The Ripple Effect Of Theft On A Child's World - Enjoy withTroy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story3 years ago (edited)



The Rippled Effect

I remember throwing stones in a pond when I was young. How I enjoyed seeing the ripples on the water. It seemed the large the stone the bigger the waves. And those big stones would create a splash of a water show for all to see. Little did I know that I was scaring off the fishes and disturbing their environment. But each stone had a rippling effect that in the underwater life.

Today, I know you will never catch a fish by disrupting it's environment... and you will never help a child by ripping them out of their parents arms and into the custody of the CPS. Fear and panic set in. The calm and stability of youth is now threatened. Without the home life of mom and dad, children are haphazardly scooted from foster home to foster home. Angry words and violent hands replace hugs and kisses. As kids are trafficked, forced pedophilia acts with strangers replace family time.

Steals A Child's Life

The ripples go wide and deep in a child's life.

The weight of a stone is too much to bear upon the waters, and can only sink to the floor of the pond bed. The stone of child theft by the CPS, is also weighted with psychological baggage that litters for a lifetime. Memories play like a tape stuck on repeat. Misery and hurt mingle with unanswered questions as the memory plays back and nightmares frequent your moments of rest. An uneasy, sinking feeling greets your every moment like a stone or brick that you must carry. Yet, the CPS is allowed to stalk, steal and sell children, through our apathy and quiet. When will we choose to break the silence? When will we be their voice?

Sadly, the CPS system teaches our children filth. They learn that stealing is ok and gangland corruption is acceptable. Just be glad your still living, thanks to your government that you're are indebted to with your fearful compliance.



Shattering Families

And then there is mom and dad who love you. They pour every dime of their life savings to fight for your freedom and safe return, only to find out the court system is rigged with paid off judges and lawyers. Through lies, intimidation and manipulation, the CPS emotionally and financially wears out loving parents that may not be aware of the game. If only they had documented through their video cell phones, journaled or even researched, in the heat of the fight. But they were unprepared when the CPS pulled the surprise visit inspection.

And now they are left to grieve the loss of their child. Guilt, shame, anger, depression and despair haunt moms and dads. What could they have done better? Why me? Will I ever see my child again? Where do I go from here? What did I do wrong? Counseling and a pro0family support group can help. But we are called to be there for these kind souls in their time of struggle.

And A Child's World

There are others who also love you and the ripples continue.

Often, we consider the CPS impact upon the child or parents, without acknowledging other people or activities that are left behind. When a child is stolen, their world is stolen also. What was normal is gone, and change is the one constant that is ever present. The familiar support group of friends may no longer be part of their lives. Allow me to offer a few examples.

The baseball or football coach may have share with the team that young Zack will not be with them anymore. The teem mates will miss their friend and want to know why. He was such a good player and loved by everyone. And the big game is this Saturday. How do you explain CPS child theft to young boys... or should you?

The dance or piano recital is next week and little Julia had been practicing daily. Sadly, the CPS placed her in a foster home in a town across state lines. The other pupils remember what a fabulous performance she did last year. What can her teacher say? Will Julia ever return to taking lessons or participating in recitals again?

The church was counting on little Mathew to play the part of Joseph in the Christmas play. He was also going to have a solo in this Sunday's youth choir. His talent makes him irreplaceable and will be missed. How do they break the news? Can the church help him in his struggle for freedom?

Mr. Keller was teaching little Cindy the clarinet, and preparing her for a small solo. She had the potential to crack first chair in a few years. Such pure talent should not be put to waste. Oh, and Cindy was a star fundraiser for girl scout cookies too. The CPS has put her with strangers in a far away section of this large metro city. Why must the cookie crumble like this? Mr. Keller remember how Cindy had selflessly given herself for the band... and now... how could he help her?

And Ms. Engel has seen her disinterest in reading and writing of Becky, who was visited at home a few week ago by the CPS. What could she do? She did not want her to get behind.

Then there is Mr. Hansen, the barber. Little Ben remembers how he got nipped and scared by other barbers. But Mr. Hansen treated him special and joked with him. He built up the trust and would always give Ben a piece of candy after each trim. Mr. Hansen had such a positive mentoring influence on his life, since the passing of Ben's granddad. Such a loss of a valuable relationship, thanks to the greed of the CPS. How Mr. Hansen's heart ached for the sad fate of Ben.



Then there is more of the list - big brother/big sister, Junior Achievement, youth fellowship, the cashier at the grocery store, pastor Wesley at the church, , Nurse Sally who helped Tim with his skinned up body from the playground, Greg the boxing instructor, where he has just started taking lessons, Mrs. Jones who Zach shovels her snow, and the summer cookout at Aunt Debra's house. and the yearly vacations up at the lake with all the cousins. And the rippled list goes on... and on.

And it is even worse for those forced or lured into sex trafficking pedophilia. These children live in fear every moment, wondering if they will live to see tomorrow. It is like that splashing fish that has been caught and now, on land, fearfully gasps for breath as a fish out of water. In time, dreams die and the numbness sets in as we witness the death of innocence.

Stealing children or protecting them... the choice is ours.. Apathy only allows the theft to continue.

Yet, Preventable When We Protect

The ripple effect is so preventable, when we choose to help. Families need our protection and our voices. Apathy and silence is not the answer. Our selfless involvement is. The strength of our voices saves the lives of children. Pro-family groups are forming across the world, in defense of freedom and innocence. Folks like, @familyprotection on Hive, work tirelessly to keep families together and children free, I would encourage you to support their efforts... and all pro-family efforts that preserve and protect families and children.

Nature teaches us the effects of ripples upon underwater life and the harmful impact when taken out of one's natural environment. We can learn so much about life from the natural world. Please do not allow innocent lives to be destroyed through child theft and the CPS. Protect families and children and their innocence.

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One can never underestimate trauma suffered by children and to what extent it can have on their lives.

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