in #story6 years ago

Like I said in my previous post, the story to continue after the contest! Now the contest is over.
( Previous episode

The first part of the story wasn't properly written, nor was it properly arranged. Am so sorry about that, but trust me you definitely going to enjoy this.



Stay blessed.

  • Here's another episode of the story:

Image source

Though Faustino had clearly ordered his driver to drop Trudy at her house, the girl somehow, miraculously, had convinced the driver to stop at the jewelry store instead.

("So, I'll lie to the Don?" the bald driver said, poking his head out from the window. Trudy nodded, "Yep, he's not here, so he won't know anything. Anyway, thanks for bringing me back, Mr. Anton."
In just some minutes while coming back to the town, Trudy and the driver became unlikely friends. She found out the man beside her wasn't so bad, not like Faustino Caivano as Mr. Anton had described with a foul scowl on his face. "No problem, Miss Ford," Mr. Anton smiled. "But, be careful on rest of the way, yes?"
Trudy returned his genuine smile, "You don't have to tell me twice, sir.")

Because Trudy was 100% sure, that if this white, luxurious looking car ever stopped before the pastry shop, or drove through the neighborhood or had parked in front of her house, some known person would've witnessed it. Also, they'd have seen her getting out of it as well. Words would spread then, and Nixon would have a heart attack this time. Literally.

She strode down a silent road with haste before taking a turn into a narrow alley that led to the shop. Her heart leaped inside the ribcage, at the pleasant sight of the bakery shop. The wide glass windows emitted bright lights that illuminated every other closed stores and the road around itself.

Trudy peeked inside through a window carefully, but instantly sighed, relief washing over her stressed body. Thankfully, except Shaggy no other was inside. No customer, nor any other staff. The redhead was focused on cleaning the wide counter. Trudy happily entered in, as she opened the frosted glass door at the front, and it let out a faint squeaky sound. Immediately Shaggy looked up, his face split into a wide, toothy grin at the girl's sight. Like Trudy, he breathed with relief.

  • "Blimey!" he exclaimed. "I was so worried for you, you know?"

A genuine smile automatically spread across Trudy's face, as she sat by the counter, it's silver surface shimmering under the lights above.

"And, you have no gosh dam idea how much I lied this evening in you and Nixon's name."

"What you said?" Trudy asked.

"Told 'em Nixon called you, told you to be home exactly at seven thirty for some super, special family dinner and ordered to not call you," Shaggy swiftly said. "Wasn't hard to come up with the idea, though."

"I owe you big time, huh?"

"Just let James do the delivery tomorrow, only the evening,"

Shaggy leaned, propping his elbows on the counter. Concerned, he peered on her face, "So... you wanna talk about it?"
Trudy shook her head, "Later."

Next morning Trudy woke up early, but tired and sleepy. Down in the kitchen, with her father and Titus she sat silent, her mind drifting off to the events of last night. Replaying those scenes again and again like she had remembered last night laying on her bed, remembering what Sienna and Faustino had said to her. Once again it made her realize how far this has stretched to. Trudy's mind soured thinking of the so called 'decision' of hers that was Faustino stoked about.

  • 'I'll reject him, obviously,' Trudy thought, rubbing a hand over her face.

'On phone, though. I don't want to see him again. Not ever.'

"Trudes," from her side Titus called. "Are you alright?"

Trudy perked up, and she sat upright in her chair. After sparing a glance at Titus, she focused on the breakfast on her plate. Whole grain pancakes with cherry syrup spread all over it, a cup of black coffee stood beside the plate.

"Yeah," Trudy replied, picking up her fork. "Just a little sleepy."

"You could've gotten up later, sweetie," on her right Nixon said calmly. "Anyway, head home early today, don't work yourself too much."

"I'll think about it," she said. A painful lump was forming inside her throat. Ashamed, that's what Trudy had felt after coming home yesterday night, feeling now as well. A part of her was guilty for sneakily going to Faustino's place, to that man whom her father loathed so much. Another part in her mind tried to console Trudy that she didn't do any wrong for keeping the fact hidden, especially from Nixon. It was for her family's safety. To sum everything up, Trudy's mind was in mess, chaotic with thoughts.

"You're coming home early too," Nixon told Titus. Trudy slightly jerked in her chair. String of dark thoughts cut off.

"What about my violin lesson?" the boy piped up, slightly frowning at his father.

"Cancel it."

"What? Why!"

Trudy watched from the corner of her eyes how her father's face darkened at little, tensing up a bit.

