set about harvesting as much as I could, contemplating how this adventure required me to trust the judgment of alien entities I barely understood...


The adventure continued.

Thanks to Hello Games for the images


Thank you so much to give me a greatfull gift.I really fond of this work.Thanks a lot.

The plot becomes more interesting, I really like science fiction, and I look forward to continuing @extie-dasilva

Your story is very nice, we get more stories☺😊 I love a lot of stories💜✌IMG_20180418_104640_641.jpg

good story i like.

An impressive imagery with this story of the future, I hope that in reality it could be all that way, there is still sun in its story and living creatures and green and plants, not that gray and desolate abyss that in some stories tells us will be the future of the man on any planet, greetings

some wonderful illustration of pictures.
thanks for sharing

Thanks for the kind remarks, everyone!

Awesome story

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