5 50 word short stories

in #story7 years ago

Noticed no 50 word story for the week so I thought I would lookback on some of the words that I missed and have some fun writing.


Pexels edit with Lunapic

4 of the worlds where previews used by @literature-trail, and one I came up on my own for the fun of it. The words are: spicy, hatch, shadow, coach, and love. If you are unsure of what I am talking about here is the usual format

I felt why do just 1 50 word story when you have the opportunity to write 5! I really enjoy the creative freedom and yet restiveness of having to stay within a word limit. It’s always an enjoyable exercise for my brain.

Spicy Burrito At 3 AM


Pexels edit with Lunapic

Your stomach growls like a car. You tip toe towards the freezer like a ballerina. It’s 3 AM. You know it’s a wicked indication. There are spicy frozen burritos just waiting to be microwaved in under 4 minutes. How can you say no? Microwave dings—finished. It’s too late.

Underground Hatch


Pexels edit with Lunapic

Zombies are growling, and grappling for –brains. They can smell your flesh and they blister at the very notion of it. You lunge past the pack towards your underground bunker’s hatch. Just ten cranks on the knob and you are in. Safety so close yet 10 cranks to long. Dead.

Life Is Like Shadow


Pexels edit with Lunapic

The faster you run away from it the faster it catches right back up to you. The harder you run towards it faster it escapes. Yet if you killed your own shadow would you be would be dead as well? Never let your shadow control your destiny.

Annoyance of flying Coach


Pexels edit with Lunapic

Prices are Mariana Trench low flying coach so you risk it. You try extracting leg room everywhere. Searching under your chair, no, someone else. Not in front of your chair either as your knees is like spears into their back it’s not worth agitating further. No escape in sight.

Boundless Love


Pexels edit with Lunapic

Like mercury escaping from a thermometer love will not be restrained. It won’t allow itself to be chained, frozen, or sent away. It refuses to give up in bleak nights or during brilliance of days. It will cross mountains, deserts, and oceans. Love seeks its target in unrelenting ways.


Pexels edit with Lunapic


I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

Hello @enjar

This is an awesome collection of stories.

Check @literature-trail for this week's contest starting today.


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