"I had a premonition," he said without looking up from his plate. Beside Trudy, Titus groaned aloud.

"Not this again! Dad, you can't possibly believe on something like nightmares. You call yourself our father?"

"Premonition. It's called premonition."

"Superstition! Anyway, I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday at school. Listen, sis," Titus enthusiastically said, turning to Trudy.

"Yesterday, I didn't complete my homework-"

"What?" Nixon looked up, a line between his brows. "You didn't do your homework ?"

"Come on, Dad!" Titus groaned again. "You're missing the best part here!"

"Lemme guess," Trudy narrowed her eyes like Nixon. "You didn't get detention for it?"

Titus' face brightened up as a big grin etched onto his face. Softly he slapped the surface of the round dinning table, and nodded curtly.

"Bingo!" he yelled. "And all thanks to you, my dear sister!"

"What?" Nixon grumbled, sharing a puzzled look with his daughter. His frown deepened.

"Mr. Harrington thought Trudes and Faustino Caivano are together, a couple. You understand, right? Giving detention to the brother of his so called girlfriend is a very bad idea. Welp, I like it."

Trudy didn't dare to turn at her father, she could sense the way he straightened up, how he went rigid hearing the name.

"Don't say his name," Nixon grimly said. Literally he stabbed the stack of pancakes on his plate with a fork. His reaction only made Titus' grin reach ear to ear.

"Fabio then. He'll be named Fabio."

Despite herself, what she was thinking earlier, Trudy stifled back a laugh. Astonishingly, she felt a lot better now. Nixon, on the other hand, was glaring at his son who spooned out his breakfast and happily put inside his smiling mouth.

"Don't even spell the first letter of that scumbag's name," Nixon spat.

"Renaming him again!"

"Darth Vader," Trudy blurted out before quickly lowering her head. Her entire body was shaking with laughter when the older man among them whipped his head to her direction.

"Trude," Titus dramatically called out, deepening his voice as low as possible. "I am your lover."

The spoon fell from Trudy's fingers, it clattered on the table as she burst out with laughter. Trudy threw her head back, body jolting with each laugh.

" Titus Roberts Ford!" Nixon hollered.

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named then!"

"Trudy," Shaggy called. His head was poking inside the kitchen from a door. It led to the shop. She tore her eyes away from the bowl of cold whipped cream in front of her, a whisk she held in her hand.


"I know you won't even meet the President at this hour but this is seriously important. A customer wants to meet you," the way he said, that struck Trudy as odd. Worry etched on his pale face as he stood by the doorway, waiting for her answer.

"Is it-?" Trudy began. A face flashed before her eyes.

"No. Not him," Shaggy denied. "But this is urgent."

Without taking off the apron, Trudy almost sprinted out, passing by Shaggy. She stepped out from the kitchen, and out the counter. Her black eyes scanned around the pastry shop. Unsurprisingly, it was empty as it was noon, lunchtime. But, the shop wasn't empty entirely as one man sat by a wide window, sipping on a cup.

His skin was pale, but under the sunlight it gave a warm gleam. Trudy thought the man's hair was white in color, snow white, but soon realized the strands were platinum blonde, almost silver. Behind the gold framed glasses there was a pair of bright amber eyes. They met Trudy's own curious dark ones once she stood in front of him. Even in simple clothes, a white shirt and black pants, the man looked like a model.

"Are you the maker of this magnificent cake?" he spoke up first, and his English was laced with a foreign accent, not Italian. Trudy couldn't point out what it was. She looked down at the small plate on the table, a half eaten piece of cake it had. Was that Secret Drizzle Pearl?

"Yes," Trudy nodded. A pleased smile tugged up his lips. Surprising her, he stood up. His tall form looming over her.

"At last," the man breathed, from the breast pocket of his shirt he pulled out a white, clean card. Trudy's breath hitched.

'A business card!'

The man held it out, his smile encouraging to take it. Trudy, shocked and ecstatic equally, took it away.

"I'll see you soon, Trudy," the man lowly said to her. To thank him, Trudy opened her lips but had to close them when he abruptly turned around and with long steps, marched outside.

"Wai-!" Trudy stopped as her eyes landed on couple of notes pressed under the cup. It still had black tea inside.

"Oooh.. He's hot," a voice came from behind. Ringing, flirty. Advika, her childhood friend. "Why he left like that, though?"

'True, why?'

"Maybe he's from some rich company!" a boisterous male voice boomed. Jax, a pastry chef like Trudy.

