Cracked Across the Knuckles by the Universe

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Do you remember what an incredible feeling it was to as a child to believe in the unseen? There was a certain comfort and hope as a child believing that there were really no limits, not everything could be explained, and that some elegant magic was liberally sprinkled throughout everyday life. Before we were taught differently, the line between magic and reality was inexplicably blurred. As a child you instinctively knew there was something beyond what your five senses could perceive.

For all its great contributions over the last hundred years science has indirectly taken something immensely valuable away from humanity. Our limited understanding of science has imposed false limits that have held us hostage in accordance to our level of intelligence. Our egos lull us into believing that nothing more than we currently think is scientifically possible can be real.

Of course, I’m not knocking science, our egos are the culprit. We must understand that science is only as good as our level of intelligence and sophistication of our tools. It’s important not to confuse limited knowledge with absolute truth.

“Never ever doubt in magic. The purest honest thoughts come from children, ask any child if they believe in magic and they will tell you the truth.” ~ Scott Dixon

We must never think we know it all or lose our hunger to evolve into a greater version of ourselves. To give into the ego is the lazy path and although it might seem easy at first it only brings suffering in the end. This causes mental and spiritual stagnation and will prevent us from growing to solve problems that, on the surface, appear to be trying to bring about our demise.

As we’ve seen in the brief snapshot of the last hundred years as our intellect grows we realize things science once told us were impossible are, in fact, possible. Albert Einstein searched but never was able to find the elusive Unified Theory, the theory of everything that tied all of his other theories together. As the sophistication of our tools have grown many physicists are theorizing that consciousness itself is the golden string that ties everything together. What amazing power we possess if this turns out to be the case.

As I’ve progressed down the path of meditation in the last quarter century my sense of reality has drastically changed. In many ways it has come full circle. As my consciousness has expanded through meditation an inextinguishable sense of wonder and hope have returned. I’ve come to realize that “I’m” just one tiny drop in a vast ocean of consciousness.

Meditation taught me that the Universe is an interactive web that presents each of us with lessons, in real time, as we’re meant to learn them. We are students and our job is to merely pay attention and to learn. Life will teach you everything you need to know. Until you grasp the meaning of the lessons you're stuck in the rut of "rinse and repeat" until you get the message.

The ingredients for a new and better world have been born, now it’s up to us to fight for them.

The Universe is like that proverbial nun who cracks you across the knuckles with a ruler if you don’t get the message. This is happening to us on an individual and societal level but it goes unseen or, to a large extent, unacknowledged.

The ingredients for a new and better world have been born, now it’s up to us to fight for them. Renewable energy, cryptocurrency, decentralized governance, and many other technologies are ready and waiting to greatly benefit humanity and our planet if we force those in power to listen or find themselves jobless. Every time I see the news lately I feel an ache. It feels as though this could be rock bottom, I hope this is as low as it goes.

I’ve been cracked across the knuckles by the Universe more times than I care to admit. There has been great struggle in my life but I’ve also experienced magic, many things that I once believed were impossible. The severity of the struggle can be far less the more quickly we learn our lessons. I’m convinced that the purpose of this physical life is to learn, to love, and to evolve into a greater version of yourself.

I truly believe exploration of our consciousness can save our species and our planet. After I’ve seen what meditation has done for me I have no doubt that, if practiced on a global scale, it would spark the next phase of humanity’s evolution. Meditation is the single most powerful evolutionary tool we have at our disposal.

Imagine waking up each day with a sense of wonder and that you're beginning an exciting new adventure. This feeling is pure empowerment. To do this we must only invest a few minutes of our day to venture inward with a daily meditation practice. Once you begin to meditate one thing will quickly become apparent, we have only scratched the surface of our superpowers.

Sh!t happens in life but so do miracles and the latter occur every single moment. We stand in the realm of magic the very second we realize our power. We have the power to change that which doesn't serve us. Today, society serves only a select few elite human beings. The future of our planet, the majority of humans, and all other life forms suffer so they can live a life of unimaginable privilege.

I have hope for our future, I still believe humanity's magic. To claim it, all we have to do is wake ourselves up. There's still time. Life begins at the edge of the unknown.

Thanks for reading,


(Gif sourced from

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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What a spiritual article . Fully agree with you . and these lines

I truly believe exploration of our consciousness can save our species and our planet. After I’ve seen what meditation has done for me I have no doubt that, if practiced on a global scale, it would spark the next phase of humanity’s evolution. Meditation is the single most powerful evolutionary tool we have at our disposal.

