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RE: Out of body experience ( my spiritual friend , scientific view and neurologist story )

in #story8 years ago (edited)

When you consider "reality" from a few years back or even just a few days ago, if not a few hours ago, the status of this reality stands almost on the same grounds as the remembrance of a dream, the longer the time, the closer the dream and "reality" seem to blend. Now, in relation to the moment, the question of what is reality persists and, even after much deliberations on the matter with plenty of physicists, the answer is unanimous. what we usually consider reality is but an illusion in terms of being in a constant state of change, nothing is persistant. So, what is reality then, what persist and has the experience of awareness of that change or the illusion that keeps on moving in front of our mind's eye? Reality is in the eye of the beholder, if one were to hold it... How real is your dream when you are in it and how phantasmagorical is your life when you live it? Somewhere in the in-betweens is a being that has the awareness of it all, if you are to apply any attention and will to it.

In certain conditions, it is actually harder to be in the body than it is to stay within it while in other occasion, it is the exact opposite. The more distraction anharmonic to the frequencies of your being, the least you will be able to. the converse offers the possibility to apply one's consciousness to multiple levels of awareness and so-called realities. As I pointed out in the first reply, there are multiples way to get in OBE that have been used for millennia by all cultures of the world, what were yours? Yet, as human beings, there are also natural doorways that we use like every time on goes to sleep. The action of "falling asleep" is simply the acceleration caused by the disembodying of one's spirit. If you have ever been in a train or a bus in a big traffic jam and all of a sudden one of the train or bus moves, what tells you which one is actually moving? You have to find out by looking at something that is NOT moving in relation to the space you are in, right? same goes for the spirit within relating to what I mentioned in the questioning of reality.

In OBE, you are awareness, nothing else. Mind you, maybe there's ways to imagine a body like you may be able to do when dreaming, I have never tried that one. Yet, as much as there's no actual physical body anymore, there's a feel of spaciousness, infinite though, where gravity doesn't apply, neither time on so most levels. staying in OBE depends on what I was relating to you a bit earlier and how, if the conditions are right, you can stay there for a long time. Long greatly varies on the potentiel for one's soul and body to be in a harmonious location allowing it to take place. Personally, I have stayed out of body for many hours countless times and partly out of body just bit bit less. ;) Many people are experiencing OBE for month, if not years at a time, but they are in very specific location where the vibrational environment and their mediation are in synch.

Your next question "Can you change anything in a physical way?" is quite interesting to me as I have seen many instances of physical changes on many different levels. But, I guess, you are specifically referring to moving object and things of that nature right? One can effect the physical if there's enough energy directed toward it. This way,fro example, you can move inanimate objects such vases, pictures frames, anything really, it is all the same. One can also affect the people that are "awake" and they can feel you. The more awake the person mind, the more affectations you can have and relate to this person on many different sensory levels.

The side effects are simple as this is the way of the spirit, you move toward oneself more deeply, therefore, you become closer to the source of what your are and what everything is made out of. The more you do it, the closer you get to the source. that equates with the closer you are to the source of yourself, the harder it is for one to live in a dualist world, synchronicities arise and oneness takes place.

I tried to understand this sentence "Please elaborate more about knowing things in your OBEs", but I didn't make sense of it. Would you mind rephrasing it in another way?

I hope these few words will entice you to move toward opening the mind and heart, slowing down to feel and make the difference between what is felt and what is actually feeling. Doing so at the end of a long night sleep or a long nap is a very powerful way to get there. stay aware of when you "fall asleep", just relax, just stay aware, nothing more, nothing less...

Enjoy the ride, there's infinite learning to be made from here. All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)


Thank you for your informative response , you can see me as a reality guy always care only about clear obvious things happening around me and ignore anything else , that attitude reinforced in medical collage by studying medicine witch make me even more solid & practical in term of world view .
Something like OBEs witch documented scientifically & you talk about it like it is as easy as drink some water , that make me feel like i missed some good stuff or actually i know nothing about , seems that life has more to offer my friend , about that question you already answer it indirectly in your last comment .
Thank you again @eric , following you now to read more ,,, Namaste:)

OBE is not as easy as drinking water, but it can become this way with practice. I'm not quite there yet either! In this life, I have been blessed to come across many synchronicities that arose and paved the way for more practice in these terms as well as the encounter of multiple individuals, some of whom became and are still very close friends. I like your wording "missing some good stuff"! It is the case for many to not be aware of such things or to even come to think it is impossible or simply the fruit of the imagination. The mainstream culture surrounding power and money as well as a few other streams, wouldn't the masses to find themselves educated in these realms unless they could get power or money out of you. On the contrary, such practice, empowers you toward self-realization, not them above you. they even lose their so-caled powers over you when you come to a certain degree of inner stability and realization.

I'm sorry if the tone of my answer made you feel like you didn't know nothing about it, it was not my intention, far from it, and I would encourage you to try the practice I quickly underlined in the past reply. Give it a go. You'll see, you can do it too. Life has na infinity to offer in deed, and it is only up to ourselves to tear down the walls preventing us from doing so.

Thanks for this exchange, it fired me right up. I'm glad to know that you are following me now too. Thanks a bunch, keep your smile and taking good care, thrive on and namaste :) All for one and one for all!!!

Thank you bro , it was very nice discussion
See you around :)
looking forward to read your blogs , namaste

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