A Play or A Plea? (The Sixth Chapter; Part II)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Notice how the solar cult made Eve, a female, responsible for eating the Apple of Sin. Look at the word ‘apple.’ Phonetically, it can be split into ‘a-ple,’ which one could choose to pronounce as “a play” or “a plea.” Since Sin is the Moon, is the Apple of Sin a “play for Isis, the Moon” or a “plea from Isis, the Moon.” 

The word ‘play’ has over fifty meanings. The reader is encouraged to explore it further, but suffice to say, it could mean “theater, a game, or an elusive change” as a noun, but as a verb it could mean “to perform, act the part of, to engage or contend against.” 

Apple’ can also be split phonetically to be ‘a pull.’ Thus, the Apple of Sin could also mean “a pull of the Moon.” People noticed that there is a correlation between the phases of the Moon and the affects that they had on people’s minds. This is where the terms ‘lunacy’ and ‘mania’ derived their meaning. ‘Luna’ and ‘mani’ are both words for the Moon. This is why the mind corresponds to the Moon, and why in astrology the zodiacal sign in which the Moon was when a person was born reflects his or her mind and reactive nature. 


The organ that corresponds to the mind is the brain, and the cerebrum is the seat of reason, or center of understanding, symbolized by the all-seeing eye, the ‘mind’s eye,’ ‘one-eye,’ ‘mono-eye,’ ‘moon-eye,’ or ‘money,’ hence the reason the all-seeing eye is placed on the sigil that is printed on the reverse side of the ‘one’ dollar bill, the world’s re-serve current-sea and the most used ‘money’ on the planet. The irony of it is that it is not money. It is a promissory debt note that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. 

The United States dollar is a proxy for money, a black magick snare to trick people into believing that if they have more money, they’ll be closer to attaining that singularity, that unity consciousness, that seat of reason, the objective of human evolution. 

They colored it green because green is the frequency of Nature, of the Earth, which is the heart, so this further penetrates our subconscious mind into using their black magick money and binding us to their slavery system of Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea, the Moon-Saturn Sea, or lunar sea (lunacy; mania; madness of the monkey mind). 

To transcend the monkey mind is the key, the moon key. But we can’t attain the center of understanding if we are in a state of duality by using dishonest money. 

Thus, we must demonetize all fiat, debt-based, non-competitive currencies or we will continue to be demonized by Black Magi who control the institutions of Government, Money, Religion, Science, and Politics. 

The mind, the brain, is housed and protected by the ‘skull,’ which is phonetically the same as a ‘scull,’ a “light, narrow racing boat propelled by oars,” or an “oar mounted on a fulcrum at the stern of a small boat.” 

As a verb, ‘scull’ means “to propel a boat with sculls.” Why was our money made to be debt? Debt is not real. It is dead energetically, in reality, which is why people charge and discharge debt to buy and sell things. Only our thought-forms make it real. 

So it begs the question, is the Moon a ship powered by the dead? Are we the dead that are powering the Moon, which is towing, or pulling, our citizen ship? Is that ‘a pull of the Moon?’ 

A ‘scull’ is an ‘oar,’ but ‘oar’ is phonetically ‘ore,’ a “metal-bearing mineral or rock, or native metal, that can be mined at profit.” The word ‘mineral’ can be played with both by word-splitting and phonetics to be either ‘min-ur-al’ or ‘min-ra-l.’ The irony of this is that Min became Sin, so when the solar-cult of Christianity discourages one to sin, they are discouraging them (in an occult way) from worshipping the Moon.  

Als’ are demons of childbirth that interfere with human reproduction, fertility. They steal the lungs, livers, and hearts of women. 

Women’ can be split into ‘wo-men,’ and phonetically that would also be ‘wo-min.’ ‘Wo’ is the same as ‘woe,’ and ‘min’ represents the Moon, so ‘women’ also has the spirit of ‘woe moon’ or ‘Moon of Woe’ in it, but since the Moon and ‘min’ also represent the mind, it could mean ‘woe-mind,’ and another word that relates to ‘woe of the mind’ or ‘mental woe’ is ‘lunacy,’ because those who suffer from mental illness experience tremendous mental woe (sorrow, grief, misfortune). 

To be continued...

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen: http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/The-Boy-and-the-Peddler-of-Death-Audiobook/B00YCP21F6/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl?qid=1433044232&sr=1-1

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017


I liked your article, but being I don't even know in what language Genesis was written, would your ideas about the meanings of apple fit into it?

Well, the word apple in Latin was malum, and is related to malus, which is evil, or a wrong-doing, hence its phonetic resemblance of the word malice. This is what that word looked like in Ancient Greek: μᾶλον ‎(mâlon). But I'm not sure if that's what the Romans used when they put the Bible out in their Latinized Greek. Either way it's irrelevant because all they are really doing is rehashing the Sacred Science of the Stars and the Soul, and then dressing it up in different allegories during each Aeon. That's why Astrology is the Astro Logos, the Word of Light, the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Mal is bad, and On is related to Helios, which is Saturn, but then later a reference to the Sun, so it literally means "Bad/Evil Sun/Saturn." As you'll see if you delve into my work, Saturn-Sun relationship is the journey of the Angel of Death becoming the Angel of Life. They are one in the same. It's an allegory of a real occurrence, but not a historical account.

Actually I don't think Latin even existed when Genesis was written or even Greek. This was written about 3000 years ago.

I don't buy that. There are no 3000 year old manuscripts of Genesis. If I'm wrong, please let me know. I think the majority of everything we're taught about all of this stuff is erroneous.

In any case Dylan it would have come down by word of mouth and it wouldn't have been in Greek or Latin because the events described in Genesis happened way over 3000 years ago, wouldn't have had Greek then, Genesis is part of the pentateuch which is where the Torah comes from, and it is believed Moses wrote this, so it would have been written in Egyptian I guess.
But anyway, we can't prove or disprove this, so let's just say it's a good article you wrote, even if I don't agree with some of it.

Ok, there we go, I have my doubts about all of this but ultimately nobody knows the truth.

Your writing it great but you really need to cite the sources of your pictures. Including a source not only gives credit to who made the images but shows you put time and effort into making your post. This may make people more likely to vote on it.

If images are Public Domain or CC0 you could just indicate that at the end of your post. All photos are Public Domain for example.

Finding the original source isn't necessary. A link to where you found it will do.

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