I love this <3 So beautiful and true. I still believe in the unseen and in magic. I also believe in science, I mean I believe we can know some things, but it's foolish to think we can know everything.
As for meditation, yes, I do yoga (not as much as I'd like, but still) and I let go and then I find this amazing connection thing that I didn't know was there. A kind of silence that gives answers, you know?
I really hope that makes sense :)

Sh!t happens in life but so do miracles

I think more people should work to remember that. We've grown so unaccustomed to taking both good and bad together that we allow the slightest blow to knock us down.

Excellent post <3

Thank you @honeydue! I think there's room for both magic and science. Maybe that's the cure for becoming stagnant. I really appreciate the comment!

Yes, meditation changes everything.
It is the starting point.
Kids shouldn't go to college, they should go to meditation school.
Maybe even earlier.

We think the we are so smart, and so learned.
However, if you read some of the works of the great philosophers, we see that we have really fallen. Most people don't seem to have the brain power/focus to read the great works.

And science! Well, everything in our current science text books is wrong. Everything! Newton and Einstein have been disproven. They are not just a little wrong, they are completely wrong. So, why are they still taught?

And magic! Magic is real.
There are many scientists that went out to disprove astrology. Unfortunately, they found that astrology is a 5000 year old science. And they never came back.
With meditation, you realize the interconnectedness of the universe. And you see how magic forms and works in people's lives.
Sure, science may not be able to prove/disprove magic, but anyone who learns will quickly understand that it works.

I think the univers needs our positive energy. I've been smacked across the knuckles a few times myself. Especially when it comes to the universe of cryptocurrency.

Having said that, I truly believe there's something out there. I'm not necessarily saying that when we die we will be able to reach whatever it is but I'm quite certain that we don't have nearly the answers we would like to think that we have.

I agree, Jeezzle. Not to sound too "new agey" but I feel like the quality of our thoughts and actions are definitely reflected back to us by the universe. Oh, man, I've been cracked numerous times in the world of crypto thankfully the "wins" column is (slightly) larger than the losses.

I couldn't agree more, imagination, fanciful thinking, irrational dreaming, play....all priceless and "facts" and science can certainly be used to limit our thinking if we lose perspective. Cheers to magic!

Thank you! It’s so great to hear from you!

Ah, once again we are in sync as I have been thinking a great deal about the magic of childhood recently. Maybe it's the change of season- the fall still brings that sense of magic to me, it's strange but instead of spring being the time of awakening I've always experienced it in Autumn. We definitely knew more of these things when we were young and I'm finding that meditation connects me with that.
Have I told you how much I love the Perfect Pause? Partly I think it's because of all those pages I get to write on haha!

It's always great to hear from you! I'm the same way @dreemit. There IS definitely something about fall that sparks a kind of inner reflection...a gathering of spirit to prepare for the harshness of winter. Spring for me awakens my senses and brings my attention out into the world. I'm glad you're enjoying The Perfect Pause. I just ordered a bunch of copies so I have some on hand and was trying to think of a fun contest/promotion I could run . I'll put out a sequel to this once HardFork is a wrap. Happy autumn to you, friend!

This post is MAGIC and so are you!

Thank you so much my friend! Despite what Wes says I'm still a work in progress. Lol.


Your article gave me a new hope :) Thanks buddy... I think I actually needed to know something like this.

There is a certain comfort in believing in someone bigger and more powerful than we are. There's also a lot of value in not putting ourselves inside a box, specifically if it's one that's not true or valid. If we can get rid of that box, we can do things we never thought were possible. That's why we read books and watch movies about people who had an unconquerable spirit and accomplished greatness. We want that too!

Until you grasp the meaning of the lessons you're stuck in the rut of "rinse and repeat" until you get the message.

I know the feeling. Fortunately we get to keep taking the test on those lessons, but unfortunately, it can be painful sometimes until it actually sinks into our heads.

Definitely @themanwithnoname! Now more than ever it's important to step outside of our boxes and be ever-evolving. Our world is going to change so quickly in the next decade. If we don't bend we'll break.

Our world is going to change quickly and dramatically in the next year! Ok, maybe two years, but there are a lot of things in the financial system that seem like they're on the edge of a cliff. It's just a matter of when they fall off.

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