"I mean, he gave Trudy his business card!" he loudly said. Trudy perked up at that and fumbled with the said card in her grip. She flipped it, and instantly confusion spread all over her enthusiastic expression. There was no company name, just a handwritten phone number.

"You have no idea who that was, do you?" Shaggy's frustrated voice told Jax and Advika.

Under the phone number two lines were written in clean, perfect cursive letters.

Call me, Trudy Ford

-Yours only, Ziven Ivankov

"Eh?" Advika said, her gleaming grey eyes staring at Shaggy.

"Who's that? You know?"

"Yeah, who was that?" Jax nodded.

"That's Ziven Ivankov! ​​​​​​" Shaggy said in a hushed voice, as if fearing someone would hear. The words reached Trudy's ears, though. She slowly looked back, jaw set tight.

"So what?" Advika said, looking disinterested now. Shaggy slapped palm of a hand on his forehead.

"He's the Pakhan of Solntsevskaya Bratva!"

"What of what-va?"

"Jesus tap dancing Christ! Didn't you see how those four police officers scurried away as soon as he entered? Ziven Ivankov is the Godfather of Bratva. He's boss of the Russian Mafia!"

"She's in shock, shit!"

"Trudes, snap out of it!"

Warm, gentle hands grabbed her and practically dragged her stunned body back inside the kitchen. Trudy let them drag her, as if she had turned into a rag doll. She was still clutching the card. It has crumpled in her fist. Voices around her were shouting. Calling her name.

"Jax, bring some water, quick!"

The hands forced Trudy to sit down on a metal chair, one of them was soothingly rubbing her back. Black eyes were focused on to the crumpled up card in her hand, and slowly with trembling fingers Trudy smoothed it. The words scribbled on it were cleanly written in perfect cursive letters, with black ink.

Call me, Trudy Ford

-Yours only, Ziven Ivankov.

Trudy noticed there were some hearts drawn under the lines, and each one of them had arrows piercing through them. Trudy tried to gulp down the lump in her throat, only realizing how dry her mouth and throat was. She dearly hoped, prayed that the hearts didn't mean what she was thinking of.

That man was Ziven Ivankov, the Pakhan of Bratva whom Trudy thought- misunderstood to be a normal business man handing her his business card. A terrible misunderstanding. One Mafia boss was more than enough, but two? Absolutely impossible.

Something cold and hard touched Trudy's dry lips, she flinched at the contact. A glass filled with cold water was held close to her mouth. From the glass Trudy raised her eyes to the person who was holding it. She met a pair of large, starry grey eyes; they were staring at her with concern and shock. The owner of them looked blue from fright, she was kneeling in front of Trudy.

"Please," Advika urged, voice small, and Trudy obeyed. She parted her lips, and noticing that the other woman tipped the glass. Water seeped through them, wetting Trudy's mouth and throat. The cold water brought senses to every nerve inside her body as she drank the entire thing in one go.

"Give me the card," Shaggy spoke. Him and Jax was standing behind Advika, both looking grim. Gently Advika pried the card out from Trudy's grip and handed it to the redhead.

"He-he knows my na-name," Trudy stammered out, her voice cracked slightly. To her the Pakhan knowing her full name was much more terrifying than him coming to her pastry shop. She racked her brain, trying hard to remember if she had ever met the Pakhan.

'I fucking know I didn't!'

"Man," Jax called Shaggy. "You sure that's the Godfather of

Russian Mafia? Are you?"

The dark skinned man with long dreadlocks, Jax was cheerful, kind and a brave man. Hearing the way his voice wavered made Trudy flinch slightly. Advika turned to look up at Shaggy.

"He's right," she stated. "He could be a normal Russian man who owns a company of cakes. Simple as that."

Trudy perked up, suddenly hope bursting inside her chest. She stared at the redhead with a questioning and hopeful look, just like Jax and Advika.

"Trust me, I'm not joking, mate," Shaggy looked up from the card. Trudy's heart sank. "That's definitely the Pakhan, no doubt."

"How the fuck you know that?" Jax retorted.

  • "Months ago I read a news about him," Shaggy replied, his narrowing eyes rested on Trudy. "He executed 20 men, of his rival. The Chechen Mafia. Killed them brutally..... But, how does he know you, Trudy? What happened last night?"

Trudy didn't hesitate this time as she blurted out everything, from the phone call at midnight to the ride back to the pastry shop last night. She was grateful that none of them interrupted her.

