Tales by moonlight

in #story7 years ago (edited)


I   remember   vividly   the   musky   sweetness     of    the   husky   dusk   as   it   gradually   wades   across   the   horizon,  the   cool   waves   of   the   air    transcending     the   land   and   the   soft   onset   of   the   glittery   skies   peeping   from   the   curtained   clouds.  

 Close   to   sunset   and   we   were   trudging   home,  wearied  and   totally   fagged   out.   We   had   worked   tirelessly   at   the   farmlands   under   the   full   glare   of   the   scorching   heat .  We   moved   slowly   as   if   we   were   on  leash   along   the   narrow   farm   path.   It   seemed   like   an   endless   journey.  Hungry  and  thirsty,  I   couldn't   wait   to   get   home .   But    beneath   all    the    weariness    was    profound    excitement    for  an   upcoming   event   that   always    succeeded    in       acting     as   a   balm  to   my   weakened   body.  It    was   a    pastime   that   stimulated   me   no   end.   It    was    potent    enough    to   put   the    sparkle  back   into   my   dimming   eyes   ........ And   I   looked   so   forward   to  .......

Tales   by   moonlight !!!

Tales   by   moonlight   was   one   of   the   most   entertaining   ventures   of   our   time. They   were   folktales   or   stories   told   under   the   dark   starry    skies   with   the   moonlight   silhouetted   against   the   floating   clouds.  Tales   of   wars ,  battles ,   heroes,   leaders   and   kings,   tales   of   slaves, gods   and   goddesses   ignorantly   worshipped    in   the   early   times   before   the   coming   of   the   missionaries   to   Africa. 

These   stories ,   made   up   mostly  of   animal   characters   were   also   entirely   fictional   but   lessons   about   life   were   drawn   from   them.   They   formed   a   basis   for   moral   lessons   and,    virtues   like   kindness  ,   humility ,    compassion   ,love  etc   were   extolled   to   high   heavens.   On   the   other   hand,   vices    which   are   summed   up   in   greed,   hatred,   pride,   deceit   etc were   outrightly   condemned.   Tricksters   like   the   tortoise   often   projected   in   the   stories   as   cunning,   self-centred   and   greedy,  anti-social    behaviours   against   which   punishment   must   be   meted   out. 

Grandma     was   a   reverred   and   good   story-teller .  People   will   gather   from   everywhere   around   to   hear   her   speak   in   wisdom.   Dinner   is   swiftly   cooked   and   served.  Fire   is   lit,  mats   are   spread   on   the   soft   Sandy   floor,  the   stage   is    set    ___ the   serene   night   and   sitting   around   the   fire   set   the   tone   for   the   evening's   folktales. 

The   audience   was   always   a   mixed   multitude.   And   as   the   lit   fire   cast   shadows   across   the   earth,   they   come   filtering   in ____family   members,  children   of   the   neighborhood   and   even   elders   whose   presence   was   to   lend   credence   to   the   tales   orally   handed  down   from   generation   to   generation   by   the   people   of   the   past.  We   would   collect   around   this   central   fire   as   we   eagerly   await   grandma's entrance.  We   engage   in   light   banters   as    we   switch   on   to   prediction  mode,  about   what   the  theme   of   her   story   would   be.   Would   it   be   about   Mr   lion,   the   king   of   the   jungle,  or   little   Mr   hare   who   is   the   swiftest   or   maybe   Mr   tortoise   who   is   the   cunniest.   It   was   always   fun   to   listen   to   stories   revolving   around   the   tortoise   for   they    were   my   favorite. 

As    grandma   makes   her    grand   entry,   silence   is  maintained   that   you      could   hear   a   pin   drop.  Then   with   an   unflinching   concentration ,   we   would   listen    to   her,    skilfully   weave   words   around   the    characters.  In   enthrallment ,  I  would   chant   the   response   to   her   choruses,  for   call   and   response   to     songs     formed   part   of   the   story   telling   as   well. 

Far   into   the   night,  our   voices   will   ring   out   in   songs,  reeled   out    one   after   the   other  .  Then   nature   calls   with   the   once   lively   audience   drooping   from   heavy   eye   lids   and   open   drooling   mouths.  It   was   time   to   draw   the   curtains.   The   tales   would   end   with   questions   and   answers   section.   History   was   always   conveyed   and   life   long   lessons   taught   and   learned. 

These   repositories   of   the   past   have   the   responsibility   of   preserving   the   principles   and   core   values   of   the   people   but   I   am   afraid   that   civilization   may   have   contributed   to   this   age-old   practice's    movement   towards   extinction.   Really    sad! 

The   amusement   for   me   then   was   why   the   tortoise   and   his   many   escapades   was   at   the   centre   of   these   folklores   and   why   he   was   a   notable   trickster   who    always   outsmarted   the   other   animals.  So  my   question    is    this :  Is   the   tortoise   really   as   cunning   as   made   out   in   these   African   folktales?  Let   me   have   your   views. 

Thanks   for   stopping   by   my   neighbourhood. 


Am having that Nostalgic feeling already. The good old days, When women where girls. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for reading

Thanks for sharing, hav learnt something

Thanks for reading

You had an interesting childhood,wasnt that opportuned

Yes very interesting indeed! Stayed with my grandma in the village. Thanks for reading

It was really fun listen to tales by moonlight. Even if d idea of Story telling has faded away, d lesson's learnt from those stories still guides us..

Yes they will remain evergreen . Thanks for reading

@edith4angelseu you will never stop to amaze me with your write up, always bringing back good memories. Just hope we could bring all that into the modern world of technology. Even if we do, can we still get the values we use to have then?
That's the big question.

Unfortunately we can't. We have left that age forever, they now say it's jet age but I feel nostalgic sometimes. Thanks for taking time to read this.

My siblings and I actually experienced the tales by moon light with our grandfather in those days. It made going to the village for holidays really enjoyable and something we all looked forward to. What a beautiful experience!!!

Oh thank you so much. I am happy you like this.

Your grandma must have been a wonderful story teller.

Yes she was. Thank you @positivesteem, I'm happy to see you here.

story story of those days...i love it. Keep on the story telling.

Thank you so much @anjiba.

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