The Canvas Of Apathy ...Or Protection? - The Vincent Parody - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story3 years ago



The Struggle For Sanity

It was a canvas of color and emotion... of love and a struggle for sanity. Yet, with every brush stroke, there was an innocence that went unnoticed and sadly misunderstood. He only sold one painting in his lifetime and lived off the financial help of his brother. Bundled with physical and mental baggage, and the effects of syphilis, Vincent lived in an institution when he painted his most famous work, 'Starry, Starry, Night.'

Although it is commonly believed Vincent died from a self-inflicted bullet, botched suicide, there is a more creditable story. A witness speaks of the artist playing with two young boys that day. The game was cowboy and Vincent was accidently shot. In an effort to spare these children, Vincent would not blame anyone. I believe he never ended his life, yet his life was painfully stolen from him.

They did not listen... they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.

The Canvas Of Apathy

The apathy of the world quickened the unfortunate and sad demise of this great artist, as it wore on his physical and mental health. His self esteem took a beating and his life was stolen as innocence was shattered. Yet, apathy continues to live today destroying innocence and killing dreams.

Innocent Lives Stolen

Weathered faces lined in pain continue to stare on the canvas today. Stolen lives and dreams are scared in the hues of psychological baggage and physical abuse. The dark colors of a nightmare repeating its haunting memory or the abduction of children as they are stalked, stolen, sold and shattered. This is the canvas of the CPS.. careless brush strokes of lies, manipulation, intimidation and greed.



We Must Hear Their Cries

Look closely. You can see the voiceless cries of babies. And then there are the violent hands and angry words. Can you hear them coming from the walls of the foster homes? How about the scenes of child trafficking and under age prostitution? And then there are the tearful hearts of their parents? They will all suffer a lifetime for their sanity in a world of apathy. How sad that we allow apathy to live and innocence to die. And yet... the cry is endless.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me.

Are we listening? How many more will be kidnapped by the CPS, trafficked or die, before we choose innocence over apathy? How many eyes of sorrow must stare unnoticed on the CPS canvas of theft, before we end CPS child trafficking? Vincent should never have been institutionalized or had his life stolen. Neither should these young children. Life is precious and deserves respect instead of theft and destruction.

And Set Them Free

We can set these children free. We can be the artist's loving hand that soothes the lives of the weathered and pained, the crushed and broken. Apathy does not need to be part of their landscape. Yes, I hear what they are trying to say.

There are others who have listened. They see their voiceless eyes and endless cries. These good folks know that apathy is not the answer, and have come together to be their voice. Pro-family groups are painting a canvas of love, as they speak out for the protection of family and the safety of children. Groups like @familyprotection on Hive work tirelessly to bring justice and freedom to parents. Children are special to them and they value the innocence of life. I encourage you to support pro-family groups, as they preserve and protect the hurting and voiceless.

A Scary Scary Song Parody

It was apathy that quickened Vincent's brief life and our apathy that endangers the innocent. Yet, it is our protection that can save them.

The song parody, Scary Scary Night' below, was shared three years ago without commentary. It is based on the song, 'Vincent'. by Don McClean. In an effort to be a voice for children and family, I have added to this writing, noting the unique parallels that I pray will one day end in real freedom for all families and children.

Scary Scary Sight

Scary, scary sight!
Social workers at your door.
It's you that they are coming for.
To kidnap seems to be their only goal.
They need to pay their bills.
Separations only kills
The CPS in fostered chills
With broken homes so scattered on the land.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your fanily
How we tried to set you free
They would not listen to your parents cry
Perhaps some day they'll try.

Scary, scary sight!
Fists that fly in heated rage
Prostituted under age
Reflect in voiceless eyes off'ring a clue.
Faces that we knew
Mourning loss of somber strain
Weathered children lined in pain
Are traded now for cash upon demand.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your family
And how we tried to set you free
They would not listen, they did not hear you cry
Perhaps someday they'll try.

For we could not help you
But still your heart was true.
And when no hope was left inside
On that scary, scary night
You took your life as victims often do
But I could have told you, child
This world was never meant
For one as innocent as you.

Scary, scary sight!
Parents face judicial halls
Verdicts as the gable falls
With eyes that watch and tears that cannot hide
The pain they feel inside
The bleeding heart that cannot die
Broken lives, an endless cry
With hopes and dreams that now will never grow.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your family
In death you tried to set us free
They would not listen, they're not listening still
I pray one day they will.

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Thanks for Listening. Feel Free To Comment, Upvote or Repost.


I loved the song "Vincent". Sad and touching song

Nice to see that you are back again.

I noticed some of my old friends are back here again. Is it ok to post the same content on both platforms? Thanks.

Yes it is ok. Not all are on both platforms.

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