Chapter 9- Episode 25-...before the council...

in #story6 years ago


Before the council...

“The question isn’t whether or not this mission was a success, it is if Kareve Savoor was the reason for the success.” The man who spoke, his name was Nord Kalmandu, Proctor of the council. Nord was a surrogate general in the second conflict after the fall of Oral, master general of the Imperial forces. Nord was from the East, beyond the sea, a land where men were born in cold and harsh climates, accustomed to the hardness of the world and stalwart in their resolutions.

Kareve stood at the end of a long table at which sat the 14 members of the council, discussing the issue at hand: Kareve, until the Imperial Ruler entered the chamber. Estavian He’lio was not known for his promptness, owing largely to his love of himself. The council didn’t much mind his absence at the table, it allowed them time to rationally discuss matters without the ignorant input of a token potentate wielding nothing more than a name and title.

Nord, the one speaking, stood as he gave his opinion. The insignia of a boar carved into the back of his miniature throne akin to the various other animal heads carved into the back of the other’s chairs. The animals depicted the personalities of their hosts, in Nord’s case, a headstrong and brutish, hot-head with leadership and charisma but not a large quantity of wisdom or tact. He could always be relied upon for his alliance to the Dynasty and his brutal honesty.

“And I think Captain Savoor has been loyal and obedient to this council’s vision. As such, he should be honored and has proven his trustworthiness of this honor.” The voice which spoke up next was Lyla Reever, ambassador from the allies of Maruvia. Her symbol was a fox, and well it personified her coyness. Even in the sage wisdom of her voice, every sentence seemed to have veiled intent.

“The mission being a success has little to do with the forces at our disposal, council.” This voice was that of Cyril, one of the eldest council members with a flare for the old days. Ambassador Reever and General Kalmandu sat back down as Cyril stood to take the speaker’s floor. “We have long know our numbers and tactics were superior to that of the Uprising, and not for lack of trying on our part did they elude extinction again and again.” The council members nodded their agreement. There had been numerous attempts to quash the remnant of the Uprising for nigh on a decade and all had returned empty handed, accomplishing little. “It is clear we owe the success of this final endeavor to the persistence of our Captain and fleet Commander.”

Cyril made sense. He took his seat in the library-esk meeting room as from behind a curtain at the head of the table appeared the Imperial Ruler, Estavian He’lio. Kareve looked just as annoyed by the potentate’s presence as the rest of the council did. They all shared a mutual disdain for puppets and pawns: Estavian He’lio fit well in both categories.

Kareve could do little but stand and stare as the council discussed his fate, whether it was a promotion to the rank of Admiral and command of the entire seas, or a lackluster life as simply a captain. Cyril led the charge for the next ten minutes defending Captain Savoor and his promotion. Nord and a few of his brash minions, envying Kareve’s position of power and fame with the rest of the council, fought hard against the promotion.
The foray continued for minutes until Estavian interrupted the council with a boorish, drunken voice.

“Can we wrap this up? I have… things to do.” Estavian drawled as he leaned on the back two legs in his chair, lounging in disrespect of the governmental system and sway of power. Little did he realize these before who he offered no respect were some of the most powerful and dangerous people in Kodaia and perhaps the world.

Kareve perked a brow, interested to see how the powerful council would respond to the puppet of government. Cyril fielded a response with as much feigned curiousness as any of them could muster.

“To be respectful of your time, Supreme Ruler, I believe we have done with discussion and are prepared to cast our votes.” The obeisance was clearly painful for Cyril to offer and everyone in the room knew what ‘better’ things Estavian had to do with his time. The pup was tolerated for the sake of a larger purpose. Kareve admired Cyril for knowing his position in the plan; a lesser man like himself would likely have killed Estavian on the spot. But Cyril knew the effects such an action would have as they rippled through the Dynasty. The public feared Estavian and the entire He’lio family for the power which they wielded, though none knew the source of the power was this council.

A boy in simple and religious black garb with a funny crooked hat walked around the room with a black box. All of the council members had before them on the table two marble circles, one colored black and the other white. If the white number outnumbered the black, the verdict passed, but if the black outnumbered the white, it failed.

Kareve could do nothing but watch, which felt like the greater test than even the task of purging the seas of rebels. He’d much rather be out sinking rebel ships than standing before the judgement of the council. There was nothing he could control here, maybe this was more a test of obedience and respect than a time of decision.

The young lad made his way around the table, holding the box low and by the sides of those who cast their votes so that others couldn’t see what marble had been placed in the box. It took only a few moments. Everyone had made their decision before convening, so it seemed.

The vote was in, the boy sat in a dark corner and counted it while the rest of the room enjoyed an awkward silence and many telling stares. When the boy had done with counting, he took the box to Estavian at the head of the table and whispered the verdict in his ear.

“The vote is eleven white to four black.” Estavian drawled, but a smile split his face. “We have a new Admiral.”

Let's be honest... you didn't read any of these all the way through:)

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For More Episodes:

Episode 1-…it all began when…
Episode 2-…an East wind…
Episode 3-…ghosts in the night…
Episode 4-…where am I?…
Episode 5-…a forgotten past…
Episode 6-…an old friend…
Episode 7-…the dragon’s mouth…
Episode 8-…born of shadows…
Episode 9-…into the after…
Episode 10-…midnight witch hunt…
Episode 11-…dead man walking…
Episode 12-…finding the sky…
Episode 13-…the lady brilliant…
Episode 14-…in the wind…
Episode 15-…just hanging around…
Episode 16-…one with nature…
Episode 17-…into the woods…
Episode 18-…long lost love…
Episode 19-…this is awkward…
Episode 20-…back to reality…
Episode 21-…city of blood…
Episode 22-…the chosen one…
Episode 23-…a devil’s lie…
Episode 24-…the gospel truth…

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