"This is serious," Advika frowned at Trudy. "Why in the name of Kali didn't you tell anyone? Your father or me? And, you could've said no to him, refused to go to his place."

Before Trudy could open her mouth and protest, Shaggy already spoke up, frowning back at Advika.

"That would've triggered Caivano. If she told us, we'd have refused her to go and that'd have triggered him too. Don't you understand? That man called her at midnight! No one except an obsessed man will do shits like that. And, don't forget he's the Don, an obsessed, lovesick Don."

Trudy, still rooted on the metal chair, visibly shuddered. Her fingers tightly clutching the apron she was wearing. Jax must've noticed it.

"Break it off, man," he said loudly. "The girl is sitting right here and you're not helping. You know what? Let's forget about Ivankov," he looked down at Trudy. "Trudes, call Caivano and reject him. That's right! Here and now, in front of us."

"No!" instantly Shaggy spat. "Are you forgetting about the entire 'obsessed, lovesick Don' thing? She can't reject him."

Standing beside Trudy, Advika hissed, she swept her long black hair back angrily. "No?" she glared at Shaggy. "The lovesick thing is your theory, Shag. If the guy was so obsessed, he'd have kidnapped Trudy by this time, not giving her time to think about his proposal."

'Good point, great point!' Trudy nodded vigorously.

"And, she's rejecting him. For the love of Kali do you want Trudy to commit to a man whom she doesn't love one bit! That'd ruin her entire life!"

Trudy jolted at the last sentence Advika uttered. She didn't want that, never. Trudy had planned her entire life, she has dreams to fulfill. No way in hell she'd let someone ruin her life.

She hastily dug her hand inside the apron's pocket and pulled out her phone. Last night she had figured out what she needed to tell Faustino, what he needed to hear from her. Jax was right, she had to reject him here and now. In front of them.

"Wait! Is this a good idea?" Shaggy uncertainly said.

"The best idea," Jax nodded.

It didn't take Trudy much time to find out Faustino's number from the call list. With a deep breath she pressed the call icon and held the phone close to her ear. Shaggy, Jax and Advika quieted down.

Beeep.... Bee-

'Trudy, tesoro?' came his modulated, deeply accented voice. Despite her stony expression inside the rib cage her heart was pounding fast. Trudy unconsciously gulped.

"Mr. Caivano, ciao," she began. "I've something to tell you."

'.....Is it about my proposal?' he gasped, it sounded uncharacteristic. Trudy glanced at the people around her, they stood like a protecting wall that'd never let her get hurt. Relief and confidence bloomed inside Trudy, suddenly she felt bold.


'Trudy, oh! I-I've been waiting for this, you know?' he gushed out.

'Tell me, amore mio, when you want to go to my homeland Sicily? If you want your brother can come too!'

'Woah, no! You didn't even hear my answer!'

"....No, no. Mr. Caivano, listen," Trudy nervously licked her lower lip.
"The thing is, I'm really sorry for hurting you again, I really am. But, I don't think of you that way. I have no feelings for you. Not like that."

On the other end of the line everything was absolutely silent, but she could hear his faint breathing. Trudy took his silence as an advantage and continued on. Because, the man needed to hear her, without any interruption.

"It's not because you're the Don of La Cosa Nostra," she truthfully said. "Even if you were one my staffs, or my childhood friend or a police officer, I'd have still rejected you, Mr. Caivano," Trudy said slowly and clearly so that Faustino could take in every words and understand them properly. "I don't feel anything romantic for you. Like I said before, I'm not looking for anyone. Not now or ever. So... Um.. I don't love you.....That's that, Mr. Caivano. Sorry."

Trudy waited for him to speak, answer her and get over with this as soon as possible. For few seconds she could hear nothing, not even his breathings. Trudy feared he must've ended the call without her noticing.

"H-hello?" Trudy uncertainly asked. She softly smacked away Advika's hand, which was nudging her shoulder.

'You don't love me then?' suddenly his voice came, clear as crystal. But, he sounded so calm, as if he wasn't severely affected by the second rejection.

"No," Trudy quietly replied.

'Ah, I understand.'

Eyes widening, she briefly pulled out her phone to check the number. Yep, this was his number alright. But, his calmness, it puzzled and relieved Trudy at the same time.

"Y-you do?"

'Yes, why not?' Faustino chuckled softly. 'There's nothing I can do to make you love me back. Right, Trudy? I should try to move on now....So, I guess, this is where we bid farewell for the last time, no?'

"Yeah, good luck and take care, Mr. Caivano," Trudy felt her lips tugging up to a soft smile. Success! He was accepting her rejection!

'Come osi, stay happy. Take care of yourself, non mi stai lasciando. Good bye, vengo a prenderti stasera, Trudy Ford.'

The various tunes of the doorbell rung throughout the two storey house, then it rung once again. Trudy was engrossed in reading a magazine, she bought it her way home. Just like Nixon said, both she and Titus had arrived home earlier than usual. The loud footfalls ran down the stairs, Titus'. Trudy glanced at the clock. It was half past ten.

'Who the hell comes now?'

After the phone call she felt much better, stress free. As if some boulder has been lifted off from her shoulders.

'One down one to go.'

The door of her bedroom suddenly burst open, and Titus entered. As soon as he entered, he shut the door with much force, as though something would come inside if he didn't. Trudy found that odd.

"Who is it?" she asked, Titus' back was still facing her. His shoulders were tensed up. Slowly Trudy sat up on the bed, putting her magazine down.


The boy turned around and Trudy, her eyes widened seeing his unnatural ghostly pale expression. He looked distraught and anxious and shaken. Those didn't suit on her brother's chubby face. Eyes blown wide, the skin under his freckles was blue. Titus looked like he had seen someone dying. Trudy hurriedly stood up.
"Oi, what happened?"

Titus furiously shook his head.

"Seriously, Titus, what's happening?" she frowned. He opened his mouth few times, like a fish gulping for air. It took him few seconds to spit out about what has happened.

"The Don," he whispered loudly. "The Don is here, in the living room with Dad."

Trudy heard him, her brain took the words in and then she scoffed. "Nice try, boy," she said, shaking her head. "But, don't joke like that, not cool."

"He's seriously here! I'm not playing around, sis!" Titus hissed.
Trudy heard him again, again her brain took the words in and this time, her face paled. The unusual seriousness on his face...

'He's not joking, he's not joking.'

"Is he here alone?" Trudy faintly asked. She felt like someone has doused her in cold, freezing water. Titus nodded. At that response Trudy dragged her feet to the door, she could hear her heart frantically beating. No, she wasn't scared that Faustino is here, she's scared that Faustino is here with her Papa. She had to- wanted to check on him.

"D-don't!" Titus suddenly latched onto her arm, pulling it. "Don't go, Trudy. No!"

"You stay here," she firmly said, prying her arm out from his tight grip. "Papa's there alone with him, you need to stay here. Lock the door."

Seconds later, hesitantly Titus nodded, clearly protesting inside. Trudy exited her room after he had shut the door and like she had ordered, Titus locked it. With slow steps, without making any noise Trudy climbed down the stairs and walked down the hallway. She halted by the living room's door when his voice reached her ears. She nearly gasped.

"Father," Faustino called sweetly, too sweetly. And he called her Papa...Father. Father . Trudy pressed herself against a wall by the doorway, and slowly and carefully peeked inside.

Faustino was the one sitting on the couch, his back facing Trudy thankfully. Nixon, on the other hand, was standing still with a scowl on his face.

"Sit, Father," he said politely. "Sit beside me, we have so much to discuss."

Nixon, with a stricken face, dubiously complied and sat on the other end of the couch, far away from Faustino. Trudy again pressed herself on the wall, and listened.

"What do you want?" Nixon said, his voice grim and low. Faustino let out a curt chuckle.

"Ahhh, you clearly understand why I am here, Father. No need to play dumb, but I guess I should elaborate. You see, I wish to marry your daughter, Trudy."

Trudy tightly pressed a palm on her mouth, eyes widening further more. A bead of sweat trickled down at side of her face. "M-marry?!" her Papa incredulously exclaimed, "She rejected you!"
"Yes, and that was very unwise of her. Because, Father, I am one of the most powerful underground Don at this day and age. You have no idea how much money I have, how much power I have. I can keep your daughter happy, so happy. She'll live like a queen. Under my sight she'd stay safe, nothing can harm her. Not even a single strand of her hair. But, Trudy didn't understand what I was offering, since she didn't know what's best for her. But, you Father, you know what's best for your daughter. Who is best for Trudy. That's only me."

Trudy again peeked inside. Her Papa was silently fuming, face crimson red. He was dangerously glaring at the man on the other end of the couch.

"Besides," Faustino's crooked smile grew. "You will have some advantages as well. Just imagine, me as your son-in-law. If you want, Father, I could give you half of the Cosa Nostra. And your son, my little brother-in-law, he'd live the best life like no other child. But, for that to happen, you have to give me your daughter's hand. Let me marry Trudy. Let us bond together."

Trudy listened and listened, it was hard to comprehend what he was saying. She rubbed her face with a trembling hand, breathing hard.

"N-no," she heard her father speak, he was seething. "I'm not giving her up, not when she doesn't fucking love you. I'm not selling her away just for your own selfishness, for your desire! Find someone else to be your bride, Caivano. Because, once my Trudy says no, it clearly means fucking no , you arrogant ass!"

'No, Papa! NO!'
Trudy stilled. She didn't like that click sound, not a bit. Because, even her father let out an uncharacteristic, terrified gasp. Trudy didn't dare to peek again, she gritted her teeth.

"Father," Faustino's voice dropped awfully low, there was a hint of growl in it. It was menacing and dark. Threatening. Trudy froze on her spot, fearing for her father's life.

"Don't tempt me, Father. You're my tesoro's, my Trudy's dear Papa and that is why I'm referring you Father. My soon to be father-in-law. I respect you, but you don't want to orphan your precious children, do you? And, you answered without thinking properly, too. Tch. That won't do, no. Unlike how much time I gave Trudy, you shall get two days to conclude your decision. Are we clear?"
No answer.

"I said, are we clear, Nixon Ford?"


Trudy shook her head furiously. He wasn't giving Nixon any choice! He was giving him an ultimatum. She could clearly understand what Faustino was actually saying.
" Two days later I'm coming to take her, forcefully or not."
Trudy couldn't feel her fingers, they were so cold, like they belonged to the dead.

Seems like the conversation has ended there, and so automatically her body moved on it's own. Supported by her trembling feet, heading to the stairs.


He was standing right behind her.


She could feel his hot, heavy breath on the back of her neck, she could even feel the dark, ominous aura that his body was emitting. A hand snaked around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

Trudy gritted her teeth.

"Don't you dare fight me, amore mio," Faustino whispered huskily when she tried to take off the hand.

He was touching her inside her own house.

"You were eavesdropping, cara. How naughty you are, so naughty. I love it," lips nipped on her earlobe. His other hand came up and fingers wrapped around her neck, it gave a slight squeeze. A warning. Trudy resisted the urge to scream her lungs out.
"You thought I'd leave you? Never, not when you stole my heart. Now, I'm going to steal yours in return, rip it out from your rib cage, my love. One way or another you're going to be mine, forever. Hah, too bad the Pakhan couldn't have you, amore mio."

A gasp unconsciously escaped her lips, Trudy's body stiffened. Noticing so, Faustino's chest rumbled, looking pleased with the reaction. "I know that he came to see you, Trudy. Went inside your shop. Hmm, should've killed him last night in the meeting. Should've realized sooner. But, good for him, the Pakhan is leaving tonight," Faustino purred, chuckling darkly. "And there's Anton ...who disobeyed me, dropped you to that shop. I gave him my order. My only order that you should've been safely sent back to your home. He's paying the price now, oh, yes he is. Because, you know very well, amore mio. I despise those who disobeys me. I loath those who lies to me."

"Y-you-you-," Trudy choked back an anguished sob. Tears stung her eyes.

'He killed him, he killed that man!'

The sensation of his skin on hers, the way he his tongue licked her ear shell, it disgusted Trudy. Made her nauseous.

"Ah, Trudy. I know everything about you, cara," Faustino kissed her temple, lovingly. Lovingly, only to her it was downright wrong.

"I'll know if you run away, cuore mio. If that happens I'll hunt you down, take you to Sicily and chain you to my bed. If you leave me, I'll slaughter those whom you dearly love. Remember. I'll kill Father and little Titus. "

Suddenly, the grip around her loosened, the hand on her neck was disappeared, but Trudy stood there, petrified on the spot. Eyes distant. Her entire body, mind has gotten numb.

"So, don't leave. Let Father choose what's best for us. You and me, together," he pressed a soft kiss on the corner of mouth. "Sweet dreams, Trudy."

He walked past the living room where Nixon was still rooted on the couch, head hung low. With a growing smirk Don Faustino Caivano left through the front door....

Meaning of the Italian words used in the story.
Come osi = How dare you
Non mi stai lasciando = You're not leaving me
Vengo a prenderti stasera = I am coming for you tonight
Kali= Hindu goddess of death.

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